High Priest in Japan

Chapter 848: Episode

The next day, in the morning, after breakfast.

"You are the Qin Heqing from the Qin family?" Shimazu Yoshihiro dressed in martial arts came to the courtyard arranged by Shimazu Yoshihisa, and asked Qin Heqing, who was moving his body at will.

"You are..." Qin Heqing stopped and turned to look at each other.

"I'm Shimazu Yoshihiro, I heard that a member of my family has come to my family, so I came here to see it." Shimazu Yoshihiro stated his purpose very simply, without concealing it at all.

"How does that feel?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"It's nothing special." Shimazu Yoshihiro said in a disappointed tone.

"What? In your eyes, the people of the Qin family are very special?" Qin Heqing asked unexpectedly.

"Of course, you are the blood of the Qin family of the gods, and you are also ordered by the official to run several national shrines, including the main shrine, and serve as priests. If you have no special place, who believes?" Shimazu Yoshihiro said in a natural tone.

"You are after the Qin clan, do you think you have a special place?" Qin Heqing asked amusedly.

"We Shimadzu are not our own family. What's more, we have mixed with foreigners for several generations. Even if we have a special bloodline, after so many generations of dilution, it is already thin and ineffective. How can there be special Where?" Shimazu Yoshihiro said with a curled mouth.

Seems not convinced?

"I don't know if there are any special places in other Qin clan members, but I..." Qin Heqing deliberately pulled a long voice, attracting Shimazu Yoshihiro's attention, until she couldn't help but ask impatiently.

"How are you?" Shimadzu Yoshihiro asked with little expectation.

"I know spells." Qin Heqing replied with a smile.

"Really?" Shimadzu Yoshihiro was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Qin Heqing really had something special about him. Is this the reason why people in this family become priests?

"It's no good to lie to you." Qin Heqing opened his hand.

"I don't believe it, unless you can prove it to me." Shimadzu Yoshihiro observed Qin Heqing up and down for a while with suspicion, and said again.

"Are you sure?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Shimadzu Yoshihiro replied with a firm face and nodded.

"Okay, you pay attention." Qin Heqing nodded nonchalantly, reminded him, and put his hands together, forming the immovable king seal, and suddenly tightened against his body, looking guarded by Yoshihiro Shimazu. Released a spell that is harmless and can prove the existence of the spell—the immovable gold binding method.

Suddenly, the invisible and majestic pressure suddenly came out, like a heavy boulder acting on Shimazu Yoshihiro's body, causing her face to change and her expression to become ugly...

"How? I should believe it now." Qin Heqing asked Shimadzu Yoshihiro, who was looking forward to fight hard while maintaining the effect of the spell.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhh to for not to want to restrain me!" Shimazu Yoshihiro roared.

In an instant, a strong anger erupted from her, and the immovable golden binding method Qin Heqing had imposed on her immediately bounced off.

But then it was suppressed by the immovable gold binding method whose effect suddenly became stronger, and he bent his legs and half-kneeled on the ground——


Seeing this, Qin Heqing didn't maintain it anymore, loosening his hands, ending the release of the spell.

"It's okay." Qin Heqing stepped forward, reaching out to Shimazu Yoshihiro and asked.

"It's okay." Shimazu Yoshihiro glanced at him. Although he felt a little unhappy, he did not choose to vent his qi to Qin Heqing's body. He raised his hand to hold the palm of Qin Heqing's hand, and got up with strength while his expression was not salty Not lightly replied.

"It's okay, now you should understand why I dared to bring someone to Shimadzu's house." Qin Heqing looked at Shimadzu Yoshihiro who was 1.6 meters tall in front of him and said with a smile.

Is he really a fool who knows nothing about the world, would he think she came here somehow to see the so-called Qin family?

If that's the case, why do you bring a knife?

Do you play force deterrence?

And the tone is so aggressive, how stupid does he really think that Shimazu Yoshihiro's purpose is that simple?

Although Shimazu Yoshihiro did not speak, it was not difficult to see from her slightly changed face how bad she was at this time. But I didn't forget the plan. After sorting out my feelings a bit, I calmly said, "My eldest sister arranged for me to be your guide, and I will be responsible for taking you around the city in the next two days. I don't know if you are willing. "

This topic has changed quite bluntly.

"Okay, it just so happens that my companion and I also want to take a good stroll in Kagoshima Castle." Qin Heqing echoed with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, he walked back into the house and greeted Ali, who was ready to go out a long time ago. The three left the Shimadzu mansion together and strolled around Kagoshima Castle.


Kagoshima at this time was not the Kagoshima Castle built by Shimazu Iku, but another city. Although it was also near Kagoshima Castle, the scale and thickness of the castle wall were larger than those of Tokugawa in history. Kagoshima Castle behind the shogunate is much stronger. Naturally, the people's livelihood in the city is also very good, but the overall environment and the image of the residents inside are similar to those of merchants and seamen, which are much higher than those of land citizens.

But this is also a matter of course. After all, Kagoshima Castle is close to the sea. Not far from the east of the city is a natural harbor where ships can be moored. So since the beginning of the era of great voyages, Europeans have found out where the island country is. Westerner ships from Southeast Asia are close to Daming merchant ships, so the prosperity of the city is no worse than Setjin country next to Beijing, or even stronger!

After all, compared to going east to Nara~www.ltnovel.com~Bangguo and Daming can make the money they want, and buy porcelain and tea that have a wide audience in China. There is no reason for the merchants to give up this piece. Regardless of the mall, it specializes in small businesses in island countries.

Even if the silver mined on the island country can support one-third of the world's consumption.

Therefore, the situation in the city can be imagined. There are not only a large number of golden-haired and blue-eyed foreigners, but also Ming people and maritime merchants from Southeast Asian countries. The city is very lively, and almost everywhere you can see materials and materials that are different from the overall environment of the island country in this era. Culture, let Ali who saw these for the first time be said to be an eye-opener and joyous.

Then at this moment, a chaotic low voice came from not far away.


"If you drink too much horse urine, quickly roll me back to your boat and lie down! Don't see where this is or who we are, even my adults dare to provoke you. I think you are really impatient! "Next, a loud shout full of anger came from the front and poured into Qin Heqing's ears.

It is in Chinese.

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