High Priest in Japan

Chapter 828: Bone Eating Well

"Let's go." In the middle of the night, when the surrounding people were all sleeping, Qin Heqing suddenly stood up from the ground and greeted Yue'er, Ayukawa and Yunv beside him.

"Where to go?" Yue'er wondered.

"Go to Inuyasha." Qin Heqing replied.

At the same time, the movements of his hands kept forming a mantra mudra directly, and his body was invisible with the invisibility curse of Morichi's mantra and disappeared directly into the air.


"Don't be discovered by the maiden Feng." Qin Heqing explained.

"That woman..." Yue'er suddenly said nothing, and consciously entered the spirit state.

Then it was Ayukawa and Yunv. All of them disappeared. With the help of Ayukawa Nian Motive, they quietly left the temporary settlement house that Miko Feng helped to find in the village and walked into the night. He returned to the vicinity of Mikami where Inuyasha was.

Inuyasha on the tree moved his nose and opened his closed eyes.

"Come out, I found you." Inuyasha shouted at the location of Qin Heqing and the others.

"You woke up unexpectedly." Qin Heqing said in surprise.

Because he didn't wake up when the day came, Qin Heqing always thought that Inuyasha was still asleep under the seal, so he didn't put his existence in the action plan at all, and he had the current consternation.

"I've always been awake." Inuyasha said proudly.

"Then during the day..." Qin Heqing asked in confusion.

"I just want to see what your purpose is. Sure enough, your reason for coming here is by no means to investigate the so-called ecology of village residents."

"Should I say that it is the offspring of a human princess? You really underestimated your wisdom." Qin Heqing said with a little surprise in surprise.

"Let's talk about it, what is your purpose here?" Inuyasha's face turned dark, and he no longer had the arrogant attitude he had before, and asked a little arrogantly.

"Guess." Qin Heqing smiled.

Now it is not more than ten years later, but there is still a seal left by the witch Kikyo on his body. As long as Kagome does not come, Qin Heqing will not worry about the consequences of angering him.

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As for the future, isn't it still more than ten years?

Anyway, Qin Heqing was not in the mood to worry about things ten years later.

After that, Qin Heqing ignored the Inuyasha on the tree with the look of you looking for death, and greeted Shang Yue'er, Ayukawa, and Yunv, and carefully searched the surroundings, and after a while, he found the quilt near Mikami. Kagome's special square well used to travel between modern times and the Warring States period-the well of bones.

Then Qin Heqing called a few people to stay with a serious expression, "Just in case, you can go inside the demon refining pot."

"What?" Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"Because I am going to enter this well later, but I am not sure whether my idea will succeed, so in order to avoid the separation that happened when we first came to this era, I hope you can advance into the demon refining pot, In this way, even if my idea is realized, after the time-space transition is over, I can wake you up as soon as possible." Qin Heqing patiently explained to Yue'er.

"You mean, this well can help us return to the hereafter?" Ayukawa asked in surprise.

"It's possible. But I can't be sure if it's the later generation we live in," Qin Heqing said.

"Is there any danger?" Yu Nu asked.

"This is also something I cannot be sure of." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"Then where did you know that this well has the power to shuttle time?" Yue'er frowned.

Because she herself lives with Qin Heqing, she should know everything that Qin and Qing can know, not like now, when Qin Heqing knew some information, she didn't even know where the information came from. Do not know at all.

This made her feel very strange.

"I can't explain the specifics, but that's what happened, Yue'er, would you believe me?" Qin Heqing shook his head, looking at Yue'er in front of him seriously and asked.

"Since you don’t want to say it, let’s not say it, but there is no need to send all of us into the demon refining pot. Isn’t there a choice of fit? Although it is somewhat wasteful to use fit to test a certain possibility, But for your safety, I don't think there is anything wrong with doing this." Yue'er silently looked at Qin Heqing for a while, not entangled with the bone-eating well, and turned to other arrangements.

"Yes, I don't agree to enter the Demon Refining Pot either." The Yu Girl echoed.

"Alright, then use the fit skills." Qin Heqing looked at the three of them, and nodded and agreed.

Immediately without hesitation, the divine power turned, Yue'er, Yunv, and Ayukawa turned into a ray of light, and they did not enter Qin Heqing's body under Inuyasha's curious gaze——

With the explosion of divine power, Qin Heqing's image became more and more detached and noble.

Then Qin Heqing calmed down the energy surging around his body a bit, took a deep breath, and jumped into the bone-eating well under Inuyasha's frowning gaze.


With his bones flying, Qin Heqing fell heavily to the bottom of the well...

"These are... the bones of monsters?" Yue'er was surprised when he noticed certain abnormalities.

"Yeah. It is said that the source is from nearby monsters. After being attacked by Miko Kikyo, because they were too lazy to deal with the corpses, the villagers were asked to transport the corpses back and throw them into this dry well. But I didn’t expect that there would be so many. "Qin Heqing exclaimed.

After a while, he raised his head to Tiandao, "Well, let's go out and see if we have completed the jump."

Then he kicked his legs **** the ground, and rushed up to the mouth of the well amidst the huge skeletal soaring. Then he kicked out and jumped out of the well...

"It seems that there is something wrong with your message. This well does not have the power to help people travel through time and space as you said." Looking at the familiar scenery around, especially the Mikami and Inuyasha hanging on the tree. , Yue'er's voice couldn't help but sounded in Qin Heqing's mind.

"The news is correct. It's just that this well seems to have a special trigger mechanism. It is not a specific person or a designated jumping method. It can't activate the power of this well and let people travel through time and space." Qin Heqing shook his head. Some are disappointed, and some are relieved of course.

"This is what you said in the information you got?" Yue'er said in surprise~www.ltnovel.com~Well. "

"Have you ever said in the intelligence, what method can be used to unlock the power of this well?" Yue'er continued to ask.

"There is no specific way, but the key is the same."


"The jade of the four souls."

"That's the secret treasure that Beijo Zaoyun mentioned, which is said to help people control the world?" Yue'er said in astonishment.



"It seems that in a short time, we can only continue to pin our hopes on Qian-Ying Ying." Qin Heqing sighed helplessly after sealing his divine power and releasing his special state.

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