High Priest in Japan

Chapter 847: Shimadzu secret plan

"What's the matter, eldest sister, you are so anxious to let me come back." The second of the four Shimadzu sisters, Yoshihiro Shimazu holding a samurai sword, walked into the main hall of the discussion while looking confused. Shimadzu Yoshihisa asked.

"Eldest sister, I'm back." Then, accompanied by another cheerful voice, Shimadzu Kajiu, the smallest of the four Shimadzu sisters, also walked into the hall.

At this point, the four Shimadzu sisters have gathered and can begin to discuss matters concerning the future of the Shimadzu family.

"Sit down first." Shimazu Yoshihisa did not immediately enter the topic, but pointed to the empty seats on both sides.

"Can you talk now?" Shimazu Yoshihiro sat down.

"Suijiu, it's up to you." Shimadzu Yoshihisa pondered for a moment, and turned to the military commander at home, Shimadzu Suijiu who was the most sensible person to look at everything.

"Okay." Shimadzu nodded and coughed slightly, attracting the attention of Shimadzu Yoshihiro and Shimadzu Kajiu, and then according to the organized content, he narrated the identity and proposal of Qin Heqing——

"About three quarters ago, there was a suspected direct descendant of the Qin family. Qin Heqing came to visit our Shimadzu family and exchanged views with the eldest sister and me on world affairs. There was nothing to say about the process, but the final result was hope. Our Shimadzu family can look at the bloodline origin sect, and can support him to ascend to the throne and become the new general of the barbarian army."

"Why!" When the words were halfway, Shimazu Yoshihiro slammed his fist to the ground in anger, and asked angrily.

"Yeah, why!" Shimadzu Iami also echoed indignantly.

"They haven't been in contact for hundreds of years. Why do they think that relying on blood kinship, let us Shimadzu use all our strength to support them to fight for the world?! With that thought, why should we Shimadzu family? Can't come by yourself? It's just General Zhengyi, why can't the eldest sister take it on her own?" Shimazu Yoshihiro continued to ask angrily.

"Although I have the same idea, but..." Shimadzu sighed.

"But what?" Shimadzu Yoshihiro asked.

"The power in the opponent's hands is really too strong. If we really want to conflict with him, our Shimadzu family will most likely go directly into a state of war, and eventually perish in a certain war."

"What do you say?" Shimadzu Jiajiu asked in confusion.

"Because Higo Sagara's Sagara Yoshiyo and Bungo Otomo's Otomo Zonglin are both companions of Qin Heqing, so if we can't handle the relationship with him well, let alone Shangluo to start the great cause of dominance in the world. It means whether you can leave Kyushu and enter the four countries.” Shimadzu explained.

"Sangliang Yoshiyo and Otomo Zonglin, how could they belong to the Qin clan?" Shimadzu's family said in a stunned voice.

"This is also something I don't understand." Shimadzu Suijiu shook his head. "It's not just them, even the famous Ji Wujiang and Ji Daming are mostly from Qin Heqing. I really can't think of removing some evil. Outside of the law, is there any way to make these Ji Damings, who have different personalities, huge and complex family power behind them, and their respective pursuits and opinions, abandon their ambitions and join his power instead."

"Who is the name of the Ji you mentioned?" Shimazu Yoshihiro asked curiously.

"Takeda Shingen..." Shimadzu didn't hesitate, repeating the name Qin and Qing had mentioned when they met before.

"Hi...This is really incredible." Shimadzu Yoshihiro frowned.

"Is it possible that all these things he said are false? He specifically came to lie to me, the purpose is to let us fall into the passive, enter his rhythm, and then under the influence of many parties, finally subconsciously give the answer he expected? "The youngest, but also a tactical genius Shimadzu Kajiu, after pondering for a while, raised his head and stated to his three sisters.

"This is what makes me embarrassed. We can't prove that all this is true or not." Shimadzu smiled bitterly.

Let’s not mention that, as a local tycoon in Kyushu, they have no contact with Kyoto, Shingen Takeda and others in Kanto. Even if they are in contact, with the current communication situation in this era, it is not a matter of seven or eight days to get a corresponding answer. may!

And this still refers to the case of carrier pigeon communication, if it is run by people, it may not be. If everything goes well on the land, it may take ten days or even half a month. Although the words on land and sea are brief, there are chances. In the danger of wind and waves, it is not suitable for emergency communication.

What's more, the time they have for thinking is only three days. If it is out of date and can't give the other party a suitable answer, the ghost knows what that guy will do.

As for going directly to Sagara nearby to verify or something, Shimadzu Suijiu is not that stupid.

There is no other reason. Why should people tell her such secret things?

Is she just Shimadzu?

"Then or else, I will kill him?" Shimadzu Yoshihiro, who saw the silence, looked around, and finally asked his eldest sister Shimazu Yoshihisa.

Although she was destined to carry infamy in this way, compared with the situation where the whole family was in a dilemma, the infamy was really nothing.

"This is a solution." The Shimadzu family suddenly hammered his hands.

"What can I do if I kill him? He is not the organizer. Even if he kills, he will only let the people behind him understand that our Shimadzu family rejected his proposal, and then encouraged Sagara and Otomo to come to us for trouble. At that time, besides making things worse, what gains will there be?" Shimadzu Suijiu rejected.

Aside from the question of whether it can be eliminated, she did not expect that Qin Heqing, as the leader of a power, would personally visit the door to persuade the Shimadzu family to take effect, right?

This is not logical at all, it's too bad for identity!

If she knew that Qin Heqing was the leader rather than the so-called representative or messenger, she would really not object to Shimazu Yoshihiro’s proposal and let her kill Qin Heqing...

"Then what do you say." Shimadzu Yoshihiro said angrily, neither left nor right.

"That's why I asked you to come back~www.ltnovel.com~ to discuss a suitable way to survive this disaster." Shimazu Yoshihisa said.

"Sister, should we agree to it?" Shimadzu family groaned for a while, then raised his head and said with a serious face.

"Jiajiu, what are you talking about! How can our Shimadzu family act for inexplicable people for inexplicable reasons, and it will kill the family!" Shimadzu Yoshihiro shouted in surprise.

"I didn't say that it really worked." Shimadzu family said with a smile.

"What do you mean..." Shimadzu said thoughtfully.

"Since we cannot be sure of the truth or falsehood of his words, then we can also follow his appearance and comfort each other with superficial allegiance, and then wait for the subsequent changes. If it is true, naturally there is nothing to say, we Shimadzu I can take this ride to expand the family's power, but if it's fake...Don't blame our Shimadzu family for being unrighteous, because he was killed by the knife." Shimadzu Kajiu sinister said.

I really can't see that the long and lively and lovely girl can be so insidious, and it makes people look at me.

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