High Priest in Japan

Chapter 829: Fast forward

Half a month later, Echigo Country, Kochi County, Nagaoka Castle.

Along with the flash of golden light, a violent explosion sounded in the largest courtyard in the city, which is the residence of the guardian of Echigo Kingdom Nagao Keito, known as Uesugi Kenshin.


The people in the city were shocked. They were shocked and looked up at the location of the big house.

Unfortunately, the distance is too far to see much.

Of course, even if the distance is very close, but because of the relationship of the class, it is also impossible to ascertain anything, and can only watch the Uesugi family's situation with curiosity and tension, and look forward to subsequent changes.

And in the house? With the sound of the explosion, Uesugi Kenshin's subordinates, surnames, and guards rushed out of their residences, rushed to the explosion center, and surrounded Uesugi Kenshin and Qin Heqing who appeared inexplicably in the field.

Yes, Qin Heqing.

Since the leap of the Bone Eating Well, he knew that there was no jade of the Four Souls in his hand, and he could not open the Bone Eating Well without Kagome by his side. Qin Heqing, who completed the time and space jump, decisively gave up the development of the Inuyasha plot— —

After all, it is more than ten years before Kagome came out of the Bone Eating Well with the Jade of the Four Souls. If you have that time wasted there, it is better to complete the great cause of world unification according to the current plan, and then use the power of the people across the country. It is reliable to search for the whereabouts of the longevity cherry tree to determine the location of the Millennium Sakura.

So after daybreak the next day, Qin Heqing decisively took the man and the maiden Feng to say goodbye, returned to Jiushan Castle, stayed there for two days, helped Beijo Soun once again consolidate the effect of the contract, and took Yue'er, Ayukawa embarked on a journey to Suruga country.

what? Why didn't you ask Yuqi Fenghua and Yunu?

The former is because this kind of action is not suitable for her to follow, so instead of taking her to act together and wasting time, it is better to leave her at Hojo's house first, which can settle Hojo Soun’s heart, or let her contribute and help. Hojo Soun will complete the substantive reunification of the Izu country as soon as possible.

There is a similar arrangement with Rain Girl. As a great weather player, there is no place for her to exert her strength better than the war scene.

For example, the unification of Izu country. If the Hojo clan is fighting against the elites of the country, Yunv will directly cover a certain city and let the residents and soldiers in the city fall into the rain, even if no extra external force is applied. As a result, there is definitely no way to prepare well to deal with the attack of Hojo soldiers, thus speeding up the attack on the town and completing the unification of Izu country.

So even if Yunv wanted to act with Qin Heqing, she stayed in Nirayama Castle under Qin Heqing’s persuasion to help Hojo Soun complete the reorganization of the wealthy family in Izu country as soon as possible, and strengthen the integration of Hojo Soun and the Hojo clan under her control. Strength, prepare for the next world hegemony.

Then Qin and Qingcai flew easily to the country of Suruga, which was connected to the country of Izu and belonged to the monarch of Hojo in name, and found the guardian of Suruga country, Imagawa Yoshimoto——

A young and beautiful girl who seems to be about eighteen years old, with beautiful appearance and noble temperament!

He is dressed in a luxurious 12-dan kimono, but it is not elegant and calm at all. On the contrary, he loves the Cuju activities passed from the domestic side very much, and he is good at kicking Cuju. Not to mention the strength, the speed is also very fast, coupled with the flexible and changeable skills, Qin Heqing's personal feeling, if it is one-on-one, and in the case of not being able to get close, and not using spells, he should not be hers. opponent.

And in various senses.

This naturally also includes the aspect of force.

So when launching a surprise attack on Imagawa Yoshimoto, Qin Heqing did not hesitate at all, and immediately greeted Yue'er and Ayukawa to take action together——

But I didn’t expect it. Although Yoshimoto Imagawa seemed to have little protection, the equipment was powerful and made Qin He clear eyes. The twelve singles turned into a set of twelve separable and combinable defense suits, which was triggered. An extremely powerful barrier was unfolded. Not to mention the strong defense, it seemed to have the effect of breaking the law, so coupled with the golden dragon hair ornament on her forehead, Qin Heqing's initial attack was not in the slightest. ...

On the contrary, it also shocked the guardian of the Imagawa family, that power did not surrender more than the generals.

Therefore, Qin and Qing did not dare to hesitate too much. They immediately ran away when they saw that the opportunity was wrong, and remade their plans. It was not until three days later that they took the opportunity of Imagawa Yoshimoto to take her off and completed the contract ceremony.

Then Qin and Qing stayed in Suruga country for two days, after helping Imagawa Yoshimoto to consolidate the effect in a way similar to a sneak tryst, they set off again, went to the Kai country next to Suruga country, and found trouble with Takeda Shingen.

Um, Qin Heqing really enjoyed the figure of a mature Yu Jie who was nearly twenty years old and her wild and wild beauty...

After that, Qin and Qing once again embarked on a journey to Echigo where Uesugi Kenshin was.

But unexpectedly, Uesugi Kenshin, who was later called the "God of War", was so strong! In terms of powerlessness, not only is it not weaker than Takeda Shingen, who has the title of Tiger of Jiafei, but also in terms of danger, compared to the sword sage that Qin and Qing had met in the general's mansion.

And the most important thing is that Uesugi Kenshin's attack still had a certain magic-breaking effect, and it did not come from the fighting spirit she had cultivated, but a certain specious power.

Moreover, Qin Heqing always felt as if he had encountered this force there, and felt very familiar.

Until Yue'er spit out a name—Visamon **** power!

Qin Heqing finally remembered, isn't this the divine power of Bishamon that he had used when he was ordered to defeat the Yellow Spring in later generations!

No wonder it feels so familiar.

At the same time, Qin Heqing couldn't help but feel a sinking heart, because he thought of a legend-the legend that Uesugi Kenshin was the reincarnated body of Vishamenten. If that were the case, he would really have no way to take Vishamenten.

Without him, who would call someone on the house?

In this time and space where the above situation is unknown, Qin Heqing, who has no public relations with the wine, really dare not tell Uesugi Kenshin.

Correspondingly ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing is not sure about Oda Shinna's strategy that he will definitely encounter later——

As the sixth day demon king, the ghost knows that when he contracts her, will the demon king's divine power awaken in the soul space, and then suppress her?


"Heqing." At this moment, Yue'er on the side suddenly shouted at him.


"Look at that person over there." Yue'er reminded.

Qin Heqing was surprised, and followed Yue'er's prompt and looked at a corner near Uesugi Qianxin.

Suddenly his expression stagnated, and he subconsciously shouted "Hui!?"

Kenshin Uesugi frowned upon hearing this, and turned his head to look at the person who surprised Qin Heqing——

"Duan Zang?"

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