High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1430:

"Thank you." Athena thanked her.

Then the two cut off contact, and Qin Heqing also got up, rushed to the Nichimu Shrine, and then entered the Warring States time and space through the Bone Eating Well.

"It seems that Anat's disappearance has finally attracted the attention of the gods..." Qin Heqing, who stood on the ground again, muttered thoughtfully, looking at the star and moon in the time and space of the Warring States Period.

I just don’t know if Anat’s disappearance will affect the next joint operations of the two worlds...

But I didn’t worry too much. After all, he did it more secretly, coupled with the natural separation of the two worlds and the shielding effect of the heavenly secret in the world in the pot, even if Anat really told Athena or the Moon God where he was before coming to him. Ann didn't care, as long as there was no evidence, they would not dare to take what they did.

As for the reason?

Naturally, it is because he has the ability to travel between the two realms. If he is to attack him now, the result is likely to interrupt the communication between the two realms, the salvation plan is suspended, and finally the two worlds will be destroyed together with Qin Heqing in a great collision between heaven and earth. Among.

As gods, the elders who enjoy boundless welfare don't have the courage to do this kind of meeting together.

So after sitting for a while in the Warring States Time and Space, Qin Heqing, who felt that time was almost up, jumped down the Bone Eating Well again and returned to modern time and space——

"How?" Athena, who received Qin Heqing's contact, immediately contacted and asked.

"No, I can't get in touch." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Can't you get in touch..." Athena frowned.

"There is no reaction at all, just as there is no Anat in that world."

"..." Athens was silent, and finally sighed, "Then I know, please trouble you, Jun Qin, I still have some things to deal with. We will contact you when we have time."

"Okay." Qin Heqing responded.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet. I succeeded in creating the Heavenly Court and became the God of Gao Tian. After the matter is over, I am giving the gift." Just when the contact was about to be cut off, Athena seemed to suddenly remember something. Congratulations to the Chao Qin and Qing.

"You know?" Qin Heqing said in astonishment.

Although his creation of the small heavenly court did not deliberately conceal it, because of the existence of the barrier of Xinza city, only their insiders of the heavenly court knew about it, and then it was because of the various shrines and temples enshrined in Xinza city, or Because of personnel exchanges, the prayers of priests and monks in the shrines and temples in the surrounding island cities are passed to the ears of the gods of Takatenhara. It is logically impossible to pass to the ears of Athena so quickly...

"The current situation is so sensitive. Anything in a certain **** system will attract the attention and scrutiny of other gods. What's more, Gao Tianyuan seems to have the idea of ​​raising troops. When the rules of war change, my war and wisdom It is impossible for the person in charge to not feel a reaction at all, and to investigate again will naturally know what happened. However, I did not expect that you will take this step at all. Is there any reason?" It seems that Qin Heqing is misunderstanding something. Athena first explained how she got the news, and then asked curiously.

"Probably it was stimulated by the splendor of the heavens in the time and space of another world." Qin Heqing thought for a while, and replied with a reason that seemed reasonable, but in fact it was completely untenable when it was really detailed.

"I was irritated? Why?" Athena still asked with a little puzzled. I don't know if it's really puzzled, or deliberately pretending to be like this.

"Two reasons, one is the same as the heavenly court. Although the heavenly court in our world is still famous, but the essence of the inner part can be said to have been destroyed in the invasion of the evil **** thousands of years ago, and there is only one left. It’s a pretty body, it’s been beaten to pieces in the eight-nation coalition incident in modern times, and it can’t even maintain its final decentness. Compared with one, the heaven in different time and space is just like being in a dream. For someone like me who has a certain yearning for Heavenly Court, it can be said to be abnormally irritating."

"Not to mention, I am a cultivator of the Profound Clan of the Heavenly Court, and to a certain extent, I can be regarded as the orthodox successor of the Heavenly Court. I really just watched the Heavenly Court completely defeated. To be honest, I can’t do it a bit, and I can’t bear it! So I want to take advantage of this last time in the world to rebuild the heavenly court and restore the decentness of the heavenly court, so as not to let it fall into nirvana with the world so badly..."

Although this sounds a bit wishful thinking and hypocritical, Athena did not provoke or refute. Instead, she nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Do you need me to support you?"

"There is no need for support. After all, this is the Heavenly Court in the East. How can it be rebuilt with your Western resources! However, it is still necessary to admit it, so I hope that when my Heavenly Court is built to a certain level, Goddess Athena can Representing the West, even if it’s just the Olympus **** system that recognizes my formality of Heavenly Court, let me re-inherit the name of Heavenly Court." Qin Heqing shook his head and made a new condition.

"Then it depends on the construction of your heaven. If it is really bad, even if I am willing to admit it, there is no way to give equal recognition on behalf of the gods." Athena said politely.

"I understand."

"That's it, hang up, let's see you later if you have anything."


Then the two cut off contact again, Qin Heqing also relaxed, chuckled, and returned to his home in Xinzuo City, once again picked up the previous plan, and studied the matter about Luo Tiandajiao tomorrow morning. .


No matter what happened all night, time came safely to the next day.

At six o'clock in the morning, Qin Heqing, who got up early because of something in his heart, finished washing and dressing ~ www.ltnovel.com~ step by step towards the original Pinglin Temple, where the current Earth Temple is located.

Yes, use walking.

After all, if you move directly across the space, you feel less sense of ritual, and if you take a taxi, you feel that the style is not enough. Riding a bike is out of grade, and only walking, which is the most primitive way, is more in line with your current situation. Take a moment to calm down and adjust your state so that you won’t be too excited to affect the progress of things after waiting for the place.

What's more, with his current strength and means, even walking may not be any slower than a full-speed vehicle. Shrink the ground to understand?

So it didn't take much time, Qin Heqing arrived at the Tiangong in the center of the city from his home in the west of the city, and met Natori who had also got up and started preparing at this time and the maidens who were in charge of managing the Tiangong on the ground.

"How are your preparations?" Qin Heqing asked when he approached Natori.

"According to the ritual procedures you gave, everything is set up, and only after the people enter the venue, you can start the ritual activities." Natori replied.

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