High Priest in Japan

Chapter 838: Gods of Himeji Castle

There is nothing to say. Under Yue'er's attack, ordinary people in the area really didn't mean to be a hindrance. Apart from serving as the number of kills, there was no blocking effect. Qin Heqing properly understood what kind of mowing Wushuang was. The high-energy state.

Fortunately, Yue'er is not so frenzied yet, she is really powerful to slaughter ordinary people, so although the attack she made is huge, but it also seems to be more exaggerated, the real lethality may be better than bricks. Stronger, so although some bad luck guys were hit and killed, but the number is very small, maybe even less than five, the others are all fractures and minor internal injuries, which are in need of recuperation Looks like he has lost the ability to fight again.

In this situation, within a while, the guards of Himeji Castle who had killed Qin Heqing were suppressed, and the way forward was once again presented to Qin Heqing without obstacles.

"Directly open the way and find the officer and guard of Kuroda. I don't believe it. After taking her down, the gods of the castle tower will not jump out to stop us." Qin Heqing said simply.

"Good." After finishing speaking, Yue'er's Wanye Feihualiu's physical destruction effect was fully activated, and she ran straight into the wall under her eyes.

"Boom, boom!"

"It's no wonder these guys dared to sneak into Himeji Castle, because they had something to rely on, but they really underestimated them." The black long straight kimono girl appeared again in the lower secret room where Kuroda Kanbei was, looking at the crystal ball. The picture presented said with emotion.

"Didn't you go to rest?" Kuroda asked rhetorically without looking back.

"With such a big movement, how could I take a break?" The black long straight girl complained.

"Then you are not going to see them yet." Kuroda turned his head and looked at the black long straight girl standing behind her and said.

"It's really troublesome, how come I met such a bunch of weird people! I'm not a celebrity, what's so nice to see." The black long straight girl mumbled like a complaint.

"how could I know."

But the black long straight girl didn't say much, her figure flashed and disappeared into the air again...

Then the next moment, somewhere in Himeji Castle, near Qin Heqing and Yue'er, who was trying to destroy the city wall, the figure of a black long straight girl appeared silently.

"Stop it." The black long straight girl shouted.

"Huh?" Qin Heqing and Yue'er were surprised, turned and looked at her.

"You are..." Qin Heqing said puzzledly.

"Aren't you looking for me all the time." The black long straight girl stared at Qin Heqing with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"You are what the citizens say, that **** who guards the castle tower?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

He didn't expect that the guardian deity of the castle tower was such a cute girl. Although the age seems to be eighteen, nineteen, or twenty, the figure is really great! Especially the stalwart in front of her, almost plump out of her clothes, so even with a very good face, Qin Heqing's eyes fell on her subconsciously...

"really big!"

"Where are you looking, bastard!" The black long straight girl said angrily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, but your one is really big. I can't control myself if I don't want to see it." Qin Heqing spread his hands and explained with a dry smile.

"Damn fellow, now I'm out, do you have anything else? If not, please leave here immediately, I don't welcome you here." The black long straight girl made an expression of disgust, and said to her.

"Well, are you really a god?" Qin Heqing looked at her up and down for a while, then forcibly retracted the gaze that wanted to stay on her, and looked at the girl's face and eyes again, wondering.

"Then why didn't I feel the breath of the gods from you?"

"The breath of a god? Have you seen a lot of gods?" The girl was surprised.

The gods are not monsters. They are existences that are even harder to see than the giant pandas of later generations. How can they become existences that seem to be accessible to the guy on the opposite side?

"Well, I have met so many people." Qin Heqing said vaguely.

After all, when it comes to the gods that you have seen with your own eyes, there are probably only Jiu Gong and a few land gods. Others, whether it is the eight-foot girl who has been dropped as a strange monster, or the evil demigods and demigods who have come into contact with Cthulhus can’t be regarded as serious gods, otherwise they will come into contact with the breath of all kinds of gods——

Through spells, there is still time to crusade Huangquan.

So it's hard to say how many gods he has contacted.

"It seems that your origin is not simple, no wonder there are elves and super ghosts of the ghost king level around you." The black long straight girl looked at Qin Heqing in a meaningful way, and she was hiding in the dark to reveal her true body. Yue'er and Ayukawa suddenly said.

"But although I am not the kind you understand, an orthodox **** canonized by the government, but I am indeed a god, but there is no official recognition and sacrifice."

At the end, the black long straight girl's expression also became depressed.

Fortunately, she helped protect the castle lord of Himeji castle for almost three generations, but what about those lord? Except for Kanbei Kuroda who became friends with her because she was from an onmyoji, everyone else didn’t take her seriously. They were kind to her when they were in office, but they were all the same. No one remembered the promise that she had made to build temples and worship her. They were all liars!

"In other words, you are still a wild god." Yue'er showed his figure.

"Then I am also a god. As a mortal and an elf, you must respect me!" the girl shouted angrily.

"Then I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?" Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to stop Yue'er who still wanted to say something, and smiled at the girl.

"What proposal?" The girl curiously asked.

"As for me, I am aspiring to the world, and for this, I have accumulated a huge amount of power. Basically, it only takes one action~www.ltnovel.com~ to complete the unification of the whole world in three or two years, and then I will ascend to a high position and have jurisdiction over the world. The right to canonize gods, don’t you still have no temple names and sacrifices? As long as you are willing to follow me and become my shikigami, when I dominate the world, you will immediately be canonized as the gods of Himeji and accept the worship of Himeji people , What do you think?" Qin Heqing looked at the black long straight girl and said seriously.

"Can you dominate the world?" The black long straight girl said in astonishment.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

"I don't believe it!" The black long straight girl looked at him for a while and shook her head decisively.

"Then what do you have to do to believe it?" Qin Heqing was not angry, after all, he is now empty-mouthed and white-fanged, and if he is a black, long and straight girl, he would not believe his side words.

He is not a fool.

"That’s good, I’m good friends with the current lord of Himeji Castle, Kanbei, and I very much believe in her judgment on the situation in the world. As long as you can convince her, you can continue to talk about becoming your shikigami, you What do you think?" The black long straight girl tilted her head for a moment, then looked at Qin Heqing and suggested.

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