High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1450: Sharp

At the next moment, the space changed, Qin Heqing appeared endlessly, without up and down, left and right. In the void that looked like the chaotic space where Haotian had been tested before, there were two huge **** of light that seemed not much smaller than the sun. Lying in the void, it emits soft light and brightness, shining brightly on the nearby void of tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Naturally, Qin Heqing and the traces of the evil **** that Qin Heqing is concerned about are clearly and identifiable...

"One, two, three, four, five, six... There are actually six orthodox evil gods!?" Qin Heqing looked at the two indescribable huge figures standing in the distance beside the huge light ball that should be a symbol of the world. There are four other four fuzzy beings that stay active at the end of the huge light group that represents the time and space of the Warring States Period, squinting in their hearts.

This is an orthodox evil god! With the assistance and sacrifice of Mo Yuan, the existence that destroyed the Nine Heavens Court established in the Song Dynasty! It is not that Qin Heqing is only a mere celestial being, and can be easily suppressed with the help of Taibai Venus or Apollo and Athena, accepting the evil spirit's psychic quality and falling from the gods camp. Therefore, in terms of power and horror, the two are completely different.

At least in terms of the spiritual pollution of the gods, the evil **** lingering in the air at the moment is called Qin Heqing, who can resist the spiritual pollution of the evil **** that has been suppressed, feels a little uncomfortable, and has the urge to go crazy and fight in my heart. Born.

Fortunately, it didn’t spread, and immediately after being suppressed by a spontaneous burst of bells from the East Emperor Bell, his mind was calmed down, and he could calmly observe the two closest to him. It seemed that they could move at any time. Come and observe him, the evil **** of small ants that suddenly appeared.

Yes, little ant.

This does not mean that Qin Heqing's strength is similar to an ant-moving creature for them, which can be easily pinched to death, but its size! Qin Heqing, who is only less than two meters wide, and even less than one meter wide, has three to four hundred meters in height for their light, and their body width is even more exaggerated. Just standing there is like a hill. Compared to his body shape, it is indeed no different from an ant.

Countless tentacles danced around their bodies, and countless huge eyeballs, two circles larger than an adult’s height, were embedded in them. Their eyes turned around, not only inconsistent, but also very chaotic. The exaggerated number is enough to make anyone with intensive phobia become tight as soon as they see it, lose consciousness and pass out.

The invisible babble permeated the void, like a huge singing of poetry, exuding the momentum like the collective prayer of thousands of people, and ignoring the barrier of void and vacuum, directly passed across the space into Qin Heqing's ears, destroying his spirit.

This is why Qin Heqing felt the mental pollution and shock as soon as he looked at them.

As for another reason...

It is because the mosaic-like things that exist in these evil gods distorted, obscured, and concealed their bodies, forming matter and knowledge that transcended human consciousness, which turned into a flood of knowledge when Qin Heqing paid attention to them. With his mind, his consciousness was confused, and the worldview was distorted by chaotic elements.

Then one of the evil gods flashed and appeared near Qin Heqing, and countless pairs of huge eyes like a car stared at his body together, observing his existence with a funny and crazy look——


Following the frenzied words rushing into Qin Heqing's mind, a more frenzied flow of information was formed that hit Qin Heqing's soul.


The Donghuang Bell oscillated, calming the outside intrusion on Qin Heqing.

"It's dangerous!" Qin Heqing, who had been able to communicate from the evil **** with the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell, had recovered from the behavior equivalent to information pollution to him, with lingering fears.

To be honest, he now regrets his previous impulse and ran out of the world alone to explore the world without completing more preparations.

If this is left here by Cthulhu, where can I regret it?

Therefore, Qin Heqing, who wanted to get rid of this half-involuntary state of life, did not hesitate, and immediately threw the Haotian Pagoda in his heart.

In an instant, I saw the Haotian Tower flash, and it appeared above the head of the huge mountain-like evil god. It suddenly became bigger, as if it had been given a triggering potion, and it could be quickly lifted from a small size with the palm of your hand. Swelling to a scale that is more stalwart and taller than the Heretic God, the next one, the majestic seal and binding force acted on the body of the Heretic God.

Suddenly, the evil **** was furious, and countless tentacles danced like weeds on the sea floor.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The mysterious light shook, but the attack of the Heretic God was blocked by the imprisonment barrier that the Haotian Tower imposed on the body of the Heretic God, making Qin Heqing's original mood relaxed and calm.

"Now!" Qin Heqing shouted.

After that, the small Donghuang Bell also leaped out of his body, or the world in the pot, the volley became larger, and once again, the invisible but qualitative sound wave rippled like ripples, penetrating the Haotian Tower The imprisonment barrier directly acts on the body of the evil **** inside.

Following that, the body of the evil **** stiffened, and the countless pairs of exposed eyes looked like the state of a human being when they were electrocuted, revealing the whites of his eyes.

Then Qin Heqing followed closely, and directly transformed his body into a tall and burly like an evil **** with the law of the sky and the earth, standing in the void outside the world as if the Pangu giant who sacrificed in the sky was reborn, with the same huge Pangu axe in his hand. Splitting, like a woodcutter cutting a tree, a sweeping slash on the body of the evil **** ~www.ltnovel.com~Puff! "

Then, the power of Destroying the Void erupted from the Pangu axe, forming a terrifying mysterious light that traverses tens of thousands of meters of void, like a sword blade, passing through the body of the evil **** with Qin Heqing's movements.


Immediately afterwards, the ground, water, fire, and wind generated by the collapse of the space violently raged on the Cthulhu’s body at the wound created by the Pangu axe like a subsequent attack. While preventing the Cthulhu’s body from regenerating, it expanded its body to a deeper level. Destruction.

"It's no wonder that in any prehistoric novel, after the saints went to the Chaos War, the main attack methods were magic weapons and fists, and they rarely used magical powers other than thunder to attack. It really wasn't without reason!" Qin Heqing secretly sighed in his heart.

But when I think about it, it feels normal. After all, the current environment is a boundless void. It is an environment similar to chaos before the birth of the world. Let alone a law, there is no trace of vitality for magical powers to take effect. The use of magical powers to fight here is not a waste of mana, it is also a matter of whether it is successful! There must be no magic weapon that is necessarily useful to be effective and sharp!

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