High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1461:

"You'll find out later." Qin Heqing said mysteriously.

No way, Mulati had to start packing things and dressing up with doubts. It was not until less than ten minutes before the meeting time that he had dealt with personal matters, and he could follow Qin Heqing out...


"What are you doing?" He wears a light pink knitted hat on his head and a big mask on his face. Except for the disguise that he doesn't wear sunglasses, which looks weird in the middle of the night, the whole person's face Only a pair of eyes are still exposed, which basically put an end to the possibility of leaking information.

"Of course I set off, what else can I do." Qin Heqing said in a bad mood.

But this also blames him. Who tells him not to come in contact with people in a serious way, and speak well, or even if Mulati is guarded against strangers, he won't be guarded like thieves and hooligans. .

Then Mulati walked over, but before she could stand still, Qin Heqing’s arms immediately encircled her waist, and then with a heart move, he changed time and space while Mulati opened his mouth. A business suite in a hotel was transferred to the capital city of April, which was still cold, and appeared in a remote corner of a street.

"Okay, here it is," Qin Heqing said.

He took her arm away, changed from embracing Mula and lifting her waist to holding hands, leading her to the restaurant not far away where she had agreed to meet...

"Sorry, please show me your membership card." The security guard in front of the restaurant reached out and stopped Qin Heqing and Mulati.

Well, no wonder Da Mi Mi chooses the meeting place here. In addition to security factors, as a membership service place, it is indeed the best place to avoid paparazzi to protect privacy, and it is also suitable for discussing some more private and important things. thing.

"Do you have a membership card?" Qin Heqing was not too surprised, turning his head to ask Mula next to him.

"Yes." Mulati nodded, took out the palm held by Qin Heqing, picked up the handbag, took out a membership card that looked like gold and not gold but also like copper and not copper and handed it to the security guard in front of him.

The latter reached out and took it, took out his own verification machine, and verified it. After confirming that the membership card was genuine, he returned it to Mulati and turned and opened the door of the restaurant, indicating that the two could enter.

Naturally, Qin Heqing and Mulati were not polite. With Mulati taking the lead, Qin Heqing followed into the restaurant together——

Afterwards, an elegant environment with warm and elegant light without the slightest ambiguity came into Qin Heqing’s eyes. The environment looked like a western restaurant, so when you entered the door, it was a dining hall for entertaining guests. A round table covered with a white tablecloth is placed inside, and there are two or four chairs beside the table, and the huge blank space left between the table and the table shows a very good effect of private conversation.

Of course, this refers to the case where the person seated is not a celebrity or star.

As for the latter two, they usually sit in small compartments or special boxes separated by frosted glass walls and wooden boards in the four corners of the hall——

For example, the meeting with Da Mi Mi today was booked in a private room on the second floor of the restaurant.

So the two did not stay in the lobby on the first floor. They went straight to the second floor along the corner stairs, found the private room reserved by Da Mi Mi, and knocked on the door.


"Jin." Although there are some changes in the voice, the voice that still does not lose the characteristics of the power comes from the private room.

"Ka." Then Mulati opened the door and led Qin Heqing into the private room.

"Mulati, why are you here?" Da Mi Mi looked at Mulati, who had taken off his disguise and revealed his true meaning, in astonishment.

Because if she remembers correctly, Mulati should be staying in the magic city at this time. Even if she wants to go back to the capital, it should be tomorrow morning. This is not like usual, because the relationship needs to be announced. Flew back overnight...

"Qin Heqing brought me here." Mulati walked to the side and sat down short, and said to Qin Heqing, who also walked into the private room.

"Hello, Da Mi Mi, I am Qin Heqing." Qin Heqing walked to the vicinity of Da Mi Mi and said in greeting.

"Hello, I have long looked up to the name. I just didn't expect Heqing to be so young, are you twenty?" Da Mi Mi got up and stretched out his hand and shook Qin Heqing's hand, and asked in surprise.

"Not yet, I was in 2003." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Then you are only 18 years old?!" Mulati and Da Mi Mi said in surprise together.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded and sat down next to Da Mi Mi.

"Then, what do you want to do when you ask me out?" Da Mi Mi also sat back in his position, looking at Qin Heqing next to him curiously.

At least she can be sure that Qin Heqing is not the second generation in the circle, but it is not known whether it is the rich second generation or the official second generation. Anyway, the energy must be not too small, otherwise it is impossible to touch Mulati. Ask her to ask herself out for a meeting.

"There is a great thing that you want to cooperate with Da Mi Mi, I wonder if you are interested in Da Mi Mi." Qin Heqing said Guanzi.

"A good thing, what kind of good thing?" Da Mi Mi and Mulati looked at each other, and after seeing that they could not get any useful information from Mulati, they looked at Qin Heqing again and asked.

"A great thing that will allow you to stay youthful, live a long life, do everything you want, and make your career go smoothly."

"Youth is permanent and live long?" Da Mi Mi said in amazement.

The latter two are nothing, although it sounds a bit exaggerated, but in a certain situation or with the help of a certain person, it is not an impossible promise, but can be replaced with the first two...The only thoughts in the heart of Da Power The next one is whether the child in front of him has an abnormal brain, or how could he say such things that only the so-called gods can do?

Or ~www.ltnovel.com~ This kid shouldn't have been fooled by the scene reproduced in the heaven yesterday afternoon.

Especially when his name is Qin Heqing, it is really easy to produce the effect of the same name, and then he fools himself into thinking that he is the real Emperor...

"Don't believe it? You can ask Mulati." Qin Heqing, who seemed to understand the idea of ​​big power, smiled lightly.

Da Mi Mi did not hesitate and turned to look at Mulati.

"Sister Mi, do you know how we came here?" Mulati looked at Da Mi Mi, then Qin Heqing, and finally asked Da Mi Mi with a wry smile.

"How did you come here?" Da Mi Mi curiously said.

"You may not believe it. Just five minutes ago, I was still in the hotel suite in Magic City, and then I only heard this guy say "go", and he and I instantly appeared on a corner of the street near the restaurant. The whole process is just like dreaming, so if he said something like this, it might not be impossible to realize it."

Da Mi Mi was stunned, and looked at Qin Heqing again in an incredible way.

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