High Priest in Japan

Chapter 882: Concubine

The next moment, several soldiers entered the temple.

"Grab them both for me!" Toki Mi did not pause or hesitate, and directly pointed at Akechi Mitsuhide and Suzuno who did not know what was going to happen.

"Master Toki!?" Akechi Mitsuhide, who didn't expect to encounter this kind of treatment when she came back this time, looked at Toki Mi with an incredible expression, wanting to see the truth from her face.

But unfortunately, she only saw firmness and calmness. The fact that she didn't catch them at all represented the panic and fear of the Imagawa family, or the hysterical madness, which made Mitsuhide Aichi even more puzzled.

"..." Hanbei Takenaka opened his mouth when he saw this, but in the end he didn't say a word of persuasion.

Probably because with the conclusion of the marriage agreement, Mino has officially entered into a relationship with Imagawa Yoshimoto, right? That being the case, it is not incomprehensible to arrest Miki Mitsuhide and Suzuno again.

The big deal is not to kill them, just take good care of them, and they can also be used as bargaining chips in the event of subsequent failure, so that's why they resisted the discomfort in my heart and did not interfere with Toki Mi's order.

At the same time, Moriji Ando was also surprised, but he had already heard about Toki Mi’s changes from Inaba Ryotoshi and Shijia Naomoto. He knew that he might be treated the same if he rashly offended him, and he did not persuade him either. He planned to wait until the matter was over before trying to persuade Toki Mi to change his mind, in order to repay the two of them for their kindness in saving her from suffering.

"Do you want to resist?" Ling Nui stood guard beside Michi Mitsuhide and watched as she gradually surrounded her, but when it really broke out, it was not her and the soldiers of Mikado Mitsuhide's opponents who asked quietly.

"Why?" Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Toki Mi's face and asked with a puzzled face.

"It took so long to retake the Mino that Saito Dosan had taken back from Saito Yoshiyuki's hands, and to my Toki clan. I don't want to hand it over again so easily. Even Yoshiyuki Imagawa Yuan promised me that he would still canonize me as Mino’s guardian afterwards and let Mino return to the Toki clan. But after all, it was just a promise made by Yoshimoto Imagawa. I still want to try, except for this option , Is there any other way to keep Mino and keep Mino in its current state until the future.” Toki Misachi did not refuse, but looked at Akechi Mitsuhide's suspicious eyes and replied.

To put it bluntly, I am still unwilling, unwilling to give up the right to get it, unwilling to take back Mino after hard work and become someone else's thing again, and I can only become its official manager. And I don't know if it is affected by something called ambition after demonization.

"This will plunge Mino into the flames of war and leave countless people homeless. Even so, do you want to do this, Lord Toki?" I don't want to see Mino, who was so painstakingly managed by Saito Dosan, been so ruined Akechi Mitsuhide asked again.

"Isn't Mino in the flames of war right now?" Toki Mi asked rhetorically.

"But these can obviously be avoided." Michimitsu Mitsuhide said.

"But Mino people will not accept it." Toki Mi retorted.

Then he didn't bother to argue with Miki Mitsuhide, and said directly to the soldiers, "Take them down and take care of them."


"Guang Xiusang?" Ling Nu asked.

"Don't do it, follow them." Mingzhi Guangxiu stood up and said coldly.

Then the two followed the fairly polite soldiers and left the hall, and were taken into a room that was usually used to house guests, and was now temporarily converted into a cell.

"This is really a sudden change of the situation." Ling Nu stood at the window of the room, looking at the guard outside and muttered in a relaxed tone.

"I didn't expect that this kind of change would happen in the end of the matter." Mitsuhide Akechi frowned and said with an incomprehensible appearance. Then after a pause, she turned her head to look at the girl Ling and asked, "Can you escape?"

"Yes. Do you want to escape?" Ling Nu nodded and replied very easily.

"Wait until the night, you can escape, and then go to Owari, report what happened here to the three people of Imagawa, Oda, and Saito, so that they can come up with countermeasures as soon as possible to deal with Mino. Changes." Michiko Mitsuhide said calmly.

"What about you?" Ling Nu asked suspiciously.

"I will continue to stay here." Akechi Mitsuhide replied, "I want to see with my own eyes what this Miss Toki wants to do."

"Then I'll stay. After all, the task Qin Jun entrusted to me is to ensure your safety. If you have an accident because of these things, then there is no way to explain to Qin Jun." Ling Nu shook her head. , Very simply refused.

"You...what about the news?" Akechi Mitsuhide frowned.

Although she understands that Qin Heqing's purpose in asking Ling Nu to protect her is really to protect her, but after hearing Ling Nu speak these words directly to her face, she still feels a little awkward in her heart. There is something that Qin Heqing is fighting against. The idea, or the meaning of playing her idea, made her feel very uncomfortable.

"This is easy, use this." Ling Nu smiled and stretched out her hand in her arms, and she took out a bronze mirror about the size of an adult's palm.

"Bronze mirror?" Wise Mitsuhide, who didn't know the existence of the bronze mirror, was stunned.

"You'll know later." As she said, Suzu sent her power into the bronze mirror, activated the resentment that belonged to Ayukawa contained on it, and linked it to Mino at this time, and was coming to Inaba with the army. Qin Heqing stationed under the mountain city.


At the same time, under the castle of Inabayama, in the home camp of Katsura Shibata——

"Ling girl, what's the matter?" Qin Heqing, who was notified by Ayukawa, took out a bronze mirror and placed it in front of him, activating resentment, and looked at the Ling girl's face in the mirror.

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ I and Mitsuhide-san were imprisoned by Toki Mi and said, now, look, this is where we are held." Suzu said, holding a mirror and comparing them in the room. Circle, showing the environment in which you are in.

"Yeah, it's not bad." Qin Heqing joked.

But this is not to blame him, after all, from the aspect of the cell information revealed by Ling Nu and her mental outlook, the matter is really not big or urgent, otherwise Ling Nu would not be so comfortable.

"Lingmaid, give me the mirror." Then just here, Mitsuhide Aichi's voice came from the mirror.

Following the screen, she changed from a girl with a bell to a wise Guanxiu with a slightly wide forehead and a serious face.

"The plan failed. Although Toki Mi killed Saito Yoshiyuki as ordered and won the actual control of Mino, for some reason, she did not lead Mino to surrender according to the stated proposal, but prepared. Gather all the forces of Mino to resist. I need you to immediately report these to Lord Imagawa and they will know, lest Lord Imagawa mistakenly think that the plan is in progress and affect the army's strategy against Mino."

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