High Priest in Japan

Chapter 899: break out

"If you want to kill, kill, I don't need you to pretend to be a good person!" Toki Mi retorted disdainfully.


"Then it will make you perfect." Yue'er replied unceremoniously when Qin Heqing was blocked.

Then she was really not polite, pointing her arm directly, and the thousands of green leaves wrapped around her were like soldiers and horses who heard the command, and quickly shot at Toki Mei.

"It's useless!" Tokimi just simply smiled arrogantly and slashed with a knife. The familiar demon fire once again transformed into a horizontal wall of fire, covering the thousands of green leaves, against the torrent, Xiang Yue'er burned over.

Then Qin Heqing rushed forward with swords, and slashed towards Tuqi with a robes.

Toki waved the knife holder to block it, but he didn't expect that the seemingly heavy knife was a false move. When the blade was deflected, he lay on Tokimi's blade, then lifted his legs and feet, and kicked Tokimi's stomach.


Suddenly, Toki Mei was in pain, and he staggered backwards. It also gave Qin Heqing a chance to attack again. He set his feet on the knife and rushed towards Toqi with a golden light of sword light like a crescent moon.

"Don't underestimate me!" Toki Mei screamed, and with her circular knife spinning, an energy barrier was created with her movements, like a shield, colliding with Qin Heqing's attack.


The violent explosion spread, and Tokimi was enveloped in the white smoke produced during the energy strike.

Then Yue'er appeared above Qin Heqing's head and slapped it with one hand. A golden and majestic hand fell like Toki Meipai in the smoke.

When the wind pressure fell, the smoke and dust wrapped around Toki Mi's body was instantly pushed away by the intense air pressure, exposing Toki Mi in it again.


Tokimi, who faced this coverage attack, didn't panic at all. As soon as her eyes condensed, she slashed over with the most orthodox and common attack.


The sword light shot, Yue'er's diamond hand was instantly cut in half by the sword light released by the demon sword, and the remaining force continued to fly towards Qin Heqing and Yue'er.

Qin Heqing's complexion condensed, and he did not ask Ayukawa to use the power of mind to defend. Instead, he stretched his hands forward and swallowed the sword light flying in front of him with the power of the demon pot's swallowing all things, and then Yue'er fingers At one point, a cross and thunder method blasted towards Toqi.


Toki resisted with a sword, but how could it, which is a negative energy carrier, completely resist the masculine attack formed by the power of the pure to strong thunder? So even if she didn't eat it head-on, the energy spilled out afterwards--electric rushing shots still covered Tokimei's body, causing her body to be stimulated, and her reaction became stiff and dull.

Then Yue'er gained power and didn't forgive, and took a shot, appeared in front of Toki Mi, and grabbed her knife-holding arm—

But shortly afterwards, he had to dodge to the side.

There is no him, just because the demon sword is at the moment of the moment, and Tokimei's thoughts are stepped to Yue'er.

Obviously, simply shielding Tokimi's influence cannot completely suppress the demon sword's actions, otherwise, it would not be a demon sword, but a dead thing.

Yue'er, who was forced to retreat by the demon sword, frowned, and once again used his own natal spell-the wood spell. With a thought, a large number of vines rushed out of the ground near Tokimei's feet, like dozens of snakes, entwining towards Tokimei.

But it still failed.

There is no other reason, but the demon sword. I saw a flash of red light on its surface, and vigorous coquettish flames appeared on it and Toki Mi, forcibly burning the vines to ashes.

In other words, as long as this demon fire could not be broken, no matter how many wood spell attacks Yueer used, she would not be able to cause any damage to Toki Mei in the end, and could only waste mana in vain.

Unexpectedly, Yue'er's heart sank, and her gaze at Toki Mi became more and more gloomy.

"It's really tricky."

But it’s just a little bit. After all, although Yue’er is an elf of the flower and bird scroll, she is best at wood spells. It can be used as a time-tested shikigami who has lived directly from the Warring States period to modern times. She knows more than wood. There are also a large number of onmyojis and onmyojis formed by the Eastern Buddhism, which are actually the Eastern secret spells of Buddhism. If you really want to fight with Tokimei, the only unlucky one may be Toki Mei, not her!

Not to mention, the existence of Qin Heqing and Ayukawa on the side is not a decoration. As long as they cooperate well, they are completely sure to end the battle within two quarters of an hour (half an hour), completely destroy Toki Mei’s ambitions, and let her 'calm down.

The fact is also true. After seeing Yue'er's attack restrained, Qin Heqing decisively formed the seal with both hands and used the Fudo King Fire Curse.

Isn't it fire? It seems that no one can use it.

So the next moment, the vigorous flames gushing out of the void, forming a flame tornado surrounding at high speed, falling under Qin Heqing's control and coming to Toki Mi——

Obviously, Qin Heqing was really not scrupulous this time, and was really ready to kill Toki Mei to end this battle that shouldn't have appeared in Mino's history.

Seeing this, Tokimi's expression changed, and the demon knife in her hand flashed a terrible red glow, "Are you really going to kill me... Since that's the case, don't blame me for the desperate effort."

After all, a strong scarlet light burst out from Toki Mi's body, like a signal beam, rising into the sky. Then the **** dense fog pervading the entire battlefield violently tossed, from the original faint invisible to ordinary people can clearly see, and strongly attracted the wounded people on the entire battlefield. Blood, blood...

Neither the soldiers from the Imagawa family nor the soldiers from the Mino, Asai, and Asakura families were spared.

One by one, wailing in pain~www.ltnovel.com~ seemed to be suffering some terrible torture, losing fighting spirit, losing combat power, curled up and fell onto the battlefield.

It can be said that in an instant, the entire battlefield stopped because of Tokimi's actions. Both sides looked at each other, and no one dared to move a bit, lest they step into other people's footsteps.

"This..." Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Keikaru saw this, their discoloration also changed, and they could not say anything.


Then the majestic blood gushed from the top of the battlefield, drawing a beautiful **** arc, falling into the red beam of light that appeared in the direction of the three coalition forces, turning into energy, and swiftly toward Toki Mi's body, and even her The demon sword in his hand landed and was absorbed and strengthened by them.


Then the terrifying aura broke out, like a real shock wave, dispersing the flames of King Ming that Qin Heqing had made, making Qin Heqing's attack useless and ridiculous again.


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