High Priest in Japan

Chapter 894: run

After a while, although the former ghost tried to stop it, because of the huge size, it was still unable to stop Qin Heqing's killing with the assistance of Ayukawa. He watched him as one of the two generals. Beheaded on the spot, and forced the other back away.

Then realized that the fox's posture was not a good choice, the former ghost reverted back to the image of a male onmyoji. Various five-element spells and environmental fengshui manipulation powers were fully utilized, but they still failed to prevent Xia Qin Heqing from facing the last Eight Immortals. The pursuit of killing caused Qin Heqing to burn the other two generals into nothingness...

Qiangui's face was very ugly. Especially not long after Qin Heqing settled the four immortals here, and after Yue'er also killed the remaining four immortals, the whole person's complexion was like the ashes of the bottom of the pot, black could not find the slightest white, and said yes. Blacks are not too much.

"I underestimated you." Qian Gui looked at Yue'er who gradually moved over and cooperated with Qin Heqing who blocked him in the forest. He turned to look at Qin Heqing and said, "I didn't expect you to have this The trump card exists-deification... is really worthy of the reputation of the Qin clan of your goddess, I am not wronged."

"So what?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at the former ghost who seemed to be at the end of the road.

"I confessed this defeat, and later withdrew from the battle between Imagawa and Sanjia, and no longer provided magical assistance to the soldiers of the Sanjia."

"In other words, you want to surrender?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

He thought the former ghost would stick to the end...

After all, he destroyed the Eight Immortals.

"Surrender? That is something that only the master can decide. I'm just a shikigami, but I can't make such important decisions on behalf of the master." Qiangui shook his head.

"So what do you want to say?" Qin Heqing frowned, somewhat not quite understanding what he meant.

"Didn't I have already said that I admit this failure, and will not help the three coalition forces to provide magic aid afterwards, and completely stand by." Qiangui said quietly.

"Totally stand idly by?! Ha, it's so beautiful to think. I really think I'm muddled, do whatever you want, don't care what I think, who do you think you are! I tell you, don't give A clear explanation, you don't want to escape from me today!" Qin Heqing froze first, then mocked with an angry laugh, and then responded coldly.

"What do you want to explain?" Qiangui asked with a cold face.

"Surrender, then take your master and transfer to my name and become my retainer, otherwise..."


"Otherwise, you will stay in this forest together with the Eight Immortals." Qin Heqing finished speaking, with murderous intent on his body, and quickly enveloped the former ghost in front of him.

"Then let the horse come here." The former ghost is not a bad temper, and he snorted coldly, and he didn't bother to communicate with Qin Heqing anymore, and directly put his posture in his voice.

"Then I will fulfill you!"

After all, when Qin Heqing stepped on his feet, the ground under the front ghost's feet trembles violently, and then exploded, turning into a huge mud palm and folded it.

"Five element spells...playing these in front of me, you are a little bit too close." Qiangui sneered. Without dodge, he directly pointed the feather fan in his hand towards the ground [八一中文网], and the originally active soil under his feet suddenly became stiff, as if it had dried up, shattered in sections, and fell on the forest land again.


Then Qiangui pointed again, and the ground under Qin Heqing's feet burst open, and a flame soaring to the sky shot out from it.

Qin Heqing couldn't help but stepped back. With a wave of his arm, the flame instantly broke away from the former ghost's control and turned into a fire dragon and charged towards the former ghost.

Upon seeing this, the front ghost's expression remained unchanged, but the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up, with a fan in his hand, and the violent explosion sounded through the forest again——


A huge smoke rose, and instantly enveloped the former ghost.

Fortunately, it didn't exist for a long time. Soon, it was blown away with Yue'er's wind curse, but when he looked at the center, where was the shadow of the former ghost? Except for an impact depression caused by the explosion, there is no trace and aura of demons and monsters...

"Is this, escaped?" Qin Heqing stared at the emptiness of the shock and said with a somewhat ugly face.

"It seems so." Yue'er felt for a moment, and responded with an ugly expression, "Really a cunning guy, no wonder he can become a fox monster."


At the same time, in Hachiman Castle, Takenaka Hanbei’s bedroom, with the disappearance of the former ghost, Takenaka Hanbei was like a patient with a high fever of 40 degrees, suddenly limp on the tatami, breathing quickly, and his face was full. Painfully speechless...

And this is also the reason why the former ghost prayed for the master to hold on when using the Eight Immortals——

I don’t know if it’s a congenital restriction or some other reason. Although he has a genius posture, he has mastered the knowledge and methods of onmyoji that an old onmyoji can’t master, but he looks like he hasn’t exercised too much physically. , It’s okay to use onmyoji in a small amount or to manipulate the former ghost alone, but once the battle of today’s level and the awakening operation of the polysynthesis are carried out, the body of Takenaka Hanbei will be physiologically developed due to the rapid consumption of spiritual power And physical feedback.

Such as fever, fatigue, coma, drowsiness and other symptoms similar to a bad cold.

This is also the fundamental reason why Qianghui simply fought with Qin Heqing after the Eight Immortals were eliminated, and directly used Qin Heqing's attack to pick up the people.

He was really worried that if he continued, he would kill his little master.

Fortunately, Takenaka Hanbei also knew his own problems, so while sending the former ghost out, Toki Mei asked Toki to arrange a few maids to take care of herself, so the moment she fell on the tatami, The door of the bedroom was pushed open from the outside, and several maids who took care of her rushed into the house.


"Hurry~www.ltnovel.com~ report to Lord Toki!"

"You, get a basin of water."


A maid, who seems to be the leader, arranged for other companions.


On the other hand, after confirming that the former ghost really escaped, instead of taking the opportunity to hide and then prepare to attack him, Qin Heqing had to accept this **** fact, lifted his union with Ayukawa, sealed his divine power, and left the forest again. Back to the battlefield.

The result is not bad, although the victory of this raid has not been officially classified, but on the whole, the Imagawa army with his spell BUFF blessing has a high winning rate, and has gradually gotten rid of the trouble of ambushes and began to focus on dealing with those enemies. Fang cavalry and the generals are out.

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not hesitate. After determining the position of the generals of the three coalition forces, they attacked them in a point-to-point manner...

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