"Move instantaneously? It's really a cunning ability." After a while, Toki Mei, who reappeared in her figure, turned around to face Qin Heqing and Yue'er who appeared beside Qin Heqing in a low voice, regardless of the senses of the people around her.

"Why? Why do people with such useful abilities and talents gather around you? It's so unwilling! Is it true that we women can't change the world at all and replace men? Become the mainstream of this world? I don’t believe it!"

After all, a more majestic demon energy erupted from Tokimei's body, shaking the space, and even the red light in the entire Dharma Realm became more and more flaming, like a flame, once again enveloping those trapped by Yue'er with vines. The guards.


Suddenly, screams sounded, and large stocks of red smoke flocked to Toki like fish.


Seeing this, Qin Heqing couldn't help furrowing his brows, and without being polite, he directly swung his knife towards the **** smoke.


The strong light passed, and the blood link was suddenly cut off by the blade of light filled with the power of divine light. But it was only temporary. Then, the **** smoke that still had its source surged again, flying towards Toki with a clear purpose.

"It's useless, as long as those people are still there and have not been squeezed out by my power, you won't be able to interrupt my absorption, you accept your fate." Seeing the crazy Tokimei, said to Qin Heqing with a willful look.

Her eyes were full of complacency, which made her look even more hateful.

"Yue'er." Qin Heqing silently turned and looked at Yue'er beside him.

"Leave it to me." Then Yue'er didn't hesitate, flashed again, appeared in the sky above Toki Mei, with one hand, countless rays that looked like electric light shot at Toki Mei quickly.

Toki Mi did not dodge, but confidently danced the demon knife in her hand, red light filled it, and like a shield, Yue'er's attack arrived...

But the next moment, a violent explosion blasted around Toki Mi's body, and the smoke filled Toki Mi's body.

It also blocked her sight. But Toki Mei didn't panic at all. With a wave of his arm, a strong wind blew out of thin air, blowing away the dust that was enveloped in it.

Then Toki Mei saw a fire appear out of thin air, and targeted the samurai who served as her enhanced energy providers, and burned them violently to refine them to death.

Suddenly, Toki Mei's complexion changed, her gaze turned to Qin Heqing, who was standing holding a curse, and without hesitation, a **** sword light fell over.


The bright light was permeating, and Tokimi's attack was resisted by the silent barrier of Ayukawa, which had always been silent, as if there were no mountains or dews.

"Don't forget, your opponent is me!" Yue'er roared angrily when she saw this.

Then the Wanye Feihua Flow erupted, rushing to Toqi like a torrent.

"Don't hinder me!" Toki Mei, who was restrained by Yue'er again, shouted with an angry face.

Then with a slash with the demon knife in his hand, a **** flame emerged out of thin air, like a tarsal maggot, instantly clinging to the turbulent flow of blades made by Yue'er, igniting the sharp blades and burning them to ashes. .

"Fire? Me too!" Yue'er sneered, followed by a sneer.

"God God Fire Emperor, all demons coexist!"


The violent flames erupted, like magma rising into the sky, and pressed toward Toki.

"I said, don't hinder me, you bastard!" Toki roared beautifully.

Then the demon sword slashed vertically, as if the huge **** sword light that could cut the sky flew out from her hand again, splitting the fire wave, and continued to fly away from the formation without any loss.

In this way, the problem can be big. You must know that Qin and Qing and the others are now where the main formations of the three coalition forces of Mino, Asai, and Asakura are located, that is, the command center. Except for the three soldiers, there are three soldiers around. There is nothing to do little things. This kind of attack directly off the map. The method was completely helping Qin Heqing and Jinchuan Army to eliminate his own subordinates.

No, even after the sword, even if the soldiers responded in a timely manner and spontaneously avoided, there were still more than a dozen soldiers who died under this sword, and they became scared of the characters in the formation.

A dozen aftermath killed more than a dozen people. If you directly participate in this, there will be no dead bodies.

Which line of this.

Therefore, after the attack disappeared, the soldiers of the three families never dared to approach the main formation again. After seeing the actions of Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Keikai, they also ran away, completely removing the main formation and the main formation. The surrounding space of several meters was isolated, so as not to be killed because of unknown attack.


It’s just that Tokimi, who has become the Demon Sword Princess, has a high attack power, but she is still too direct in terms of combat methods, and will not use those restraints at all. So the moment she cuts through the flames, she is once again affected by Yue'er’s spells. Controlled--

Countless vines emerged from her feet, like rope traps, entangled Toki Mi's ankle.

Tokimi was angry and cut the link between the vines with a knife.

But she still couldn't get out of the predicament—because the growth rate of the vines was much faster than her expectation, basically she had just finished a wave of vines, and another wave of vines appeared again, so coupled with Yue'er's spell control , For a while, it really made her a little tired to deal with.

Seeing this, Toki Mi finally gave up on the plan to take the target-Qin Heqing coldly snorted, and fiercely inserted the demon sword in her hand that was catalyzed by the demon power into the ground in front of her. .


Then the demon power exploded, and the violent explosion sound broke out again in the main formation that had no trace.


The mud was flying, and Tokimi rushed into the air in the recoil of the explosion.

"Chaotic cut!" After that, Toki Mei's eyes brightened, and she swung her knife to cut out an AOE attack covering the entire array-countless swords shot, and slashed towards Yue'er, Qin Heqing, and all the debris in the camp. And open space.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

After a series of explosions ~www.ltnovel.com~ the entire formation was enveloped by the sudden rise of smoke and dust. The line of sight was blocked, and no one could see the opponent anymore, and they temporarily lost their battle vision.

Fortunately, this was only temporary. Then, with the actions of Toki Mi and Yue'er, the situation on the field became clear again.

First of all, Toki Mei, there is nothing to say, she who has fallen back to the ground is paying full attention, preparing to start the next round of attacks. Then there were Yue'er and Qin Heqing, a round ball surrounded by large green leaves, stopped in place like a ball, and a golden light shining all over, protecting Qin Heqing in the middle like an eggshell.

Only those soldiers who were entangled in vines and engulfed by Toki beauty's demon fire, and then burned by Qin Heqing with the Fire World Curse, their bodies became extremely broken, and they became scorched by the fire, even a little active No flesh and blood were left, but he couldn't die anymore.

"Originally I wanted to save my life. Now it seems that I can only take you away."

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