High Priest in Japan

Chapter 881: Langxin is like iron

After a while, apart from Asai Nagamasa and Toki Mi as the parties involved, the room was left to deal with military affairs, but because the conversation between Asai Nagamasa and Toki Mi was too important, he transferred the affairs to his Shikigami. Hanbei Takenaka, who was dealt with by the ghost, remained in the field, listening to the next content.

"I have no objection to marriage." Toki Mi looked at Asai Nagamasa, who was waiting for her reply calmly in the palace.

"Then your Royal Highness, did you agree to my marriage proposal?" Asai Nagamasa asked in surprise.

I really can’t help him not being surprised. After all, he had just done a very crazy thing before coming to Mino, that is, before coming to Mino, he directly advertised that he was going to marry Oda Shinna, and had **** with various families. The good family supervisor sent the invitation letter!

But I didn't expect that Oda Shinna would lose so quickly, and almost the next moment he let go of the hand that sent the invitation letter, he received the news of the defeat of the Oda family and the integration of the Imagawa family as a whole.

This was a blow to him, directly shattering his plans and calculations.

So besides the surface stability and calmness, in fact, his heart is even more flustered than the old dog pushed to the edge of the cliff. He is worrying about finding an identity, status, and influence that is worthy of him, and his appearance does not lose Oda. Xinnai has too many marriage contractors. Unexpectedly, on the way to recruit Takenaka Hanbei, he would encounter such a surprising change-Saito Yoshiyuki was killed by Toki Mi, the daughter of Mino's predecessor Yoshiyuki Toki.

what is this? The fake Toki meets the real Toki?

Anyway, at this moment, Asai Nagamasa is very grateful to the gods and gods who do not know that there is no existence, and let him have the opportunity to save everything, so that he will not completely throw him, and even the face of Asai's family, into the ditch because of his previous show operations. Inside, washed up by sewage over and over again.

"Personally, I can't find a reason to object, but..."

"But?" Asai Nagamasa looked suspiciously at Toki Mi, waiting for her to follow.

"How much do you know about me?" Toki Mi asked rhetorically.

"Let's not hide the princess, before this meeting, I have never heard of anything about the princess, it can be said that I don't know about the princess." Asai Nagamasa honestly said.

But it’s okay. Anyway, the existence of marriage is not the pursuit of so-called personal feelings, but the pursuit of so-called common interests. Therefore, it does not matter if you don’t know what kind of person the marriage partner is. As long as the interests are the same. Up.

Of course, it would be better if there is a basis for feelings.

"Then what I'm going to say is very important. I hope that after listening to it, you can still keep your original idea, enter into a marriage contract with me, and form a so-called alliance of interests." Toki Mei said seriously.

"Princess please say it." Asai Nagama also responded with a serious face.

"I am not a human anymore." Toki Mei said quietly.

"It's not human anymore? What do you mean by that?" Asai Nagamasa carefully observed Toki Mi for a while, and Asai Nagamasa frowned and wondered if she could not see anything inhuman from her.

"It means literally. For some special reasons, I have transformed into a monster-like inhuman being with the help of Hanbei. Are you sure you can accept this and continue to marry me home?" Toqi Mei's eyes stared at Asai Nagamasa in the hall, and asked calmly.

"Why not?" Asai Nagamasa looked at Toki Mi, smiled, and asked confidently.

Isn't it just marrying a non-human being and going home? What does it matter? As long as there is no problem with the appeal of interests and the face of himself and the Asai family can be preserved, there is no problem even if he marries a live pig and becomes his wife.

It's a big deal to give someone up after marrying home.

He is such a good person, there is no shortage of women like him.

"Even in the future, I might go crazy, become denial of the six relatives, and start killing your family for no reason?" Toki Mei pressed afterwards.

"Of course. The big deal is when we move out. You can't kill the air when there is no one around, right?" Asai Nagamasa changed his face when he heard the words, and then replied with a smile again.

It's just that compared with his previous smile, this is a somewhat stiff smile, and his words have become less confident.

"As long as you don't regret it then." Toki Mi said quietly.

"Don't worry, your Royal Highness, since I Nagamasa Asai made this decision, I will definitely not regret my decision, even if the result is very poisonous." Nagamasa Asai said solemnly.

"Then when can I see the reinforcements of Asai's family?" Toki Mi didn't say anything, but asked about relevant things.

"It's so fast that the Asai family's army can enter Mino within three days." Asai Nagamasa thought for a while and replied.

Sending news for half a day, organizing soldiers for half a day, plus marching, can enter Mino at most a day and a half, and arrive at the front line in two days to have contact with the troops of Imagawa or Mikawa.

"Three days is too long. We can only give you two days. If you can't see the Asai family's army in Mino after two days, then we can only treat the Asai family as a missed appointment and give up the marriage." Said, Hanbei Takenaka retorted with a serious face on the side.

"Two days... OK, two days or two days, I will go back to organize the army now." Asai Nagamasa watched Hanbei Takenaka gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

"Then please."

Then Nagamasa Asai got up to leave, left the hall of discussion and left Inabayama Castle, hurried back to Omi to organize the army to participate in the battle.


"Is it worth it..." Takenaka Hanbei asked, looking at Toki Mi who closed her eyes in thought.

"It's not worth it. After all, a woman always wants to marry. Even if I am now a female name, but as long as I am not as good as Imagawa Yoshimoto, marriage is an inevitable choice for me. This is not only beneficial and beautiful. Strong stability is also conducive to my status." After a pause, he continued, "What's more, in this situation, I don't seem to have a choice, right?"

"..." Takenaka Hanbei was silent, not knowing what to say for a while.

Then at this moment, a soldier entered the temple and reported, "My lord, Mamoru Ando has returned. At this time, he is asking for an audience outside the temple."

"Uncle is back!?" Takenaka Hanbei asked in surprise ~www.ltnovel.com~ Is he alone? "Tukimi said in surprise.

"There are two more women," the soldier replied.

"It's really them. Call in." Toki Mei said with a smile.


Then the soldiers withdrew and released Itanium, Mitsuhide, and Ling.

"Itan Teng Mamoru has met Toki-sama." Ando Mamoru did not hesitate, and said to Toki Mi who was sitting on the main seat very simply.

Then it was Akechi Mitsuhide and Suzuno who paid their respects to Toki Mi who became Mino's guardian.

"You came just right." Toki Mikan said the three people in the hall lightly smiled.

"Come on!"

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