High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: Surprise

After a while, Lu Chengxuan disappeared completely, and Haotian Tower turned into a stream of light and flew to Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing held it with his hand, and related information suddenly flooded into his mind in the form of information flow, telling Qin Heqing the way of using the Haotian Tower, the general power and the current situation.

"It's okay, the situation is not too bad." Qin Heqing muttered, who had figured out the situation.

Then with a thought, he collected the Haotian Tower into the world of the pot, and after another thought, he placed it on the side of the furnace that was refining the evil god, and the power of the Haotian Tower assisted the refining pot to digest it together. The power of Cthulhu.

Even after doing this, Qin Heqing would definitely share the harvest with a part of the Haotian Tower.

Then Qin Heqing looked at the hall in front of him again, and had no interest in exploring. Of course, there is no need to explore. After all, the situation is there. This is just the heaven created by the Eastern Emperor Bell, not the heaven where the gods live— Although in terms of function, this heavenly realm can fully satisfy all kinds of gods to move in and use, but in the case that the East Emperor Bell did not have this willingness, Qin Heqing would naturally not do more.

So the situation inside the heavens at this time can be imagined. Although the spirit of the fairy is sufficient, there are also a lot of fairy flowers and strange flowers, spirits, birds and animals, but how many treasures or pills are there. It is estimated that there is nothing, even if it was originally owned, it should be used almost as long as Lu Chengxuan was alive, typically it is an empty shelf. Therefore, after briefly adjusting his mood, Qin Heqing turned his mind and returned to the entrance of the heaven, passed through the whirlpool portal, and returned to the outside heaven.

Following that, the door of the vortex shrank rapidly, and the door frame used to imprison the door of the vortex also shrank rapidly, until finally it was compressed and condensed into a whole body of orange, like an egg-like bell, and it was over. After shaking, it fell into Qin Heqing's palm... …

The flow of information remained the same, telling Qin Heqing about its situation, how it was used, and the power that it still possessed, waiting for him to make arrangements.

Naturally, Qin Heqing didn't rush, and moved his mind to put it together with the Haotian Tower, which meant to suppress the evil god, shatter the body, essence and life of the evil god, and speed up the refining work of the demon pot.

"Remember that the other reaction location is on the other side of Tianhe?" Qin Heqing, who has handled the East Huangzhong and Haotian Tower, turned to the Tianhe River Army, which is the station of the Tianpeng Marshal among the Four Sages of the North Pole. Sheng and Yi Sheng Zhenjun looked at Tianhe, where they were located, and after pondering it, they moved towards Tianhe.

Isn’t it that I rushed in the past may be a little weird to make the Great Sage Tianyou and True Monarch Yisheng feel a little uncomfortable? It doesn’t matter, anyway, these two have already admitted in the temple before and chose to submit to him, the new emperor of good fortune. Heaven is over, so as long as they don't have other ideas, even if they are going to mess up Tianhe, the two will not do anything to him.

Of course, even if he does it, he won’t be afraid—

Like him, the Great Sage Tianyou and True Sage Yisheng are both golden immortals, but they don’t have the blessings of the heavens, only the blessings of the gods, and they are completely different from the heavenly emperor in him. At that time, let alone adding BUFF to them, even if they don't cut their mana, they can be regarded as two people with a high level of cultivation. They are not the kind of **** puppets who rely solely on gods to control the world.

Not to mention that he now has the power of attack, the Haotian Pagoda and the East Emperor Bell, which are among the top ten ancient artifacts. If they really want to fight together, he can use the power of the two artifacts to instantly suppress and even kill. After two people, they are not afraid of all challenges and can wave freely.

Therefore, in the next moment, with the change of space, Qin Heqing appeared in the cold and clear Lingxiao Treasure Hall. The main area of ​​the Heavenly Court was completely different, filled with thousands of heavenly soldiers, and a group of majestic Tianhe Water Army camps, and did not go in for inspection. Compared with the disturbing two, the canopy doesn’t know whether it is good or bad, but compared to the Emperor Zhenwu, the emperor is absolutely mediocre. The two sages directly entered the Tianhe, following the induction between the artifact and the artifact, Finally stayed in the sky above a section of the river far away from the Tianhe Water Army camp, and grabbed it with one hand. The unique power and summoning power of the artifact was released from his hand, and he ran straight into Hao. It is vast, without boundaries, and without depth, as if within the Tianhe that contains thousands of worlds and countless heavens, not even a little splash of water agitated.

However, Qin Heqing was not discouraged, still staying above Tianhe in a posture of exerting force, waiting for the artifact hidden in Tianhe to jump out by itself and fly into his hands...

As for what to look for...

Forget this.

Because the situation in Tianhe is the same as what he observed. It is not just a galaxy, but one of the water elements in the ternary heaven and earth. Its interior is boundless and vast, comparable to the super star cluster where the Milky Way is located! It can be seen from this that how vast the inner realm is and how many stars exist. It is not an exaggeration to say that three thousand worlds are ups and downs in it. So if there is no cultivation base above the golden immortal and the **** of the water genus, enter Tianhe is not much different from running through a maze to find death.

If it is not a last resort, or if you want to explore the three thousand worlds, it is better not to enter rashly.


After this, I don’t know how long, finally, as a wave of clearer and stronger wave emerged, a stream of light instantly broke through the heavenly river with boundless stars like a meteor from the sky. Fell into Qin Heqing's palm--

"This is Pangu axe?!" Qin Heqing, who subconsciously grasped the artifact in his hand, brought it to his eyes, and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the shape of his long-handled axe, the bronze color and ancient decorative patterns all over his body.

what is this? Is it a joke of the river **** (Did you lose this golden axe or this silver axe)?

But I also feel very happy, because this is a Pangu axe, in the hands of Pangu, it can open up the world, in the hands of Chen Jingqiu, it can lock the sky and the earth, even in the hands of ordinary immortals, it is a super artifact that can travel through space inside and outside the world. !

With him in ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing will get in and out of the world even easier, even if he doesn't need the Void Array, he doesn't need to take the heavenly route, he has the ability to enter the void of the universe at any time.

And the most important thing is that the Pangu Axe is the most suitable weapon to fight the evil **** in the endless void!

It is more suitable than the Haotian Tower and the East Emperor Bell.

Even if the latter two are not inferior to Pangu axe when their powers erupt at the limit, it is the same.

"In this way, only the artifact in the human world is left, and I don't know which one it will be..." Qin Heqing waved his axe twice with joy, cutting the space in front of him into narrow and narrow marks. Only then moved the Pangu axe away and turned to look in the direction of the human world——

If possible, he hopes that the artifact can be Fuxi Qin!

As for the reason, it is because the power it possesses to manipulate the human heart can better resist the evil spirit’s erosion of his consciousness and spiritual pollution, allowing him to fight more confidently and boldly, without worrying about other outside factors or Know if things can go as desired.

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