High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: Contact

Of course, Saga Yoshiyo’s problem is not a major problem. After all, she is Qin Heqing’s woman anyway. She has been irrigated by Qin Heqing, not to mention becoming a superman because of this, but ordinary diseases are still not easy to find her. of.

So what's wrong with Sagara Yoshiyo?

It's dysmenorrhea!

Yes, that is, her eldest aunt is here, so coupled with the environment and climate on Higo's side, Saga Yoshio, who has not paid too much attention to protection, has a little physical discomfort, but it is not strong anyway. It was not like a modern ordinary girl who didn't dare to move even after the pain, but Qin Heqing felt a little bit painful.

Don’t forget, he didn’t really want to accompany Sagara Yoshiyo here, but he wanted Sagara Yoshiyo to spend his boring time with him. But now, the only thing that the ancient girl can do. And the entertainment methods provided for him can no longer be carried out. What if Qin Heqing is not disappointed?

And the most important thing is that it is not easy for him to leave here to find people in other areas...

After all, Sagara Yoshiyo is in a special period anyway. It needs someone to take care of and company. So even if Qin Heqing is dealing with the harem network of the Warring States period based on the purpose of a scumbag, it is not good to turn a blind eye to this. After that, Xiangliang Yiyang sad.

"By the way, Heqing, you are here this time..." The body was leaning on Qin Heqing's chest, and Qin Heqing's warm palm full of vitality was pressed and rubbed on her stomach to relieve the tingling sensation caused by menstruation. Saga Yoshiyo reiterated the old saying.

"Didn't I tell you, did you come to accompany you? Why, don't you believe it?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically as usual.

"Believe to believe, but it feels a little unreal." Sagara Yoshiyo replied.

"That's not to believe it."


"If it wasn't for your relatives and it's not easy to bully you, you can see how I tell you to experience what is true." Qin Heqing hummed.

"Then...Should I call some maids over to accompany you?" Sagara Yoshiyo hesitated and suggested.

"Forget it, I didn't come to you for that kind of thing. And even if it's really for that kind of thing, do you think a few maids can satisfy me? Are you willing to give out the benefits I should assign to you?" Qin Heqing Asked rhetorically.

"..." Sagara Yoshihiro was silent, but he also expressed his attitude from the side: unwilling.

"So you just stay, I'm not going to harm other women for this kind of thing."

Then the two of them skipped the topic and talked about other things--

Such as the trivial life of Saga Yoshiyo.

For example, Sagara Yoshihiro's specific thoughts on Kyushu governance.

There is also the marriage problem of his sister Sagarato Chiyo.

Anyway, I can talk a lot, and it won’t make time difficult. I quickly passed the day and brought time to night. Then the two of them had dinner under the service of the servants in the fuchu, and wandered in the courtyard for a while before returning to Sagara Yoshiyo's bedroom to rest together.


After so many days, Saga Yoshiyo’s relatives finally left, and Qin Heqing finally got what he wished, and once again entered the Taoyuan secret realm controlled by Saga Yoshiyo, but he didn’t wait for the trip, the bronze technique he kept in his arms. The instrument suddenly heated up, causing him to temporarily abandon certain things and instead deal with the possible changes brought about by the bronze magic instrument.

"His Royal Highness Athena." Qin Heqing greeted Athena who jumped out of the void.

"Long time no see, Jun Qin, how is your side?" Athena also responded with a smile.

"Very good, how about you, Your Highness, have all the matters on your side been handled?" Qin Heqing nodded nonchalantly, instead of telling the story of Anat's attack on him, he asked directly.

"It's done." Athena sighed.

"So the purpose of my contact with you this time is to ask about your situation, and your convenience and inconvenience to take me into Huaxia, to meet your majesty the high heaven in this time and space.

"Convenient, my side is very convenient, you can leave at any time, your Highness where shall we meet?"

"Just gather at your current location." Athena replied.

"Then I will send you the coordinates."

"No, I already know."

Then Qin Heqing understood what Athena meant. Because at the moment when her voice fell, a breath of divine power that did exist, although not strong or even able to interfere with reality, shot from the horizon, coming quickly toward Qin Heqing's location.

"Another one." Qin Heqing sighed.

However, I also understand that this time it was mostly due to the magic weapon in his hand, and I didn't think much about it. After leaving the sentence "I have to go beforehand" to Saga Yoshio, he appeared in the sky directly. Holding the magic weapon that has ended the call, I waited for the arrival of Athena.

And this time was not very long, almost in a blink of an eye, Athena, who was wrapped in golden divine light, appeared sacred and extraordinary again in front of him.

"Gui'an, Qin and Qingjun."

"Gui'an, Your Highness Athena."

The two people who met again did not waste time. After greeted briefly and explained the next arrangement, Qin Heqing took Athena and lased towards Quanzhou—


The speed of the two was very fast. Even if they didn’t start their divine power flight at full speed, they still arrived near Quanzhou Port a few minutes later. Then Qin and Qing Yuan’s powers were released, and they explored the divine realm above the Mazu Niangniang Temple, leaving themselves still The two Athena were going to go to heaven to visit the Jade Emperor. I told the Mazu Niangniang who appeared because of spiritual spying, so that Mazu Niangniang could show up in front of them~www.ltnovel.com~ Let me introduce you to you. She is the **** of maritime affairs in the Eastern Heavenly Court, and the mazu empress who has the honorary title of "protecting the country and protecting people, Zhaoying Hongren Puji Tianfei". "Qin Heqing, as an intermediary, introduced to both sides, "This is the goddess of war and wisdom of the Western Olympian gods, the daughter of the **** king Zeus, and His Royal Highness Athena. At the same time, he is also one of the main organizers and persons in charge of our trip. "

"Mo Niang has seen Her Royal Highness Athena." Mazu mother was shocked when she heard that Athena was still a ‘princess’, and then the courtesy of the Han nationality’s courtesans, that is, ladies bowed down to meet the courtesy.

"Mo Niang, is Niang Niang's name?" Athena asked with a curious smile on her face.

"Yes." Mazu straightened up and nodded affirmatively.

"I am not very familiar with your Chinese culture, but from the name alone, I can understand that Mo Niang is an existence worthy of faith and respect, and is worthy of the trust of ordinary mortals. I came here for the first time, and I hope Mo Niang will be able to help me in the future. Just to mention a few words, so as not to prevent me from evil your Lord God because I don't understand the relationship of etiquette." Athena suddenly asked with a kind face.

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