High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1449: impulse

However, it turned out that Qin Heqing was disappointed, because the artifact he found was not the Fuxi Qin he expected, but the artifact like the Demon Pot, which was made by Nuwa with his divine power-Nuwa Stone!

It's like pure crystal ornaments made with modern industrial technology, but the whole body is shining and translucent, but what is inside is not the scenery seen in ordinary crafts, but the light of good fortune brought by Nuwa's divine power-the colorful colors are like flowing The rainbow exudes a magnificent brilliance under the shining and refraction of various lights.

Anyway, if you change it to a woman to get it, even if you can’t use the magical power inside, its exquisite and magnificent shape is enough to make a woman fascinated and want to take it as her own, and hide it in her own life. The deepest part of the treasure box will never let people see its beauty in a lifetime.

And this is the truest manifestation when Qin Heqing found it-it was really hidden as a collection in the deepest part of the treasure room, placed in a beautiful box on a shelf, waiting for its owner Fortunately.

Even if the owner's identity is a seven-year-old eighty-year-old, he seems to be an old man with a lot of status and status in the world...

"Forget it, Nüwa stone is the Nüwa stone."

It is not completely useless.

Although the power of Nüwa Stone’s resurrection is not suitable for people around, it is either a monster or a ghost, or else it is an elves, even ordinary people are cultivators, even if they die, it will be one or two hundred years later, not to mention that he can still use the magic pot Power helped them prolong their lives and even change their races, gaining the ability to be almost immortal, so Nvwa Stone was really a tasteless existence for Qin Heqing.

Lost it, a pity. Let it go, it's somewhat wasteful. It is estimated that when he is desperate but not enough, he can use the Nuwa stone to smash the demon pot, and use the power of the Nuwa stone to restore the peak state of the demon pot, bursting out unparalleled power. Come to change the world.

After that, Qin Heqing threw the Nvwa stone into the demon refining pot, allowing him to merge with the origin of the pot world on his own, completing the linkage evolution of Nüwa stone and the refining demon pot, and his body shape flashed and returned to the new city. At home, after pondering, he called Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e over.

"Your Majesty." Taibai Venus and Chang'e said respectfully.

"Tomorrow you will go back to the heaven with me." Qin Heqing nodded, watching the two immortals who have become more vigorous as the heaven is established, and their cultivation bases are becoming better.

"Going back to the Heavenly Court... Is your Majesty talking about the Heavenly Court in China Kyushu?" Taibai Jinxing hesitated for a while before asking again.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

After all, he has become the emperor of the heavens over there, and he is about to start rebuilding the architecture of the heavens. He can't even have a real self by his side!

Therefore, Qin Heqing chose the Taibai Venus, no matter in which myth, history or legend, or in the heavenly system, belonged to the great minister of the heavenly emperor, and now he has achieved the position of Taiyin star monarch, which can be considered in the star gods. Talking and useful Chang'e came to assist him.

In addition to this, the Emperor Dongyin who controls the Great Cycle of Shuiyuan and the Emperor Ehuang and Nvying who are in the body of the Shui De Xingjun, even if Sa Shoujian, the veterans of the former Heavenly Jade Emperor, want to play Yang Feng Yin, the trick of overhead Qin and Qing will not be the same The way is easy.

Even if the thrones of Emperor Dongyin and Lord Shui Dexing of Ehuang Nyuying are inherited from the heavenly court opened by Qin Heqing...

But that doesn’t matter. After all, he is still the same person as the emperor, and he uses the same name. So as long as his treasure name is announced by Sa Shoujian and they spread it, the heavens on both sides will be linked by karma. , And then merged into the same heavenly court under the auspices and influence of Qin Heqing!

In other words, his heavenly court will become a part of the orthodox heavenly court, or a chamber, a branch, and the gods he has entrusted will also obey the elevation of the godhead and become real heavenly gods!

Even if the gods of the heavens corresponding to the positions of some gods did not die, it would not prevent them from competing and coexisting with those gods.

As for those positions where the originally existing gods have fallen, it goes without saying that they directly occupy the position to become the master, and become the true heavenly **** that no one can deny.

"Your Majesty is preparing..." Taibai Jinxing was shocked, and then asked thoughtfully.

"I know what you are asking. Yes, my purpose is to be the real God of High Heaven on the local heaven. And I might as well tell you that I have completed the authentication and the steps of setting the tripod before returning, and I have already obtained the acquiescence of some of the remaining gods in the heavenly court, so you don't have to worry about the dangers you will encounter when you go to the heavenly court. We are just going to get back what belongs to us." Qin Heqing looked at Taibai who was staring at him intently. Venus calmly said.

"Your Majesty has been recognized by the heavenly immortals and has become the heavenly **** of heaven?!" Taibai Jinxing was shocked when he heard the news and facts, his face was full of incredible expressions exclaimed.

Although Chang'e on the side was not as exaggerated, she also stared at Qin Heqing with widened eyes, wanting to see the joke on his face.

It was a pity that all she saw was calm and truthful. Understand that everything Qin Heqing said is true, not a daydreaming joke.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"The minister understands." Taibai Jinxing also suppressed his shock, calmly said.

"Then you can go to the pot world, and I will release you when I reach the heavenly court." Qin Heqing said.


Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate~www.ltnovel.com~ With a thought, they sent the two into the pot world.


And I don’t know if it’s because of the golden immortal relationship, or because I’m too excited to be the Jade Emperor, or if I got the East Emperor Bell, Haotian Tower, and Pangu Axe, which can help me better in the future. It was obviously too late to save the world and fight against the influence of the evil god's artifact, but Qin Heqing didn't say anything about sleeping, and he also came up with the idea to explore the void outside the domain.

And it's the kind that can't be suppressed no matter how much it is suppressed, as if you will feel uncomfortable if you don't act immediately, it's very restless...

So after tossing for more than an hour, Qin Heqing gritted his teeth fiercely after seeing the sky was almost bright, appeared in the starry sky, transformed into a Pangu axe, and severely slashed at the void in front of him——

Suddenly, a wide space crack appeared like a breach in the sky that would glow with white light. It was like a black hole sucking the clouds and air on both sides. Finally, the space crack did not occur until the instigator Qin Heqing was also involved. Under the influence of the power of the world, it slowly closed and disappeared into the air like a wound that had been wiped out...

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