High Priest in Japan

Chapter 880: Reapply

"What are your thoughts." Tokimi asked without hesitation, knowing that she was a for nothing in strategy and military.

"You can send someone to contact the Asakura family in Echizen, the Asai family in Kitaomi, and the Hexagon family in South Omi. The first two are the closest to us. It is very likely that Imagawa’s next goal after taking Mino, the latter is in Imagawa. If you don’t want to be destroyed, you can only surrender to join the Imagawa family or dispel the idea of ​​Imagawa Yoshimoto Shangluo before the Imagawa family enters Omi. So there is a high possibility that we will support us.” Takenaka Hanbing Wei thought about it and replied, "With this, coupled with our own combat power, it is possible to temporarily stop Imagawa Yoshimoto from Mino."

"Only temporarily..." Toki Mi murmured somewhat greedy.

"Yes, for the time being. After all, in terms of our strength, compared with the Imakawa family who controls Suruga, One, Mikawa, and Owari, our national strength is too different." Takenaka Hanbei smiled bitterly.

"Then do what you want." Tokimi thought about it.

If you don't fight it, Toki Mei is really unwilling to explain to Mino who just got it.

"In this case, there is someone I think you should see first." Hanbei Takenaka had no objection, and reminded Toki Mi.

"Who?" Toki Mi asked in confusion.

"The current head of the Kitaomi Asai family, Asai Nagamasa, he is now in the Inabayama Castle." Takenaka Hanbei said.

"Asai Nagamasa? How could he be here." After listening for a long time, Inaba Ryotsu, who finally had a chance to intervene in the topic, asked in surprise.

As the actual owner and castle owner of Inabayama Castle, why didn't he know that Nagamasa Asai had entered his castle?

"He came to recruit me." Takenaka Hanbei explained.

Tokimi, who was staying with Takenaka Hanbei before, naturally knew about this, and she didn't have to worry about suspicion after saying this.

What's more, Toki Mi can't do such a thing herself.

Because the brain is not there...

"Then see you." Toki Mi said without hesitation.

"What about the fighting outside?" Naomoto Clan asked.

"Hanbei will handle it." Toki Mei said.


Then Hanbei Takenaka left the room to arrange the battle, and sent someone to notify Asai Nagamasa, who is still in the city, to meet Toki Mi, the unexpected special Mino guardian.

And it didn’t take long. Asai Nagamasa appeared in the main hall of Inabayama Castle——

Asai Nagamasa was shocked, and then he adjusted his mentality and said, "North Omi Asai's Asai Nagamasa has seen Her Royal Highness Toki."

"No gift." Toki Meixu raised her hand.

"Thank you princess." Asai Nagamasa stood up and said, "I didn't expect that Mino would be able to return to the descendants of its original owner after nearly ten years. I have to say that this is a surprising thing. Congratulations to your Royal Highness Princess."

"Thank you. But whether we can continue to keep it, or whether it can be kept under my name, is a matter of question." Tokimi smiled bitterly without hiding.

"But I am willing to believe that Her Royal Highness Toki can realize this tragic wish." Asai Nagamasa said in a serious manner.

"So I hope the Asais can help me." Toki Mi did not hesitate, and immediately went straight to the subject.

"Of course." Asai Nagamasa responded without hesitation.

"Really?! Asai-kun is really anxious for justice, and is a friend worthy of deep friendship and trust." Toki Mi said with joy, and praised with openness.

"His Royal Highness praised, this help is not unconditional, but has other demands." Asai Nagamasa smiled.

"What's the appeal?" Tokimi's expression was stagnant, and her face sank and asked.

"I hope to be able to enter into a company with His Royal Highness Princess Toki and become a husband and wife. Only in this way can I have enough reason to persuade the family elders and other retainers to send troops at this critical moment, risking offending His Highness Yoshimoto Imagawa Enter Mino to help the princess resist the forces of Imagawa." Asai Nagamasa declared with a serious face.

"What?! You said you want to marry me!?" Toki exclaimed in surprise, who didn't expect the front of the conversation to be suddenly transferred here.

"Yes." Asai Nagamasa asked himself.

It's really a strategy to not be afraid of old age, as long as it is useful.

"Have you heard of me before?" Toki Mi asked slowly, with a weird expression.

"Before I met today, I had never heard of Miss Toki's existence." Asai Nagamasa shook his head.

"Then why did you think of marrying me?" Toki Mi asked in confusion.

"There are two reasons. One is to strengthen the ties between us so that the support plan we are discussing now can be achieved, and the other is for the future." Asai Nagamasa explained.

"In the future?" Toki Mi asked in confusion.

"Yes, in the future, the princess will not think that after defeating the Imagawa army this time, the future Mino will be safe and sound?" Asai Nagamasa asked with a smile. Then, without waiting for the silent Tokimi to answer, Asai Nagamasa went on to say, "As an important gateway to the Kanto princes on the road to Shangluo, whether it is Yoshimoto Imagawa or someone in the future, as long as they want to Shangluo, they will gain justice , Mino will definitely become their target of crusade!"

"And with Mino's existing military and national strength, how many times can it be resisted? Therefore, drawing in the powerful clans of the nearby countries and forming a solid offensive and defensive alliance is the fundamental to ensure the long-term continuity of Mino."

"It just so happens that my Asai family also has the idea of ​​expanding influence. Besides, I am unmarried and you are unmarried. Apart from marriage, I can't think of any stronger alliance relationship than this way."

"..." Toki Meiran silently~www.ltnovel.com~ for a long time without being able to speak.

She is no stranger to marriage. After all, she has received this kind of education since she was a child, and before transforming into a demon sword girl, she was also ready to be married out, but who would have thought that things would change and develop so much. rapid? The Toki family unexpectedly dropped a thousand rods and drove them down from the position guarded by Mino. Except for the identity of a famous family, there was nothing substantial on them.

How is this different from directly knocking down the Toki family? Since Toki Mi's possibility of being married out has been eliminated, she has become an ordinary noble woman who has obtained the freedom of marriage to some extent.

Adding to her current identity—the demon sword girl and the unstable guardian of Mino, and then thinking about contact and other things, it's not as simple as the past.

This is not only related to Mino's interests and future, but also related to the future of the marriage partner's life, so she can't help but treat it carelessly and prudently.

"You two go out first." After a long silence, Inaba Ryotoshi and Naomoto clan on both sides of Toki Michong said.

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