High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1429: Incident

With a decision, the next thing is simple. According to the law, Qin Heqing granted the theocratic seals of Duowen Tianwang, Miji King Kong, Narayan King Kong and Wufang Jiezhe to Buddhism King Kong and Arhats. , And then made a small Bodhisattva seal with the attributes of a mountain **** and gave it to the mountain king Rijimingshen to fuse. The gods who descended from the entire Buddhism system were dealt with one by one and became the internal personnel of the heavenly court established by Qin Heqing.

"Do you really have a way to resist Gao Tianyuan or Izumo country's attack on you?" Because of your relationship with yourself and you are really curious about the bottom power of this cottage, which bears the name of heaven, the reason becomes four. One of the great heavenly kings asked Qin Heqing from the Bishamen Heavenly King of Duowen.

"As long as Amaterasu and the founding seven gods don't show up, even if the male **** Susano is face-to-face, I'm sure to resist his attack." Qin Heqing smiled and replied confidently.

"Really?" Jiu Gong said in astonishment.

He thought that Qin Heqing's words to withstand the attack before was just to fool people and use them to boost himself. How could it be thought, this seems to be true! Can't help but be surprised, and then feel incredible--

Where did my descendants come from so much confidence?

"Because of Taibai Jinxing?" Bishamontian confirmed thoughtfully.

"Not only Taibai Jinxing, but also my Heavenly Emperor." Qin Heqing smiled proudly.

"Oh?" Bisha Mentian's eyes flashed and he observed Qin Heqing with interest.

After all, her current identity is the **** of battle, so whenever she encounters a new opponent who can make a difference in combat, she will feel excited, excited, and wishing to have a good fight with that person to satisfy herself Desire to fight.

Even if Qin Heqing's current status is not only the ordinary descendant of Jiu Gong, but also the emperor of Heaven, her new boss is the same.

Fortunately, although she is fond of war, she is not like the Spartan in Greek mythology and legend. She regards battle as life. As long as she has the opportunity, she will fight until she is dead, so she did not express her thoughts. After coming out, just saying "then I'll wait and see" in a meaningful way, and then greeted the surrounding Buddhist gods in Tianjin and disappeared into the shrine of Jiugong...

"Since you are sure to resist the suppression of Gao Tianyuan and Izumo, then I am relieved, it is not for nothing to help you pull out all the family background to help you support the front." And after Bishamontian and others left, The wine master also exhaled for a long time, as if he had let go of a certain burden.

"Liu Jiu Gong has bothered." Qin He apologized.

"No need to be like that. You didn't take the initiative to raise this matter. And in this case, you can still not involve the family members. I have to say, in terms of being responsible, the Qin family on the human side is now None of the tribes over there can compare to you, all of them are silverfish who only know how to enjoy themselves and don’t want to get in! If you have the opportunity, you might as well help discipline. After all, you are all a tribe, flowing. With the same blood, it just separates myself from them, and it seems too lonely..." Jiu Gong is a little helpless, and he is full of hatred for iron and steel, with a little plea that is difficult to hide. The tone said.

Obviously, when the Jiu Gong was in the heaven realm, it was not that he paid no attention to the Qin clan in the human realm. He also knew why there were only a few young female clansmen in Qin Heqing's side. No other clansmen were seen, but they did not know why. What ideas do not interfere too much.

But he didn't want to fall to the end, he still wanted to intercede with Qin Heqing for the Qin clan, whose bloodline was so thin that almost none of his descendants were his descendants.

I have to say that when the ancestors are the wine master, there is really no one...

Anyway, through history, Qin Heqing can't find similar characters anymore.

"I can only say as much as possible. As for thoroughly intervening in the affairs of the Qin clan... Then forget it." Looking at the Jiu Gong with a look of expectant expression, Qin Heqing did not say anything about the Qin clan and me. What does it matter? He sighed secretly and replied in a slightly euphemistic tone.

"As much as possible. After all, the level between you has been stretched so big, you really want you to put aside your own affairs and take care of them... I can't hold back this face. Let it be." Jiu Gong said happily.

After all, Qin Heqing is now a real god, and the people he interacts with and know are also great gods like Pisha Mentian. I really want him to put down his body to manage the Qin clan. It doesn’t matter whether it’s worth it or not. Just that kind of picture is enough People can't bear to look, so it's better to keep the current state, and then let Qin Heqing take care of the Qin clan at an appropriate time through the goodwill he left behind. With the resources he currently possesses, even if it is just a few points, it is enough for the Qin clan to create an Ampere Ching Ming-level Great Onmyoji or Tuyumen Taichang-level Great Priest.

In terms of the current world, it will be enough for the Qin clan to continue to flourish for hundreds of years.

"Okay, I should go back too. I will continue to pay attention to Takatenhara and Izumo. As soon as there is news, I will find a way to convey it to you."

"Then you will work hard."

Afterwards, Jiu Gong was not staying either, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

"Huh...I'm finally done." Qin Heqing, who also sent the last Jiu Gong back to the God Realm, exhaled. Then I didn’t stay longer at the shrine, my figure flashed, I went to the clubhouse, and once again enjoyed the life of the so-called wine pond meat forest...


That evening, when Qin Heqing was preparing for the grand opening ceremony of the Heavenly Palace Palace tomorrow, he had already been tossed aside, and the bronze artifacts used to communicate with the gods that had not responded for several days were suddenly hot again. He got up, then flew out of his hand by himself and floated into the air, shooting out the owl symbol that belongs to the goddess of wisdom, Athena, to show who wants to contact him.

So Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand and activated the communicator ~www.ltnovel.com~ to fully reveal Athena's figure.

"Gui'an, Your Royal Highness Athena. Is there anything going on looking for me at this time?" Qin Heqing asked the goddess Athena, who looked at the screen, although still glamorous, but still exhausted.

"Gui'an, Qin Jun, have you seen Anat recently? Or in other words, have you sent Anat back from a different time and space world?" A gentle smile appeared on Athena's face, watching Qin Heqing on the screen asked.

"No, how?" Qin Heqing asked with a puzzled expression on his expression unchanged.

"Then can I ask you to go to another world and contact her for me?" Athena frowned when she heard the words, and asked.

"What happened?" Qin Heqing still asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet, so can you trouble Qin Jun first to contact her?"

"Well, then I will leave for a trip." Qin Heqing nodded and agreed.

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