High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1416:

"What arrangements do you European gods have when they come here this time." After talking about the gossip, Qin Heqing asked about what he cared about again—

The purpose of the actions of the European gods.

"Didn’t Athena tell you, contact Olympus, the Nordic Assas, the gods of Sumerian civilization, the Slavic gods and the Father of Monotheism in this world, and discuss the specific content of cooperation." Especially as if you knowingly asked, and said with a surprised look.

"Just so?" Qin Heqing questioned.

"Otherwise, what else can be done." Anat asked back.

"Don't you plan to take advantage of this opportunity for cross-world cooperation to jointly drive away the monotheistic teachings that eroded your place of faith, and eliminate the heavenly Father God?" Qin Heqing asked without a meaningful temptation.

After all, the only thing he can think of right now may be this one. As for...

Either there is no condition or no clue, otherwise, where does he need to talk nonsense with the mad woman, Anat, and say something messy? Going out and fooling around with Sagara Yoshiyo long ago.

"Well, if the gods of the major European gods can really unite together, it's not impossible to do this kind of thing." Anat was surprised when he heard that there was no abnormality on his face or it was revealed. , Instead, thoughtfully muttered, "It's a pity that the European gods are deep in their minds, and their interests are important. It may not be a problem for them to share the benefits, and unite to find the trouble of Heavenly Father..."

After talking about this, Anat's face showed disdain and dissatisfaction uncontrollably, and he didn't know if he really looked down on the virtues of the European gods, or deliberately showed it to Qin Heqing.

"Not so? You know, in the monotheistic bible, you have all been labeled as demons. You don't resist? It is no wonder that Southern Europe, which is the basic plate of the Olympus system, will become an important origin of monotheism. One, by using the power of the Roman Empire, the whole of Europe was included as its mission area." Qin Heqing said in astonishment.

Even if they were bullied to the door of their house, they still didn’t fight, so it’s no wonder that their land would fall. The gods either became the running dogs of the heavenly Father-the Asa tribe, or were evaluated by the heavenly Father as the evil demon-the Canaanite tribe, that is The mythological system that Anat is in, Baal, as the king of gods, was directly defeated and turned into a demon, becoming the so-called lord of the demon.

As for Olympus, it disappeared even more. Although it was not completely suppressed, a large number of gods and angels became monotheistic soldiers and generals, and were instructed by the monotheistic religion to defeat the gods such as the Slavic and Sumerian gods. , The body died in the end, and there was no trace left...

However, it is not difficult to see from here that the heavenly father is indeed worthy of his heavenly father's name, and his strength is indeed very powerful, far from what ordinary **** kings can compare to you——

At least Zeus may not necessarily be his opponent in solo.


That cargo has long been asleep in the dusk of the gods in Norse mythology. Thor, the **** of thunder, took the lead in inheriting the throne, but failed to defeat God the Father. In the end, he took the entire **** system and became the **** of the Father God. Leading the remaining Asa Protoss and other members of the Protoss who were conquered by them, they conquered the rest of the infidels, became the vanguard of the monotheistic system, and became a certain angel king.

As for the name, Qin Heqing is not quite clear.

He is not a full-time Bible researcher, and he has a very clear understanding of European mythology, even the evolution and birth of certain gods.

"The skills are not as good as others, what can I do?" Anat sighed.

"You really have no other plans?" Qin Heqing looked at her, and finally asked again like a confirmation.

"You should ask the woman Athena about this kind of thing, not me. Anyway, I don't know what hidden plans exist for this trip, so don't waste your mind with me anymore." Anat Yi Face replied affirmatively.

"Okay, then you continue to reflect here, and when you think about it, tell me." Qin Heqing didn't say whether he believed it or not, smiled lightly, got up from the chair, and informed him. He flashed directly away from the void of the world in the pot, leaving Anat, who was restrained, alone there, accompanied by the stool he left behind.


"One by one, it really isn't that easy to deal with." Qin Heqing sighed again, who appeared in the bedroom of the big house where Xiangliang Yiyang lived.

But it’s not surprising. After all, whether it’s Anat, Athena, or other gods who have visited this world during this trip, except for the island country, Sugawara Tao is really a **** who has achieved nearly a thousand years in modern time and space. Which other gods have survived for not less than two thousand years, or even more exaggerated, may have existed for longer than the civilizations of the world. Each of them can be described as old, cunning, and experienced actors. They only have more than 20 years of experience, and they have become successful. Where is Qin Heqing, who has been in immortality for less than a year, the opponent?

Even if he successfully inherited the memory of Huzhongxian after opening the world of Huzhongxian and became the new Huzhongxian, he simply digested the knowledge inheritance in the memory of Huzhongxian. For the personal experience of Huzhongxian and The human feelings and sophistication experienced in the past years have not been absorbed. One is that I am afraid that I will absorb too much.

Another is also because the memory of the immortal in the pot is missing because of the damage of the demon pot. It makes life memories and other things connected less coherently. It is better to not absorb it if you absorb it. The result is that Qin He Qing empty has Hu Zhongxian has thousands of years of background, but he does not have the life experience and wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. How can he be comparable to Anat's acting skills in this respect?

I can only admit it, and make up for the gap between myself and the other party from other aspects.

Then it didn't take long~www.ltnovel.com~ With a burst of orderly, calm footsteps, Sagara Yoshiyo's figure appeared from behind the opened paper sliding door——

"Heqing, why are you here?" Xiangliang Yiyang looked at Qin Heqing, who had come by himself without notifying her, in astonishment.

"I missed you, so I came here." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand at Xiangliang Yiyang standing at the door with a move, and Xiangliang Yiyang flew over to him uncontrollably, and finally fell into Qin Heqing's arms , Was hugged by him.

"Didn't you work in the front? Why did you come back suddenly?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at Sangira Yoshiyo in his arms.

"I feel a little uncomfortable, plus there is nothing important to deal with, so I want to come back and rest first, and then continue to deal with the rest of the work when I am fine." Sagara Yoshiyo replied.

"Uncomfortable? Where is it?" Qin Heqing asked.

He may not be able to handle other things, but the mere physical discomfort is really not a big deal for Qin Heqing, who has become an immortal, and can be decided at will.

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