High Priest in Japan

Chapter 817: Miko Organ

"I remember."

"What?" Yue'er looked at Qin Heqing with confusion, wondering what was going on with his sudden voice.

"Nothing." Qin Heqing shook his head.

I can’t tell her that he remembered what he called it because he remembered where he saw a similar plot, right?

Not to mention the question of credibility and untrustworthiness, it is not what Qin Heqing is willing to do just to expose the possibility of his second rebirth. So I can only silently think about the plot content related to the kenya and the witch Kikyo——

"Well, I said that the situation in this time and space is so weird. After working for a long time, it is the world of Inuyasha. It is no wonder that even women of the civilian level in this world have not developed into crooked bones when they are malnourished Jujube, it won't be eye-catching." Qin Heqing murmured silently.

Yes, with the convenience of the information given by Takenaka Hanbei, although Qin Heqing hasn't figured out the specific situation of this time and space, he still thinks of the situation of the monsters!

—— It turned out to be the world of the island animation "Inuyasha" loved by the junior and sister when he was in college in his previous life.

Although he didn't read all the story of Inuyasha because of the unsuccessful pursuit, and also forgot a lot of content because of the time too long, he still remembers part of the setting of Inuyasha.

For example, the protagonist of the story is Inuyasha and a girl from later generations Kagome...

"After going to the shrine hall, let's go back to Izu." After a while, Qin Heqing raised his head and said to Yue'er who was reading the information about the monsters.

"Go directly to Izu?" Yue'er asked in surprise.

Qin Heqing nodded.

"Not going to Echigo (Uesugi Kenshin) and Kai (Takeda Shingen)?"

"not going."

"There is always a reason." Yue'er said puzzledly.

"I have something I want to confirm immediately."

"In Izu country?"


"What is it?" Yue'er asked curiously.

"Clues about whether we can go home or not." Qin Heqing said solemnly.

"Okay, then it's up to you. After the Miko's trip is over, I will immediately return to Izu via Shinano." Yue'er looked at Qin Heqing carefully for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

Even if she didn't know where Qin Heqing's clues came from... But out of trust in Qin Heqing and her own duty, she didn't mind to accompany Qin Heqing on this trip.

Anyway, Uesugi Kenshin and Kai Takeda can't lose them. It's a big deal to wait for the clues to be confirmed and Hojo Soun.

So there is no accident afterwards-

In other words, no events that affected the goal of the itinerary occurred anymore. As for other things such as encounters with robbery and chaos, after Qin Heqing, Yue'er and Yunv showed enough miracles, they were all no longer a problem.

So after a few days, Qin Heqing finally arrived at the Missile Nation where the Miko Organ was located smoothly according to his own plan. After randomly looking for some inquiries from the residents of the Hida country, he easily came to the foot of the sacred mountain where the shrine organ was located.

"Do you remember this place?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at the taciturn jade sign Fenghua beside him.

"There seems to be some impression." Yuqi Fenghua frowned.

And this situation has been going on for a long time. Basically, from the moment of entering the Hida country, Yuqi Fenghua seems to be trapped in a strange atmosphere, exuding an aura that is incompatible with ordinary people from the inside out. It's eye-catching.

"It seems that we didn't find the wrong place. Let's go, let's go up and take a look." Qin Heqing raised his head and looked at the long mountain road in front of him.

Yuqi Fenghua didn't say anything, but silently followed him, moving up the mountain with Qin Heqing's steps.

It wasn't until a long time to walk the stairs up the mountain that Qin Heqing and Yuxian Fenghua were able to see the true presence of the witch organization.

How to say it, in terms of scale, it is not much more than the imperial palace where the royal princess sits. But unlike the imperial palace, which is biased towards the shrine complex, the architectural style of the shrine organization is somewhat like a palace building, so it feels not only majestic, but also a weird feeling that this is not a pure shrine service organization.

Especially after seeing the witches in the witch organization, Qin Heqing's strange feeling became even stronger.

"This dress, this temperament is really a shrine maiden institution?" Qin Heqing asked like the silent jade sign Fenghua beside him.

"Sister Yu, you're back!" And those witches who are dressed and exposed, who feel like members of some special clubs in later generations? But they didn't realize it at all, they all greeted Zhao Yuqi Fenghua with surprises.

"Sister Yu?" Yuqi Fenghua tilted her head and repeated with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong with Sister Yu? You don't even remember your own name?" Another maiden was surprised. "That's right, who, go and inform Master Natori that Sister Yu is back, maybe Master Natori can know what happened to Sister Yu problem."

"I go."

Then a witch ran away quickly and disappeared into the palace group.

"By the way, Sister Yu, this one next to you is..." Another witch looked at Qin Heqing and asked.

"Hello, I am Qin Heqing, Fenghua's companion." Qin Heqing responded with a smile.

"Fenghua?" The witches asked in doubt.

"It's your sister Yu. I don't know why she seems to have amnesia, so when I asked her name, she told me the name was Yuxian Fenghua, not Yu or something." Qin Heqing explained.

"It turns out that's the case. Please come in. Whether you are here for the sacrifice or not, as a friend of Sister Yu, you can't neglect the reception."

"Not bad."

"The Yushu Palace is still empty..."

"Then we go over."

Afterwards, the witches turned into welcoming guests. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com introduced Qin Heqing and Yuxian Fenghua into the interior of the institution, and finally stopped in a rather spacious room.

"By the way, can you tell me about Fenghua? Maybe this way can help her retrieve her past memories." After everyone sat down, Qin Heqing simply took a sip of the tea prepared by the witches. Look at the witches who are in charge of the reception and ask.

"of course."

After that, the witches did not hesitate, and you talked about Yuxian Fenghua without a word. While letting Qin Heqing and Yuxian Fenghua know her past and name, they also understood the existence of the witch organization. Meaning, and their job functions.

What should I say? It is true that it is a shrine organization, and it really fulfills all the duties of a shrine maiden.

Even in a very ancient way...

Then the next moment, the sliding door of the room opened, and a blue-haired woman dressed in a white witch costume similar to that of the onmyoji hunter, walked in over the door.

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