High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1462: Cause

"Heqing, who are you on earth?" After listening to Mulati's narration, he finally remembered Da Mi Mi who asked Qin Heqing's identity.

"Didn't you already know it." Qin Heqing smiled.

"I know? When?" Da Mi Mi asked rhetorically with puzzled face.

"Didn't you say that you have admired my name for a long time, how could you not know my identity."

"I'm just a polite... wait, you mean, who are you really?" Da Mi Mi first replied with a wry smile, followed by a daze, his eyes widened, his face full of incredible expressions and anxiously asked Tao.

Even his title changed unconsciously.

"Yes, it's me." Qin Heqing smiled and nodded, and the special effects turned on, turning his clothes into the stars and sun and moon Jinghui robe worn by the emperor when he announced the world yesterday. The Nine Dragons Jade Pearl and the Heavenly Crown appeared on his head with a majestic face. The sacred appearance admits.

"Meet Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven." Da Mi Mi and Mulati were astonished. Following Da Mi Mi, who had a high EQ, quickly got up from their chairs, learning the ancient etiquette they learned when shooting costume dramas, and worshiped Qin and Qing. .

Mulati on the side saw the same situation and got up to salute Qin and Qingxing.

"Be flat." Qin Heqing waved his hand. "And this time I am coming to you to talk about things in my personal capacity from the lower realms, so those fake gifts will be avoided. You will continue to treat me as Qin Heqing, and I will continue to treat you as ordinary partners. The province makes you and I feel bothered and uncomfortable in the following discussions."

It's just that even though it is said, how can it be possible for others not to take this matter to heart?

He Qin and Qing are not so-called county and city officials, and her Da Mi Mi and Mulati are not elite counselors and virtuous ministers in the ancient Three Kingdoms period. They can ignore the identity gap and talk to the emperor on an equal footing.

"Thank your Majesty." No, Da Mi Mi could not let go of the identity gap, and still called Qin Heqing by the honorary title of Your Majesty.

"I wonder if your Majesty has anything to do this time."

"It's very simple. I hope you can gather all the popular actresses in the domestic entertainment circle in your name and accept my call." Qin Heqing did not force her to correct her name any more, and his expression was calm after the special effects were dispersed. Confessed to the great power.

"Only call for popular actresses?" Da Mi Mi was surprised.

"Only call for popular actresses." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"Your Majesty, this is..." If he knew that the Emperor of Heaven would not be like the ancient emperor in the world, he would open the harem as soon as he took the throne, Da Mi Mi would now doubt whether Qin Heqing did this for his own future. Happily, it’s the audition and beauty pageant!

There is no way, it is indeed Qin Heqing's act of convening only actresses, which is too easy to make people feel misunderstood.

"Heavenly Court reopened and Wanxian returned. As their boss, I can't just watch their hard work in 007 every day, or even for you mortals to resist all the hardships and not give back, right?" Qin Heqing smiled. Asked the big power.

Even the most dark-hearted capitalists understand that if workers are to work efficiently, wages are indispensable.

Even if, afterwards, he would use various excuses and methods to exploit these wages that should be paid to the workers, leaving only a small part of them as actual bonuses to the workers...

"Then what does this have to do with our actress?" Mulati asked puzzled.

We can’t just let our actress work to reward the fairy, right?

They are not the people of the Qing Dynasty in the ancient brothel.

"Do you know incense?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Do you mean the kind of incense enshrined in the temple?" Da Mi Mi replied thoughtfully.

"Yes or not." Qin Heqing shook his head. "It is really necessary to use popular terms as the power of human belief, which is similar to the power of faith often mentioned in secular novels, but it is also the same as the power of belief mentioned in the novel and the West The way gods use the power of faith is different. Our oriental gods need to undergo special refining when using these powers. After all, faith is poisonous."

"In the past, the gods could use the world to show their sacredness, sneak into dreams, and ask people to help build temples and gymnasiums in the world, leaving a little inspiration to help gather the faith of the believers, and then refine them into incense for themselves. Use. But now it’s impossible. After all, it’s the materialistic age, and everything must be scientific. We can’t risk dissatisfaction and harmony to go against the trend and spread like religion, so we can only retreat to the second best. , In other ways to collect the power of belief that humans spill over..."

"And this is why I found you and asked you to help organize popular actresses across the country to meet with me!"

"Because we are the stars and the focus of the people, so we naturally gather a lot of power of faith?" the clever and sensitive Da Mi Mi guessed.

"Yes, that's the reason." Qin Heqing affirmed with a smile.

"Then this thing is dangerous?" Da Mi Mi pondered for a while and asked again.

"What kind of danger do you mean."

"It's the kind of danger that threatens our lives and physical health."

"No." Qin Heqing shook his head and said, "I am not a demon or ghost.

"Then I have no problem." Da Mi Mi said with ease.

"So, you agree?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. After all, it is possible to have a relationship with your Majesty. There is still no danger, and it is possible to get the rewards you promised afterwards. I am not stupid. Why should I not let such a great good thing go? Participate, and avoid it?" Da Mi Mi asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Smart~www.ltnovel.com~ Not losing is the big power I know." Qin He Qingchong praised her with a thumbs up. "So, what do you want for the reward afterwards?"

"In addition to staying young and living a long life, do I know any other options?" Da Mi Mi asked curiously.

Or it can be said to be somewhat greedy. Otherwise, why not choose the first two things that are most important to ordinary mortals, especially mortal women, and ask about other rewards.

"That's too much. All aspects that the basic gods can take care of can be added to you as rewards." Qin Heqing smiled lightly.

Permanent youth, constant body shape, long life, 100 years of life, all diseases are basic options, other than that such as promotion and wealth, family prosperity, good luck, and even more are related to the gods, what kind of love, love, disappearance. Disaster relief and prosperity for descendants are even more routine operations of the gods.

It can be said that only mortals can't think of, there is nothing that gods can't do.

"So, which one do you plan to choose as your reward?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile, who had recounted the various buff effects that the Heavenly Court authority he currently controls can give.

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