High Priest in Japan

Chapter 879: Toki beauty's outbreak


"My lord, someone attacked the camp, and some prisoners were taken away." A soldier from Inabayama Castle eagerly broke into the hall where Saito Yoshiyuki and others were located, and directed at Masawa at this time for protecting Takenaka Hanbei. Saito Yoshiyuki, who had revealed their identity, reported that Toki Mi and Takenaka Hanbei confronted each other.

Suddenly, Yoshiro Saito's expression changed, and he asked with a gloomy expression: "Who attacked the camp, how many people were there, and which prisoner was taken away?"

"Uh..." The soldier was stunned and looked up at Saito Yoshiyuki who was in a rage, speechless.

Because he didn't know who attacked the camp...

"Say!" Saito Yoshitaka shouted in anger.

"It was Shouji Ando, ​​he was rescued by the enemy." The soldier hesitated for a moment, and reported what he knew.

In an instant, the expressions of everyone present changed, and their moods became different.

Takenaka Hanbei, for example, let out a long, undisguised breath, as if he had taken some invisible burden, he relaxed.

And the same is true for Toki Mi, who poses in front of her, raising her eyebrows, and there is a certain dazed and proud expression on her face——

It's like saying; look, now you are still going to threaten me with something. Saito Yoshiyuki, who was already burning with anger because of Toki Mi’s appearance and the disruption, could no longer suppress his temper, and yelled at her, "Is it you! Did the person you arranged rob Ando Shouyue!" "

Although Inaba Ryotsu and Naomoto didn't speak, they turned their suspicion on Toki Mi who shouldn't be in this place, and suspected her actions.

"What is it, what is it not? It's already this time, you are still paying attention to these insignificant places, you really can't figure out the situation." Toki Mei said, a long knife suddenly followed Void emerged, was caught by her, and slowly drew the blade out——

"Saito Yoshiyuki, let's decide. It is to give up the current power and give Mino back to me and hand it over to the Toki family. Or stick to my desires, and then take the name Mino guards. Hell confessed to the ancient ancestors of the Toki family, you only have two breathing time to think, now, tell me your answer." Toki beauty looked wild, and stood in front of it with a certain kind of arrogance. Saito Yoshiyuki declared in a deep voice.

"I don't choose either!" Saito Yoshiyuki shouted angrily.

Then he violently pulled out the knife from his waist and strode towards Toki Mei.

"I decided to send you to meet your ancestors from the Toki family!"

The blade whizzed and appeared above Tokimi's head in the blink of an eye.


Toki Mi raised her sword to block the attack.

However, he had miscalculated Saito's strength, and his arm was bent and the blade was forced to his eyes.

"You dare to come to me to seize power at this level? Who gave you the courage? Is Hanbei Takenaka behind you. Putting all your hopes on a little girl, your Toki family is really a waste , Deserves to be taken up and driven away by Saito Dozo.” Saito Yoshiyuki stared maliciously at Toki Mei, who was leaning backwards in front of him.

It's really not afraid of big things, and want to kill, but also want to punish the heart, it really is not a kind person.

Unfortunately, the wrong object was used.

So the next moment, I saw a flash of red light in the irritated Toki Mei's eyes, and the weird red light visible to the naked eye burned up and down around her body. Following the explosion of huge power, Saito Yoshiyuki was pushed out with an incredible face.

"shut up!"

Then Toki Mei roared and rushed in front of Saito Yoshiyuki, the power belonging to the demon sword exploded, and the sword quickly enveloped Saito Yoshiryu.

Forced to the extreme and his life threatened, Saito Yoshiyuki hurriedly resisted, desperately fighting with Toki Mi, who gradually handed the fighting instinct to the control of the demon sword.

After all, the manpower lost to the demon power. In a moment, the long knife in his hand was cut off by the **** demon knife, half of the arm flew, and a big head was swept away in the spew of blood. He fell heavily to the ground aside and rolled out a distance of two or three meters...

Then Tokimi, who was splattered with blood, turned around, looked at the crowd with a cold face, and asked in a cold voice: "Now I inherit the position of Mino guardianship. Who agrees and who opposes."

Ryotsu Inaba and Naomoto of the clan looked at each other, and did not dare to hesitate, or to take pictures of Tokimi's killing intent, who had just finished killing them, and decisively chose from the heart to meet the blood-stained Tokimi with the courtesy of the minister.

"Ryotsu Inaba and Naomoto from the clan have met the Lord."

Following the soldiers in the temple, after seeing the choices made by the two Mino ministers, they also obediently put down their weapons and the idea of ​​fighting, and followed by paying respects to Toki Mi, the new Mino guardian.

Only Takenaka Hanbei looked at her worriedly, worried that she would be controlled by the power of the demon sword because of the relationship of killing for the first time, and thus became a sword slave and no longer herself.

"Miss Mei..."

"Don't worry Hanbei, I'm okay." Tokimi looked at Huitakenaka Hanbei, took a deep breath, converged her liberated demon power back to the original appearance, and said softly.

"Come here."

"My lord," the soldier responded.

"Except for Saito Yoshiryu's head to be shaved off, throw Saito Yoshiryu's body into the mountains to feed the beasts!" Toki Mei commanded the soldier without hesitation.

Moreover, it was these cruel orders from the beginning. I don't know if it is the nature, or the influence of the demon sword or demonization, or has other plans?

Anyway, the soldier didn't dare to think about it, he agreed, and called his partners into the house to clean up.

"My lord, I don't know if my uncle is now..." Seeing this, Hanbei Takenaka hesitated, who had no choice but to wait until afterwards to negotiate with Toki Mi.

"I don't know. However, I don't think it will be long before the person who rescued Your Excellency Ando will come over to us." Toki Mi replied.

"Will come to us? You mean..." Takenaka Hanbei was shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ and then wanted to understand what Toki Mi meant.

If it weren’t for Tokimi’s arrangements, then there is only one person or group that can do this kind of thing at this time. The one who came to visit Toki at the hut before and said he would help her regain the guardianship of Mino. Achievers Mitsuhide's group.

And only they can do all this in such a short time.

Thinking of this, Takenaka Hanbei had a meal and asked again, "Then your next plan is..."

"If all Mino's troops are entrusted to you, how sure can you repel the Imagawa army and guarantee that Mino will not be attacked?" Toki Mi looked at Takenaka Hanbei and asked.

"If it's not a special means, just military confrontation, I am only 30% sure that I can hold back the Imagawa Army's offensive pace, but when it comes to ensuring the independence of Mino... based on the number of our existing soldiers and the current situation. Look, it's basically impossible, unless there are new external forces willing to join in to help us resist the Imagawa Army together." Hanbei Takenaka thought for a while, and said with a wry smile.

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