High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Wounded camp

"Let's go, I'll take you back." After the meal, Qin and Mulati on the Qing Dynasty side said.

"Then Sister Mi, I will go first, and for other things, we will continue to talk when I come back from the magic capital." Mulati did not hesitate, nodded and said to Da Mi Mi.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back."

Then Qin Heqing walked to Mulati’s side, stretched out his hand to wrap her waist, and flashed again, the two of them disappeared from the eyes of Da Mi Mi, only Miao Miao Yu Xiang could prove that their existence was not an illusion. It's a real fact.

"God...It's really enviable." After a while, Da Mi Mi sighed with emotion.


"Huh, it's finally finished digestion." Two days later, Heavenly Court, came out of the world in the pot again, and turned out to be Qin Heqing, who was sitting in the Palace of Lingxiao, as the emperor of Heaven.

And the harvest is huge!

Even during this period, part of the resources should be allocated to Donghuang Bell, Haotian Tower, Nuwa Stone and Pangu Axe, so that they should recover from their injuries and replenish their strength, but the remaining resources still allow Qin Heqing to The conversion of mana was completed in the shortest time, and all mana was converted into the immortal soul that the golden immortal should have. At the same time, the remaining resources also made the demon refining pot and the world in the pot have a huge growth!

At least compared with the past, the area of ​​the world in the pot has doubled or more, and it is becoming more and more like a small world, and the follow-up feedback it brings can be imagined, although there is still no way. Fully promoted his strength to the realm of Taiyi that can match the emperor's position, but also made his strength at the level of the golden immortal greatly improved!

In terms of fighting against the orthodox evil gods, even without the assistance of the Haotian Tower and the Eastern Emperor Bell, Qin Heqing could suppress them in an orderly manner with the power of the current demon refining pot alone.

At least it wouldn't be the same as before. Obviously there was an opportunity to capture another orthodox evil **** as nourishment, but the situation of suffering from the world in the pot and the lack of power of the demon pot appeared.

Because with this upgrade and repair, the refining and suppressing capabilities of the Demon Refining Pot have become more powerful. In this way, coupled with the assistance of Nvwa and Nvwa's divine power, although it still has not reached the point of speeding up the remnants of the orthodox evil god, it has also made this speed greatly improved, not to mention that there are Pangu axe and Donghuang bell next to it Helped with Haotian Tower...

Only during the two days that Qin Heqing used to digest the native Cthulhu, the orthodox Cthulhu who was previously captured by him and suppressed in the pot world was divided into countless sections by Pangu axe, like unloaded food parts, in the East Under the combined efforts of the Emperor Bell, Haotian Tower, Nuwa Stone, and Demon Refining Pot, nearly one-tenth of it was digested. At this speed, at most one week, Qin Heqing can fully refine the orthodox evil **** suppressed by the world in the pot, so that he and the five great artifacts will once again usher in new evolution and improvement, and let himself in the next process of saving the world. The middle is not too weak, put the fresh meat in the mouth and can't swallow it.

I have to say that Qin Heqing is a bit swollen now, and even the evil gods that threaten the world dare to use them as food and nourishment. Before replacing it, he would never have such an idea.

I don't even dare to dream such a dream, because it is really unrealistic.

After sitting on the throne for a while, Qin Heqing called Taibai Jinxing, Tianshi Sa Shoujian, the newly appointed Marshal of Tianpeng, the Great Sage of Tianyou under the command of Tianhe Marines, Emperor Jun'e of Dongyin and Emperor Chang'e of Taiyin star. In the hall.

"Meet your majesty." The officials worshipped.

"Flat body." Qin Heqing also took out the emperor's prestige and raised his arm to show his relief.

"I don't know if your Majesty called me to wait, what is the reason for me to wait." Sa Shoujian asked.

"Mainly I want to ask about the operation of Heavenly Court during my retreat." Qin Heqing replied.

"Thanks to your majesty, the heaven and the earth are harmonious, the immortals are working hard, and everything in the heaven is running well..." Sa Shoujian was not polite, first came up with a set of eulogizing words, and then narrated the specific conditions of the heaven in general.

It was not too different from what he had boasted before, and Heavenly Court was indeed operating very well.

Not to mention that the celestial female fairy has been replenished under the call of the queen mother, and the celestial soldiers standing on duty have also reappeared with the supplement of the Tianhe navy and the original soldiers who have returned from all walks of life due to the news of the reopening of the heavenly court. In the glorious days of the past, there were enough soldiers to guard every pass, not to mention, guards and soldiers reappeared on the border of the heavens to guard against the attacks and temptations of the gods of the outer domain.

As for the gods, they were gradually added in place with the emergence of the Juxian Banner. It can be said that with the exception of those who died in battles and disappeared due to the war, the overall state of the gods in Heaven has recovered about 70%, which is enough. Demonstrating the majesty, reappearing the majesty and magnanimity of the heavenly **** system in the past.

"Yes, you waited so hard."

"Everything is taken by your majesty's good fortune, otherwise the ability of our wait alone will never restore the heaven to this level." Several people said modestly.

Of course, this can also be said to be true.

After all, the Heavenly Court, without the Heavenly Emperor, where would the Heavenly Court come from?

This is not the Federation of Immortals or the Alliance of All Gods. As long as there is this organizational structure, it can operate normally even without a leader, without worrying about the future.

"How many golden immortals were in the court that day?" Qin Heqing nodded and asked again.

"Apart from me, there are still less than ten people." Sa Shoujian looked confused.

"Oh, who is there?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

This is about his next important subordinates to suppress the orthodox evil gods and save the world. It won't work if they don't understand their identities and abilities.

"They are the giant star of the Jiuyao Xingjun, Lian Zhenxing and Wuqu Xingjun. The coach of the Lei Department~www.ltnovel.com~Jiutian should support Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun. Yang Renhe, the coach of the Tai Sui Department Among the Sifang Gods, the Blue Dragon God Sovereign Meng Zhang and the Suzaku God Sovereign Ling Guang are two."

"Maybe to fight?" Qin Heqing thought for a while and asked again.

"Giant Star King and Lian Zhen Xing King and Tai Sui Zheng Shen Yang Renke lead the army and fight with the army." Sa Shoujian replied.

"Where are the others?" Qin Heqing frowned.

"The Tianzun of Nine Heavens Support Thunder, Puhua Tianzun, was killed by the evil **** during the Song and Yuan wars. Although he has been reborn because of the benefits of the Conferred God List, the remaining influence still greatly reduces the strength of Marshal Wen, plus the reason for the incense worship ...Marshal Wen's current strength has been reduced by 90% compared to the original, and it is only comparable to the newly ascended ordinary celestial beings, but there is no way to fight outside as the main force."

"The situation of Xingjun Wuqu is similar, except that he was more fortunate. He did not die in the war that year. Instead, he managed to save his life, but he also contaminated the law body. It can be said that he has been trying to clean up the past few hundred years. The hidden danger of falling off, so although the strength has not regressed too much, it is obviously not as good as it was in the past."

"Similarly, there are two gods like Meng Zhang and Lingguang, and I hope your majesty can consider them carefully."

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