"Dominate the world? Is the Qin finally accumulating enough strength to overthrow the Emperor?" The young man was shocked, and asked in surprise.

The Qin family knew a little bit about what happened to him. In addition to the reasons for the original Prince Shotoku, the more important reason is that the power of the Qin family is too great, so great that the Hei family and the Genji who are the emperors are also scared. Therefore, Then there will be the changes in Kyoto that will make the Qin family fall into disrepair, and even the subsequent separation of the family will occur. Otherwise, even if the Qin family is not the current Chinese, it should be Guan Bai, regent and other Kyoto officials. Strong contender.

   "This matter has nothing to do with the Qin family, but my personal opinion." Qin Heqing shook his head.

   "This kind of thing, even if you say it has nothing to do with the family, other people may not believe it."

   "This is also the reason why I have been silent and quietly accumulating strength." Qin Heqing nodded and admitted.

   This is the same as the rebellion wants to impinge on the nine races. Whether you are involved, whether you participate or not, anyway, you can't escape. If you are involved, you will consider yourself unlucky.

   "So how much power do you have now?" the young man asked curiously.

   "Has Bingwei ready to serve me?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

   "No. But it does not prevent me from examining your qualifications as a savage." The young man shook his head slightly.

   "Then the only power in my hand that can be shown outward is only one, the country of Yamato." Qin He said quietly.

   "Yamato Country? Then I don't know what the relationship between Matsuji Hideo and your Excellency is..."

   "I can only tell you that I have reached an agreement with her. As long as Miyoshi Changqing dies, she has a great possibility of transferring to my command and helping me conquer the world."

"That's really amazing news." After that, he continued with a smile but a smile. "It's just that your Excellency has revealed this secret agreement about Song Yongxiu's personal life to me so easily. Isn't it afraid that I will Is it published in the world?"

   "I can't think of a reason why you would do this."

   "Perhaps it was out of temporary interest?"

   "The Hanbei is just such a person to me. It is also a thing to celebrate for me to be able to see what Hanbei is before the event."

"Hanbei... Listening to your opinion, you don't seem to think I am Hanbei himself?" The young man narrowed his eyes and glanced at him without a trace. His expression suddenly became nervous because of his words. Toki Mei said quietly.

"The aura on you is too strong. Even if you are already trying to suppress its effects, for humans, its light is still a bit too outrageous. I don't think Hanbei Takenaka, who is a genius onmyoji, will not notice. To the existence of this problem."

   "Well, it seems that my disguise really failed."

Then the young man got up, and a gray-haired girl wearing a white shirt and bare legs walked out from the side of the screen behind the young man with blushing cheeks, rushing towards Qin He Qingnuo with a face full of bullying. Nuo said, "Hello, I'm Hanbei Takenaka. I didn't come out to meet in person immediately. I was rude. Please forgive me."

   "A kid... I should have thought of it." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

   should have thought of it long ago. After all, even Oda Nobunaga is a 16-year-old girl. It is unreasonable that Hanbei Takenaka, who is historically younger than Oda Nobunaga and nearly ten years old, is a mature male youth.

   Even if there are historical problems, it shouldn’t be like this.

   "I'm not a kid anymore." Hearing this, the real Takenaka Hanbei immediately puffed his cheeks and retorted angrily.

   "Hi, hi, you are no longer a child, I made a mistake, I apologize." Qin Heqing responded with a perfunctory attitude.

   "Do you still want to recruit my master now, your Excellency?" At this moment, the young man on the side walked to Hanbei Takenaka's side, bearing the pressure from Qin Heqing on her behalf.

   "I don't know what your Excellency is called?" Qin Heqing asked back.

   "Your Excellency can call me ex-gui."

   "Well, former ghost, if Hanbei himself is willing to be an official, I don't mind accepting you as a member of my force. It's just that you don't seem to have this idea."

   "Indeed." Takenaka Hanbei affirmed.

   Not to mention the distance between Yamato Country and Mino Country, which is similar to the effect of Emperor Tiangao, but she herself has no intention of abandoning Saito's family or abandoning Mino Country directly to serve her people.

   This is not only because of her origin-the branch of the Toki clan guarding daimyo of Mino Kunihara, to a certain extent, is the essential master of Mino Kuni. It's also because of her current status-the lord of Bodhi Mountain City, Bupa County, Meinong.

  As the leader of a power, she would give up great resources when she was stupid, and directly incarnate as a ronin and go to Qin Heqing to work.

   is not a wandering ninja.

Seeing this, Qin Heqing did not force any more, after simply communicating some information, and after getting some information about the monster forces in this world from the hand of Hanbei Takenaka, a martial artist and onmyoji, he took the initiative to leave. Once again embarked on the journey to the Miko's Institution.

   "That person is dangerous." Hanbei Takenaka looked at the carriage that was going away and whispered to the former ghost next to him.

   "I noticed that there is a monster on his body."

   "Youkai, isn't it because of ghosts?"

"No, but a feeling that is deeper in nature, as deep and majestic as the sea... So if it is not necessary, it is better not to conflict with them." Qianggui said seriously~www.ltnovel.com ~I got it. "


"The canine family, the wolf monster family, the ocelot family, the dodo family, the snow girl family, the fox family, and all kinds of strange lone monsters... Tsk, this number is really a lot." On the way to the Hida country, he was nestled in the car. Qin Heqing, who looked at the monster force information given by Takenaka Hanbei, muttered with his heart full of monsters.

   "At least there are no dangerous ethnic groups on this island, right?" Yue'er said comfortingly.

   "That's true." Qin Heqing admitted.

Indeed, except for the lone ranger-like monsters and monsters and groups that Hanbei Takenaka didn’t know about, the forces that can directly establish the country of monsters like the kenya and wolf monsters are all active in Shikoku and Kyushu. Otherwise, it was active in Hokkaido and the northeast of the main island, similar to the later Aomori area. As for the Kanto, Kansai, and Gyeonggi regions, it is not known whether it is the influence of the gods or the relationship between human activities. The number of monsters is relatively rare.

   "But the Izu country seems a bit unusual." Qin Heqing frowned at the introduction of Izu country.

   "What's the problem?" Yue'er wondered.

"Look, it is said that a kennel appeared here almost forty years ago and wreaked havoc on the surrounding area. It was only after the appearance of the witch Kikyo that the kennel's activities converged and disappeared completely thirty years ago. , And the legendary Miko Kikyo also disappeared with the kennel, and I don’t know if it is all gone or what."

   And the most crucial point is that Qin Heqing is very familiar with the plot, and seems to have seen it somewhere...


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