High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1464:

"Simple, give me your hand." Qin Heqing said.

Da Mi Mi was taken aback for a moment, but he moved his position obediently, sat next to Qin Heqing, and passed his hand to his.

Qin Heqing held "Grab your incense collector with the other hand."

Da Mi Mi continued to obey the instructions and grabbed the equipment on the table.


Then a clear stream of warm energy rushed into her arm along the palm of her hand held by Qin Heqing, and went retrograde, as fast as the inner strength exercised by the heroes in the ancient martial arts drama. She wandered around in her body, and finally rushed into her left arm holding the instrument, just like when the warm current entered the body before, it did not enter the instrument held in her palm.

In such a moment, Da Mi Mi felt that the instrument in her hand had become different, and it seemed to have become some of her external organs, producing a sensation similar to flesh and blood.

It just can't be operated like a fleshy arm.

"Feel it." Qin Heqing asked afterwards with a smile looking at Da Mi Mi beside him.

"Feel it." Da Mi Mi nodded.

"The process just now is equivalent to refining, turning it into something unique to yourself, so that even if you lose it later due to carelessness or for various reasons, it will leave you more than Half an hour, or when it is more than 100 meters away from you, it will automatically be sent back to your hands, so you should never worry about it anymore." Qin Heqing let go of Da Mi Mi's hand and asked with a smile.

"No." Da Mi Mi also responded with ease.

"Come on, Mulati, you refined this too." Then, Da Mi Mi handed one of the five instruments he had exchanged to Mulati, who was watching the crowd throughout the process.

"Ah, oh, thank you Sister Mi." Mulati nodded and walked to Qin Heqing's side with something, "Trouble your Majesty."

"It should be." As he said, Qin Heqing took the initiative to grab Mulati's outstretched palm, urging her mana, and helping her turn the instrument into his own.

"In your capacity, how long will it take to gather all the popular domestic actresses together." Qin Heqing, who helped Mulati deal with the equipment, turned his head and asked Da Mi Mi next to him.

"It depends on other people's itineraries and locations. If it's only a day and a half, then I'm sure to gather the popular female stars in the circle within half a month. But only in the inland areas. As for Hong Kong and Taiwan, my influence is not that great." Da Mi Mi thought for a while and replied in light of his actual situation.

"Can't it be faster?" Qin Heqing frowned.

"After all, we have to set aside an advance amount for other people to adjust the time and schedule. If it is short, it is estimated that most people may not be able to rush to the venue to meet you as agreed." Da Mi Mi explained.

"Then half a month. I'll wait for your news." Qin Heqing thought for a while and agreed.

After all, there are so many celebrities in the entertainment industry, especially those who have been hot in the past year or two, even if they are not so-called "flow" idols, but artists, as long as there is a capital machine like a company behind them, So in order to squeeze the value of artists, it is certainly impossible to sit back and watch the first half of the house where the artists do not participate in any activities.

They are not so-called old artists. Who has such a big face and energy to eat their own money without worrying about losing popularity in the first half of the year?

So I really don't want to rush, I have to ask the other party to appear in front of him within three days.

What's more, Qin Heqing did this only to make the gods work, regardless of whether the world can be saved. If it is really related to this aspect, it is not his clone, but Qin Heqing's ontology who is practicing in the heavenly court.

"Then how can I contact you then?" Da Mi Mi asked rhetorically.

"You can contact me by calling this number." Immediately, Qin Heqing reported a series of new cell phone numbers that he had bought at Magic City while waiting for the end of the Mulati event.

Anyway, his avatar will stay in the country for activities in the future, so buying another mobile phone for domestic use is also a matter of the question. Besides, there is not much money, and it is not a waste.

"Your Majesty is also keeping up with the times now." Da Mi Mi took out his mobile phone and wrote down Qin Heqing's number, and broadcasted it back by the way, showing his number and joking.

"Although I am a god, I am also a person before becoming a god, and I have also experienced the various conveniences brought by modern life and technology. Since modern society has such a convenient and fast facility that does not lose the effect of magic, why do I again Should I leave such a convenient means to pursue the ancient way without using it? Just because I am the emperor of heaven, the representative of the heavenly gods? There is no such saying." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Sure enough, your majesty is enlightened." Da Mi said, "but now that your majesty has come, I can't help but show off the friendship of the landlord. It just so happens that the dishes in this restaurant taste pretty good. Your majesty might as well let me borrow flowers to offer Buddha and taste them together. Take a look at the food here and see if it meets your majesty’s taste."

"Okay." Qin Heqing nodded and agreed.

Immediately, Da Mi Mi found the place under the table where the bottle opener was supposed to be released. From there, he pulled out a cord with a button-like object at the bottom, and then pressed the upper button.

There was no sound, but only about two minutes later, a well-dressed female clerk opened the door with a recipe book and walked in——

"How many would you like to eat?"

"Do you have anything you want to eat?" It's not good to ask Da Mi Mi, who is called His Majesty Qin and Qing, in front of outsiders.

"You order, I have nothing to avoid, as long as the taste is not bad, I can eat it." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Then I won't be polite to you." Da Mi Mi also followed with a smile.

Then I didn’t even have the slightest polite order to order seven or eight kinds of food~www.ltnovel.com~ and the most amazing thing about Qin Heqing. Although the lobby here is decorated like a western restaurant, it also has the dining atmosphere of a western restaurant. However, the food items operated inside are not only Western food, but also Chinese food. In terms of nature, it is similar to the service provided by his Eve Club in Tokyo. It can be seen that it is also a shrewd one.

"Let's take these first, we will order if it is not enough."

"Then what do you want to drink?"

"Is there Jiannanchun?" The waiter nodded. "Then serve a bottle of Jiannanchun, and then a few bottles of black tea, so be it."


After the waiter went down, Da Mi Mi and Mulati also began to chat with Qin Heqing about other things with great interest——

For example, the image of a fairy. The power of the gods. The way to become a fairy. Before, why didn’t you see the gods appearing, and how to worship them correctly? In short, everything revolves around the gods to satisfy their great curiosity when they first saw them.

Even the whole meal process is the same until the end of the meal.

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