High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1467: Shi En

"Wish to go through fire and water for your Majesty!" All the immortals responded in unison.

"Very good." Qin Heqing nodded with a smile, looking at only five short stature, looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, looks like a pink jade, white and red Nezha said, "Nezha, Come forward."

"Yes." Nezha replied and walked near the imperial rank under the gaze of everyone. But it's just standing under the imperial rank, as for going up, that is absolutely daring.

He is not the daring guy of the monkey, he can ignore the dignity of the heavens and the earth and touch the face of the heavens, even if this is the permission of the heavenly emperor, the group of old immortals behind him may not be willing to let him make this mistake.

Even if his father Tota Heavenly King was gone because of the devil's invasion of the sky, the Heavenly Court was gone without the exquisite pagoda that could conquer him.

"Listen to Master Sa, do you have injuries?" Qin Heqing didn't force it, got up and walked to Nezha, looking at him condescendingly and asked.

"There is injury." Nezha replied.

"Where is the injury?" Qin Heqing asked.

"The injury lies in the source of law."

The source of law, that is, the source of mana, although it is not the core or fundamental, if it can't be handled, it is enough to cause ordinary people's strength to drop and become inhumane under its influence.

"Leave it out and let me feel it." Qin Heqing said.

"Your Majesty, be careful." Knowing that he should not be hurt, Nezha, who has the blessing of the emperor of heaven and the strongest of the immortals, did not hesitate too much. After a reminder, he was invaded by the power of the evil god. The mana of dye was released.

Suddenly, dense demonic energy and miasma emerged from his palm, like a demon monster without a body, wriggling and wailing in Nezha's palm, making a weird whisper similar to the babble of an evil god.

"Sure enough, it is the power of the evil god." Qin Heqing affirmed when he saw it, "You can maintain it."

After that, regardless of whether Nezha understood his intentions, he just made a move, and the water of the Tianhe River emerged from the void like a waterfall, rushing towards Nezha and the power of the Heretic God in his hand.

"Wow...pop, la la la la..."


Then Nezha snorted, frowned, and resisted with the mutated mana——

Because at this moment, he had already discovered that with the inexplicable surging and scouring of the Tianhe River, the mana in his body, as well as the power of the Cthulhu that was contaminated throughout his body due to the operation of mana, and even penetrated into the skin and flesh and blood. Lidu is like filth washed away by clear water, rushing out of his body quickly, floating on the surface, and then sinking into the unknown void with the surging of Tianhe water...

"This is... the Tianhe spell?" The few big stars watching from the side also perceive the changes that Nezha is undergoing, and they can't help but their eyes light up, and they are surprised.

Since Nezha’s injuries can be handled by His Majesty the Emperor, does that mean that the effects and injuries on their bodies caused by the war can also be resolved?

"It's just that when did the Tianhe spell use this kind of ability to revert to the original?" As the Tianhe navy master, a colleague and friend of the Great Sage Tianyou, and also a Dao on the side of the Taoist Tianting series of spells, Sa Shoujian, who was quite familiar with this kind of curse related to Tianhe, said in doubt.

If he is so good, even if he is not stepped on the threshold by the heavenly immortals who have encountered the same situation of everyone and begged to come, it should not be rare for Tianhe to be injured and need the existence of Tianhe to wash the body.

But in fact? Since Yuming, he has never encountered a **** who wants to throw himself into the river, nor anyone who wants to ask him to use the Tianhe curse to help purify, everything is still the same, as if the immortals never knew that the Tianhe curse could be. The body is like purifying the Law Bodies. I have to say that this is a very surprising thing.

He didn't believe that, among the injured group of immortals in the heavenly court, none of them had ever tried to use the spells they mastered to clean up their own filth and cultivate injuries.

Everyone is not stupid.

"The Tianhe Curse we use may not have such power, but it may not be in the hands of the emperor." Huaguang Heavenly King Ma Lingyao on the side, or Ma Wangye touched his moustache and said with a smile.

"The King of Heaven knows the reason?" Sa Shoujian asked curiously.

In the same way, the eyes of other Star King Great Gods also fell on Ma Guangyao, waiting for his answer.

"Don't forget, our majesty the Emperor of Heaven gave himself the honorary title." Ma Guangyao didn't panic, and reminded him with a smile.

"Infinite good fortune..." The West Douxing murmured Qin Heqing's title, followed by another meal, repeating thoughtfully, "Infinite fortune..."

Lord Dong Dou Xing and Lord Nan Dou Du'er and Song Wuji of Huo De Xing looked at each other, and they all understood the meaning of Ma Guangyao's words.

"What a great fortune!" The Azure Dragon God Sovereign Meng Zhang, who also understood, looked at Qin Heqing on the imperial rank and exclaimed.

If the original Jade Emperor also had this magical power, how could these gods be beaten so embarrassed under the attack of the evil **** and the dependents developed by him, as well as the demons and soldiers? If you lose your hometown, you will also be stained with magic stains, which cannot be removed for hundreds of years.

It can even be said that if it hadn't been for Qin Heqing, the emperor of good fortune, who suddenly appeared, they might have been silent for many years before they could completely recover their self and come out again to rebuild the world.

So everyone was not talking, they all watched the movements between Qin Heqing and Nezha with blazing eyes, waiting for the final result to emerge.

Fortunately, this time is not too long.

At least for the gods in the temple, waiting for a few hours is not a surprising thing, as long as the results can be presented, then it doesn’t matter if they are allowed to wait for hundreds or eighty days. Can also afford to wait.

Then everyone concentrated, and Qi Qi looked at the face becoming paler~www.ltnovel.com~ as if transparent, the body is not like a human child, but has become a real body-where is the body of the lotus white lotus root Yeah, waiting for his final answer.

"Chen Nezha, thank your Majesty for his help, help the ministers to wash away the filth of the evil spirits on their bodies, so that the ministers can return to their original origins and regain a new life!" He said, Nezha did not hesitate, and directly stepped back and fell to his knees in the hall. In the middle, leaned over and bowed to Qin and Qing with gratitude in his voice.

"It's finished!" Upon seeing this, all the stars in the Hall of Qin Heqing and the Great Lords said with joy.

"Marshal get up quickly, there is no need to be so polite, no need to be so polite." Qin Heqing also reached down to help Nezha and said with a smile.

"Nezha, I have little study, and I don’t know how to speak, but my minister recognizes your majesty. In the future, whatever your majesty orders, whether it’s the sword or the sea of ​​hell, or the eighteen layers of hell, as long as I have a breath, I will definitely go through the fire. , I will not hesitate!" Nezha got up, but his small face was still full of serious and firm response.

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