High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1466:

"Is there no Tathagata and Guanyin?" After listening to Sa Shoujian's introduction, Qin Heqing suddenly found a blind spot and asked.

"Your Majesty don't know?" Sa Shoujian asked with a strange expression.

"Know what?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"As early as the Jade Emperor period, there was already a tendency to split between the east and the west. Therefore, although the Buddha Tathagata still has the name of the Western Buddha in the heaven, it is also called Guanyin as the auxiliary position in the heaven, but in fact the two sides have already If you are alienated from the connection, it is even more needless to say that the evil gods were not the only one of the evil gods created by the evil spirits. The great sun Tathagata Buddha and other incarnations of the evil gods were also affected by the evil gods. He became a demon Buddha, and when he attacked the heavenly court with the evil god, he broke into the pure land of the western sky, and violently clashed with the Buddha, Buddha, and Bodhisattva such as the Buddha Tathagata and Avalokitesvara... So in the end, even though he was demonstrating God, Emperor Zhenwu, Nine Heavens should aid Thunder, Puhua Tianzun, Taishang Laojun and other great supernatural powers to suppress and save Tian Qing, and the pure land of Buddhism is also greatly injured..." As the elder of Tianting in the Song Dynasty, he experienced the Jade Emperor's supremacy to the destruction of the demon yuan. Heavenly Court and the subsequent series of development and changes of Heavenly Court Sa Shoujian also spoke with emotion and lingering fears.

The result is that the Pure Land of Buddhism was ruined, and the Tathagata incarnate as the great day incarnation that saved the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Vajra and Arhats, and the Demon Stained. The Bodhisattva Guanyin and Da Shizhi also ran out of mana for rescuing and purifying the pure land, and their incarnation collapsed and died. The two Great Bodhisattvas of Manjushri and Samantabhadra were seriously injured and have not been seen since they fell asleep.

Other Buddhism powers such as Venerable Kassapa, Protector of Vedic, Destroying the Dragon and Falling Down the Tiger and Arhats, etc. The death of Buddhism, the rebirth of rebirth, or else it was disobeying the superiority of the Jade Emperor and leaving the Middle Earth early and going east to the island country. Develop power over there.

This is why the monks in the Tang Dynasty love to run to the island country so much.

But not only because the people of the island countries always love to run to Datang, the old Huyou monks spread the Fa in the past, and the influence of the atmosphere at that time, but also because of this.

"So now there is no golden immortal bodhisattva or old Buddha in the Western Pure Land?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Currently it is like this." Sa Shoujian affirmed.

"You talked about incarnation before... Don't the Buddha Tathagata and Guanyin Bodhisattva stay in the world, but preside over the Buddha's affairs with the dharmakayas of incarnation, response, and samsara?" After a pause, he found that Qin Heqing confirmed this key point.

"As His Majesty said, both Tathagata and Guanyin are incarnations, and the body is missing." Sa Shoujian affirmed.

"Nowhere?" Qin Heqing frowned.

He thought that these two, like those ancient gods, went outside to open up a living space for the human race and create a new world.

"According to Zhang Tianshi, who was still alive at the time, the Buddha Tathagata left the world during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, while Guanyin was around the end of the Tang Dynasty. As for the more specific, I don't know."

After all, he Sa Shoujian was the enlightened Dao of Song Shi, and he didn’t wait to understand in the Haotian Heavenly Court, Lin Lingsu made the Jade Emperor Heavenly Court, and operated like a tiger. Not only did he almost split the original unified thing in two days, it became Because of the nominal oneness, the actual two-sidedness also allowed his personality to continuously climb under the human sacrifices, and finally it was not until he became the four great celestial masters of the current Tongming Temple.

Then there is the Jade Emperor’s Legal Principles World, which must inherit the orthodoxy and open up the Jade Emperor’s World, until the magic element does not follow the routine and play the Evil God’s Summon, and finally makes the heavens collapse, the thousands of immortals fly away, even if the later experience Liu Bowen and others The reorganization of the Taoist masters only reluctantly set up the structure. When it comes to operations, it has long been not as direct as the Jade Emperor.

This is also the reason why it is hard to see the gods appearing in the world since the Song Dynasty.

Then there is the demon Qing’s conviction against the heavens, wanting to reconcile the heavens with other ways, causing the Allied Army of the Eight Nations to enter the world, and the extraterritorial crusade angel army broke into the heavens, completely breaking the law of the heavens, until today's good fortune Wanxiang holds the imperial calendar and contains the true way. Sen Luo Qiong Tian is high as God, and the heavenly court, which has been ruined for a hundred years, has regained its orthodoxy, with the structure, and the supreme authority to govern the world!

Only then has the scenery of these heavenly fairies of them.

"The gods like Wuqu, Nine Heavens Ying Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun, Ling Guang Shenjun, and Meng Zhang Shenjun who originally had the golden immortal realm and strength, but because of various reasons and the influence of the original war, can still find a few gods. "Qin Heqing thought for a while and asked again.

"There are also the Eastern Stars and the Western Stars. The Southern Stars confuse the Huo Dexing. The Southern Stars of the Star Doe. The Marshal of the Central Altar and the Great God of the Three Altars, Nezha. The Huaguang Emperor Ma Lingyao and so on." Shou Jian briefly recalled, and then said the names of the golden immortals who were injured in the war but did not die.

"Are these all my heavenly courts now?" Qin Heqing continued to confirm.

"All have responded to the talisman call and visited the temple." Sa Shoujian responded.

"Then declare them to go to the palace. Let me see if there is a way to help them remove the hidden dangers and regain their former glory." Qin Heqing declared without hesitation.

"Yes." Sa Shoujian answered.

Then Qin Heqing asked about other things.

Of course, the main thing is the military affairs, and the second is the troubles of the heavenly government affairs. After chatting for almost two hours, Qin and Qingcai let the people go and let them continue to deal with their own affairs and improve the heavenly law.

Then everyone exited Lingxiao, looked at each other, and returned to the mansions everywhere to start a new round of work.

"Jumen, Lian Zhen, Wu Qu, Ling Guang, Meng Zhang, Wen Zhong, Yang Ren, Ma Guangyao, Huo De Xing Jun, Dong Dou Xing Jun, Xi Dou Xing Jun, Nan Dou Du E Xing Jun, and Nezha, There are 13 people in total. I think it should be enough to help me contain the evil **** and complete the task of suppressing the evil god..." Qin Heqing, who watched the ministers leave, sat on the throne, closed his eyes, and looked for a way to clean up the evil god. He Means, while calculating the name and number of the Heavenly Court Jinxian mentioned earlier, he secretly thought.

"I just hope they won't be frightened by the original battle, otherwise even with their assistance~www.ltnovel.com~ I may not be able to make a single blow and completely solve the threat of the evil god."


After waiting for a long time, the injured golden immortals mentioned by Sa Shoujian rushed to the Heavenly Court one by one, and under Sa Shoujian's announcement and leadership, they walked into the Lingxiao Hall and paid homage to Qin Heqing.

"Chen, Sa Shoujian (Ne Zha, Wen Zhong, Yang Ren, Ma Guangyao, Ling Guang, Meng Zhang, Song Wuji, Du E, Lian Zhen, Jumen, Wu Qu, Dong Dou Xing Jun, Xi Dou Xing Jun) Infinite good fortune...Shen Luoqiongtian high God." Fourteen people prayed together.

"Be flat." Qin He Qingmianli, then said, "Do you know why I Huaner waited for the palace?"

"The ministers don't know it." The star officials and spirits gave a quiet glance and responded together.

"Then I will tell you that I am ready to use you."

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