High Priest in Japan

Chapter 830: Uesugi Kenshin

Then Uesugi Kenshin withdrew his gaze.

No matter how strange Duan Zang's affairs are, where can it be strange? It is nothing more than people she knows, or people who know her. Compared with one, the incident of sneaking into the mansion and attacking her in the middle of the night is the most important thing, and it must be dealt with immediately.

Thinking of this, Uesugi looked confidently and asked Qin Heqing coldly, "Who are you who dare to sneak into this general's mansion in the middle of the night? What do you want to do? I don't actually recruit it!"

"If I recruit, will you let me go?" Qin Heqing also retracted his gaze when he heard that, and looked at the appearance of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in front of him, but the hair color was completely different from that of the normal island people, showing a lightness. The blue and white Uesugi Kenshin asked rhetorically.

"No. But you can call the shots and give you a joy." Uesugi Kenshin said coldly.

"Isn't that going to die?" Qin Heqing glanced at his mouth and said, "Okay, let alone those useless, let's see the truth under our hands."

After finishing speaking, Qin Heqing didn't see any actions. The unmeasurable torrent of leaves was like a blowout, suddenly spewing out from the ground around him, like a sea wave, spreading in all directions.

"Defense!" shouted a certain soldier captain.

Immediately all the soldiers took a foothold and assumed a defensive posture, or went on their own, looking for ways to defend. After all, the inside of the mansion is not a battlefield. As the guards, they never thought that they would encounter such a major attack like a mudslide inside the mansion.

Kenshin Uesugi did not move, even his face did not change. The long knife in his hand slashed forward, and with the golden light cut out, the torrent of multi-leaf flying flowers created by Yue'er was chopped apart from it, and the leaves disappeared. No, it flows past Uesugi Kenshin twice.

Then, the female ninja who had Hui looks but was called Duan Zang jumped out and landed on the surrounding roofs, shuriken shot, and flew towards Qin Heqing who was reappearing.

"Puff puff puff..."

But it all fell into the air, and was stuck in the air by an invisible force.

Then the samurai killer who finally resisted the impact of the Wanye violent surge came out and charged towards Qin Heqing.

"Go!" Qin Heqing shouted secretly.

Now that he knew that Uesugi Kenshin was not easy to do, and that he might be behind the reincarnation of Pishamenten, Qin Heqing would naturally no longer be stupid to fight with her, hoping to suppress Uesugi Kenshin, and even start with her. Contract ceremony.

Because it is not only impossible, but also very dangerous.

So flashing talent is the right choice right now.

Regarding this, Ayukawa didn't think there was any problem with this. After receiving the instruction, he immediately wrapped Qin Heqing with his mind, and with a thought, he flew away into the sky.

Suddenly, all the samurai and ninjas who had come to the end stopped, stopped in shock, and looked up at the sky.

Kenshin Uesugi frowned, staring at the sky for a long time without making any sound.

Until I can't see Qin Heqing again.

"Clean up here and go down to rest." Kenshin Uesugi looked at the messy courtyard and said to the people around who were waiting for her orders.


"Dan Zang, you come in with me." After a meal, Uesugi Kenshin said to the Kato Kee-like Duan Zang who thought of something.

"Yes." The latter answered and followed Uesugi Kenshin into the main house.


After a while, in the forest outside Changgang City, Qin Heqing and others landed in one of the places suitable for camping.

"This time and space is really weird, far less simple than we seem." Qin Heqing sat down on the chair that was taken out of the demon refining pot space, and sighed helplessly.

Even the reincarnation of Pishamontian is real, and the ghost knows if there are any other inexplicable gods who exist.

Anyway, now Qin Heqing is full of jealousy and hesitation about the next action.

"Then what are you going to do next? Give up?" Yue'er sat on the lotus throne that she had created by magic, looking at the frustrated Qin Heqing and asked.

"What do you mean?" Qin Heqing asked, looking up at Yue'er.

"Uesugi Kenshin can give up, but other people..." Yue'er said in a meaningful way.

"what do you mean……"

"Circuitous." Yue'er said simply.

"What about the goal?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Uesugi Kenshin's sister, Aya." After a meal, he added, "And among Uesugi's forces, those female generals who are more important to Uesugi Kenshin. For example, the one we saw between us looks similar to Hui. Female ninja."

"Do you know who she is?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I can guess."

"Then do you have an idea?"

"I really thought of one."


"Kato Danzo."

"Kato..." Qin Heqing was shocked, saying that he didn't expect that a ninja surnamed Kato would exist. If that was the case, then Kato Megumi's talent that weakened his sense of existence could be the reason for awakening the blood of his ancestors. ?

Then Yue'er was not verbose, and introduced the history of Kato Duanzang.

Of course, that is the well-known part. As for the more specific and secretive things, such as the background, the history of learning, etc., Yue'er is not clear.

After all, although she lived in the Warring States Period, she was awakened in the late Warring States Period. She didn't know much about the rumors of Kenshin Uesugi and his men, that is, she knew some of the widely spread parts, but she couldn't be like the parties involved. Make everything clear.

But it was enough for Qin Heqing to have a general understanding of Kato Duanzang's ability.

Danzo Kato is recorded as a man in history. As for why this time and space became a woman...Even characters such as Oda Nobunaga and Hojo Soun have become motherhood. What good is another ninja in the biography? Worth the surprise?

The exact age is unknown~www.ltnovel.com~, but judging from the eye contact just now, it should be no more than 20 years old, which is more than 20 years younger than his early age in history.

Ninjas other than Iga and Koga, there is no historical record of where he learned martial arts in secret, but his superb methods, especially good at illusion, but his skills are most famous for his agility like a monkey and actions like wind. , Leaving the city and entering the alleys are like ghosts, so there is the name of Hiyakato or Washakato in the population of this era.

However, the one who died was very aggrieved. At least in history, he died in the toilet, and was shot in the toilet by Shijingzheng and Tsuchiya Eemon under the order of Takeda Shingen.

"Then stay for a few more days, and we will leave when Aya, Kato Duanzou and other important figures are settled." Qin Heqing thought for a while and said to Yue'er who was waiting for his reply.

After all, he has already come here. If he doesn't do anything, he will leave. To be honest, he himself is quite unhappy.

Even if what he wants to do is not so justice, it can even be said that he is doing bad things.

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