High Priest in Japan

Chapter 837: Secret room conversation

It was still late at night, and Qin Heqing, Yue'er and Ayukawa, who quietly left their foothold, came under the cover of the night to the White Castle, Himeji Castle, which was listed as a World Cultural Heritage in later generations.

Of course, the current Himeji Castle is not the Himeji Castle of later generations, but only a part of it, that is, the main area. As for the surrounding castle, Nishimaru, which is similar to a garden, it will take a few years to build. Therefore, the scope is much smaller. Under the leadership of Ayukawa, Qin Heqing successfully entered the interior of Himeji Castle without spending much effort.

"Strange, I've already entered, why haven't the so-called gods of the castle tower appear yet?" Qin Heqing muttered in a low voice while moving cautiously.

This is also the reason why he will come to Himeji Castle in the middle of the night, just to see the so-called gods, or monsters, but he has no idea of ​​attacking Kuroda Kanbei.

There is no other reason. Who would tell someone is still under adulthood? Even if Qin Heqing wanted to start, he couldn't go down.

He didn't want to be harmonized by the master **** of the multi-infinite universe.

It's just a good idea, but after really waiting for the action to start, it turns out that things are not going on as he thought...

"It's probably because you didn't do anything. After all, you are a patron saint. If you don't do something like destroying the castle tower, the average thief should ignore it."

Otherwise, what is the significance of the existence of the master of Himeji Castle in the castle tower?

"Then, spoil it?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Explore it first, if you really can't find it, then use this method." Yue'er thought about it and said a more reliable proposal.

After all, the monsters of Himeji Castle are just her judgment. As for whether this is the case, she is not 100% sure. She has never been to Himeji Castle in her previous life, so she doesn't know what is going on here. The situation of Himeji Castle can only be inferred based on the reason that the gods live in special spaces, and only the monsters blatantly appear in the real world.

So it's better to be more careful.

"Okay, just do what you said." Qin Heqing agreed.

Then without hesitation, I once again concentrated on visiting this Himeji Castle, which is not yet completely complete for future generations...


At the same time, in a secret room under the castle tower, Kanbei Kuroda, who was only 1.34 meters tall, looked at the scene in the crystal ball placed in front of him and said to the kimono woman beside him, "It seems their goal is Is it you, won't you go see you?"

"I don't know them, why should I meet each other?" On the side, he was wearing a little nondescript, that is, there are Nanban elements—short skirts, and Japanese elements—the white kimono shorts designed by Nanban changed into similar later generations. The girl with a long straight black body wrapped in a kimono printed with cherry blossoms to keep warm and windshield like a school uniform shirt, with pleated decorations, asked boringly.

"And the other party is an invader, as the lord of Himeji Castle, shouldn't you ask someone to arrest them? Why did you call me this **** to meet them? Did you take my majesty in your heart? "

"Are you majestic?" Kuroda Kanbei asked calmly.

"Isn't there?" the black-haired girl glared at Kanbei Kuroda and asked.

"At least I didn't feel it." After finishing speaking, without waiting for the black-haired girl to speak, she moved her finger to activate the cord of the alert system that she had transformed in Himeji Castle after she learned Nanban culture. The guards of the city were mobilized.

"Little elf, please inform the guard of the enemy's location, and take them there." Then, Kanbei Kuroda looked at the edge of the table and sat with his legs hanging down on the edge of the table. The elf, who was only about fifty centimeters tall, ordered the elf. Tao.

"Okay, Master."

Then the elf stood up from the table, shook its wings, and flew out of the underground chamber where Kuroda Kanbei was.

"No matter how many times you look at it, the existence of this little elf you made using Southern Barbarian Alchemy is very magical. It can be called the miracle of the creator. If it hadn’t had many problems and couldn’t be called life at all, I would mistake it for You have mastered the ability to create life." The black-haired **** the side looked at the direction the elf was leaving and exclaimed.

"This is where the Nanban people are powerful. They are always able to achieve certain things that are completely miraculous to you and me through some means that we cannot understand. Even the powerful can be achieved by ordinary people. The understanding of onmyoji is completely different. That’s why I gave up the practice of onmyoji and switched to learning Nanban culture."

"I know. It's just a pity that in this era, this country, there are very few people like you, and I don't know what the world will become after one hundred and eighty years." The black-haired girl retracted her gaze. Sighed.

"Probably it will become the world of the Nanbarians... If the island nation cannot be unified as soon as possible in the next few years and find an open-minded master..." Kuroda Kanbei thought for a while and wanted to reply.

"That's really a terrible future." The black-haired girl shook her head, and then her figure flashed and disappeared into the air. "I'm going to rest, remember to call me if you have something."

"it is good."

Afterwards, Kanbei Kuroda set his gaze again on the crystal ball in front of him, monitoring Qin Heqing's movements and the possible battles that might occur next.


After such a moment, the guards of Himeji Castle finally found Qin Heqing who was wandering in the city under the guidance of the elf.

"over there!"

"Go! Catch them for me."

Then the guards rushed forward and killed Qin Heqing, who seemed to be alone.

"Huh? Was it discovered? When?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"It might be when we entered the city." Yue'er said with a narrow mouth.

"You mean... the **** of the castle tower?" Qin Heqing said in amazement.

"Who else can anyone besides her?" Yue'er said unhappy.

"Then what should I do now?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Look at you~www.ltnovel.com~ If you want her to appear, fight, and the more exaggerated the effect, the better, the better you can destroy Himeji Castle, if you don't want to, just suppress them and leave here." Yue'er Casually.

Anyway, it is a group of ordinary people, under the protection of her and Ayukawa, they don't worry that they will hurt Qin Heqing.

"Let's fight then. After all, they are here. If you really don't get anything, then go back. To be honest, it's a bit unwilling." Qin Heqing thought about it for a while, and smiled at the guard of Himeji Castle who had already killed him. Tao.

"Same!" Yue'er twisted and smiled.

Then, without Aykawa's action, a green dragon formed from countless green leaves emerged from Himeji Castle out of thin air, pushing the wall to break, and unceremoniously ramming the guards who had rushed to Qin Heqing.

"Boom boom boom..."

The guards couldn't bear the impact, they were knocked out immediately, or they passed out in a coma, or were severely injured by vomiting blood, and they wailed violently while clutching their chests without knowing how many ribs they had broken.

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