High Priest in Japan

Chapter 893: Fight 8 cents

"Be careful!" The ghost didn't look for himself, but shouted Yue'er, who attacked Qin Heqing.

It’s just that the speech was a little late after all, and just after falling, the old man in the Eight Immortals who was holding a bamboo fishing rod and looked like a hermit fisherman flicked his wrist, and the fishing rod on the fishing rod flew up into the air, as if Knowing that a simple breakthrough cannot catch Qin Heqing, he wrapped a fishing line around Qin Heqing's body, especially the surface of the Nianpower shield, and then pulled Qin Heqing himself as if being dragged by a truck, uncontrollably towards the fishermen The hermit flew past.

And this was just a change in spatial orientation. On the road, that is, in the process of moving, the immortal who looked like the legendary second general Humha and the guardian of the door **** also appeared in Qin Heqing who was dragged by the fishing line. With a cold snort beside him, a magic sound blasted into Qin Heqing's mind.


Then another door **** held a bronze mace and slammed it at Qin Heqing, who was so confused by the magic sound.


A dazzling light emerged, and Ayukawa's mind shield seemed to be waxed, and it flickered under the light.

Fortunately, it did not break, and still maintained a complete image shrouded in Qin Heqing's body, saving Qin Heqing from being beaten to death by the door **** among the Eight Immortals.

But this was only temporary, because immediately afterwards, Qiangui's five-element spell attack shot Qin Heqing again.

"Really treat me as a soft persimmon." With the help of Ayukawa's healing ability, Qin Heqing, who quickly recovered from the influence of the magic sound, changed his expression and said with a hostile cold snort in his eyes.

"Ayukawa! Fit!"

Immediately, Ayukawa did not hesitate, and immediately released the seal in his body and entered the state of deification. The divine power was connected with the divine power, and the whole person melted into Qin Heqing's body.


Then a violent explosion sounded, and Qin Heqing was enveloped in thick fireworks...

"Heqing!" Yue'er exclaimed.

Although very worried, Yue'er, who herself was also attacked by the four Eight Immortals, was also unable to escape and went to Qin Heqing to provide support.

No one, just because the Eight Immortals who besieged her are not good stubbles—that is, they are dressed up as military generals, and they are not good at first sight. They are indeed difficult melee masters, and there are also cunning looking men who hold an abacus and a ball. An old profiteer with a kind of effect, so coupled with the weird sound of a flute, a young man who can create many phantoms, like a street juggler, playing like a strange and dexterous middle-aged man, Yue'er also seems to be in the mud Can not advance or retreat, dilemma, you need to be careful at all times, so as not to let yourself be seized of the opportunity, let the enemy hit a spring.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Go to death for me!"

After a long while, Yue'er, who was finally irritated by the Four Immortals, finally no longer suppressed the cards, unlocked the seal and entered a state of deification.

The majestic breath exploded, and the four immortals who had besieged her were forced out in an instant.

"It really got into a big trouble." The former ghost couldn't help whispering solemnly when he saw it.

Then the fireworks dissipated, and Qin Heqing, who had changed his appearance and dressed with a knife, reappeared in front of the five Shiki Gods, including the former ghost, surrounded by spirits, making the five Shiki Gods present dare not mess up Move every minute.

But it was only temporary. Soon, with the movements of a female fairy who seemed to have evolved from the profession of a dancer, the brawny man, like the guardian of the temple, rushed to Qin Heqing again.

And this time, Qin Heqing is not worthless. Not only does he no longer stand on the sidelines like a bodhisattva as he did before, but instead his face is solemn, while chanting the Dawei Tianlong mantra, activating the enchantment seal on the Daiyu Maru in his hand. To increase the lethality of Omomaru, while stepping on the ground, while stepping out of a depression more than ten centimeters deep, the ghost rushed forward quickly...

"Dawei Tianlong, Daluo casts a curse, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Bamah!"

Seeing this, the former ghost was shocked and flashed...

But he couldn't get out of the way, instead he looked mad and stayed in place.

There was no reason for him, but naturally it was Ayukawa's power of thought fell on him, interrupted his operation, and made him have to face the rush of Qin Heqing's blade.

However, he did not give up resistance. The pupils of the eyes flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the whole person turned from a human into a huge white demon fox. The mouth of the beast opened, and its pure white breath was like smoke and steam spit out from its mouth. come out.

Naturally, the psychic suppression that Ayukawa exerted on it was also bounced away.

Then the fox beast grabbed and waved, whizzing towards Qin Heqing.


Suddenly, Qin Heqing shook his body and flew out to the side...

It just didn't take long to fly out. With the fisherman-like hermit's wrist shaking, his whole body was pulled by a huge force and shot at Sixian and the others.


Seeing this, Qin Heqing didn't panic, snorted coldly, swung a knife to cut off the special thread made from the spell, and then, with the help of Ayukawa, speeded up and shot into the four immortals. Look at the hermit fisherman who gets in the way is a knife--

"Summo Sabunda, his evil emperor Viya Sab!"

It is the spell of the Fire Curse.

After that, all demons can be surrendered, and the red flame that burns all evils is violently wrapped in the hermit fisherman who was restrained by Ayukawa's mind force, and thus failed to escape Qin Heqing’s face. He was in the shortest time Be tempered into ashes...


"Um..." Takenaka Hanbei's expression changed, and he hugged his body tightly with his hands.

"Former ghost..."


The former ghost who was chanted by Takenaka Hanbei also changed his expression, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more hot.

It is unforgivable to dare to damage the shikigami left by the master teacher!

But what about Qin Heqing as a party? At this time, I didn’t care about so much. After beheading the hermit fisherman ~www.ltnovel.com~, she took a turn and turned to the dancer who seemed the least threatening but the most disgusting among the four immortals who besieged him. He rushed over and did the same—the mind was restrained, coupled with a close killing, and before the ghost rushed up again, the dancing girl was also burned into nothingness.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at the remaining two generals.

As for the former ghost, as long as he flies fast enough, the huge former ghost will definitely not be able to catch up with him, so Qin Heqing is going to wait for the last time to take care of this guy who has popped up three times to stop him.



At the same time, in another place in the forest, where Yue'er and the other four immortals were located, accompanied by a loud roar, a thick leaf column that was more than ten meters long and composed entirely of green leaves Vigorously appeared in the forest, like the trunk of a giant tree tens of meters in diameter, standing in the forest, swallowing Yue'er and the four four immortals who were good at close combat and fighting.

There was no sound in the field for a while, only the groping sound of the leaves slowly echoed, rendering the weird and terrifying here.

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