High Priest in Japan

Chapter 900: 1 battle depends on 3 countries

"Yue'er, Ayukawa, merge with me! Can't let her swallow it anymore, otherwise not only will her strength become stronger, but the lives of the soldiers outside will also be worrying." Qin Heqing saw this, his expression changed, his complexion changed. He said heavily to Yue'er and Ayukawa beside him.

"What are you going to do?" Yue'er asked, looking at him.

However, he didn't hesitate in his actions, he immediately unlocked the seal in his body and turned into a deified state, turned into light, and melted into Qin Heqing's body.

Then there is Ayukawa.

The majestic power burst out from Qin Heqing's body without showing weakness, and competed with the power that burst out from Toki Mei, directly turning the borderless main formation into a battlefield between him and Toki.

"I am going to use the nine-character mantra with all my strength to end the battle in an instant with the power of the six-character combination." Qin Heqing said.

"Six characters are the same?! No wonder you want us to fit with you." Yue'er said suddenly.

Because the power of the six sons in Qin Heqing’s mouth, she has seen it, is a power that can stop time within a certain range. Although it consumes a lot of time, it will consume almost half of Qin Heqing’s divine power reserve at the moment of activation. It lasts just two or three seconds, but for the current environment, it is a very effective and powerful means of combat.

Especially when they are still in a fit situation.

In this way, even if Qin Heqing couldn't move because of the power of the mantra, he didn't have to worry about being unable to attack, or causing her and Ayukawa to be unable to move, thus losing the key attack node.

"You start, I know what I should do." Yue'er said in Qin Heqing's heart.

"it is good."

Immediately Qin Heqing did not hesitate, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and entered a state similar to that of the monk Gujing Wubo, and then walked towards the erupting Toki Mei with the confrontation brought by the explosion of the whole body. The mantra seal formed on both hands--







Suddenly, horrible and indescribable energy fluctuations erupted from Qin Heqing’s hands, forming a visible impact visible to the naked eye, rapidly spreading to the surroundings, and while spreading, all the shock waves swept through were static and fixed. It made the world seem like a video screen with the pause button pressed, completely stopped.

Of course, it was only a short moment. Then, the external environment moved again, and only a few meters of Qin Heqing's body remained silent, as if he had been cut away from the whole world.

And this included Toki Mei, who was approached by Qin Heqing, with the expression on her face staying in the original position, staring at Qin Heqing with bright eyes, but she couldn't react at all.

"Now!" Qin Heqing shouted.

Then the horrible blade shot out of the void, quickly breaking through the energy protection of Toki Mei's body, and rushing to the impact of the energy, has begun to tremble slightly, it seems that the next moment will be able to break free from the **** and regain freedom. Beside, for a flash, Toki Mei's arm holding the demon sword was cut off...

Then Ayukawa’s motivation for thinking suddenly fell on the Demon Saber Guitou and Suan Shou, taking advantage of the solidification of time and space, forcibly took the Demon Sword and Shou Shou to Qin Heqing.

Without hesitation, Qin Heqing immediately dispersed his fingerprints, released the spell, grabbed the demon sword with his hand, activated the demon refining pot, and put the demon sword and Toki Mei's broken arm carried in it into the refining pot together.


The terrible explosion sounded, and Toki Mei didn’t even have time to scream, but under the impact of the suddenly exploded energy beam, it turned into a **** fog, formed by the turbulence of the air caused by the explosion. The violent wind blows away, and there is not even a single residue left...


"It's really miserable." Yue'er didn't know whether it was emotional or gloating.

"Forget it, enough people have died in this war, and it's time to end it." After a moment of silence, Qin Heqing sighed.

He didn’t hesitate immediately, he directly lifted the deification state, restored to the original state, and then flew up and found the other two important figures of the three coalition forces—Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Keiki in a condescending manner. Take them down.

"The Asai family and the Asakura family will listen to me. If you don't want Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Keike to die, stop immediately, put down your weapons and surrender to the Imagawa Army!" Qin Heqing carried the two and flew into the air. , Declared loudly at the soldiers of the two armies who had stopped because of the previous changes.

"There are also soldiers from Mino. Your leader Toki Mi is dead. You don't need to fight anymore. If you want to survive, you should join Asai and the Asakura family to surrender to the Imagawa army. , We promise not to abuse the prisoners or kill the innocent indiscriminately, and we will treat you fairly!"

Hearing this, the soldiers of Mino, Asai, and Asakura looked at each other, and then looked up at Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Kekikag who were caught in the sky. He hesitated before throwing away their weapons. After coming down, he began to surrender to the Imagawa Army.

And it's piece by piece.

So after a while, except for those soldiers who couldn't get up because of Toki Mi's magic tricks and didn't know the specific situation, only the Imagawa army remained standing in the entire field.

"Everyone, immediately take action to receive the soldiers!" Shibata Katsura saw this and immediately ordered the surrounding soldiers.


Then the soldiers of the Sichuan Army took action and converged the troops in accordance with a certain set procedure.


After that, things were simple~www.ltnovel.com~ With the help of Qin Heqing, the Imagawa Army successfully captured the city of Hachiman, and was captured with a high fever due to spiritual backlash, so he did not take the opportunity to escape. Hanbei Takenaka and other high-level officials, such as the Mino trio, completely wiped out the generals on Mino's side and completed the work of incorporating Mino.

Then the Imagawa army stopped its advance, and while dealing with the remaining problems on Mino’s side, arranging the leaders and guardians, while sending envoys to Asai and Asakura’s family to deliver messages, asking them to pay enough to exchange what they were holding. Hostages and soldiers, otherwise the Imagawa Army will not rule out directly entering the two countries and completing the attack on the two countries.

So within three days, the Asai family, who was born in Asai Nagamasa, responded to the news, willing to exchange the life of Asai Nagamasa by the surrender of the Asai family.

In other words, from the moment when the news was received, Kita Omi became the possession of the Imagawa family and the sphere of influence of Imagawa Yoshimoto.

Then it was Asakura’s side, but because of the celebrity, he didn’t plan to surrender his family, but wanted to use finances in exchange for soldiers and hostages. However, Qin Heqing didn’t agree, so after three days of repairs, the Imagawa Army As soon as the general trend entered Echizen, together with Matsuhira Motoyasu who had entered Echizen long ago, they overthrew Asakura's power and completed the rule of Echizen.

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