High Priest in Japan

Chapter 914: Conversion

"Unexpectedly, you will have a day when you will be abandoned by women." In a corner of the main hall of the banquet, Yue'er's voice suddenly sounded around Qin Heqing, who seemed particularly lonely because he couldn't get into the conversation of the female great names.

"I will have today. Whose reason was it in the first place?" Qin Heqing drank the sake from his sip and asked angrily.

If it weren't for Yue'er to say that exciting choice, how could he have changed from a good, fine young man to this kind of (non-typo) male **** who was aimless and unscrupulous?

"But in the end it was you who agreed to this proposal," Yue'er retorted unceremoniously.

The meaning is obvious, just don't expect her to give him a backdoor.


"Hey, it's still too young, too little experience, unable to resist the temptation." After a long silence, Qin Heqing sighed with emotion.

"Then if the time goes back to when we first entered this time and space, and put this choice in front of you, would you still choose it?" Yue'er smiled, and asked not meaningfully.

"Uh... probably so." Qin Heqing twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and said in embarrassment.

After all, the temptation is too great, and now that he is used to this kind of life, even if he goes back to the past, he can’t just watch the woman who belonged to him marry an inexplicable man or according to some unknown line of fate. Died in the war!

Anyway, he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

"Then continue to suffer. After all, this is your own choice." Yue'er said with a blank look.

Qin Heqing could not help but pour another dish of sake into his mouth.

Even for him, as a Dionysian priest, even if he directly drank a jar, as long as he had no idea of ​​getting drunk, then apart from increasing the pressure on his bladder and turning himself into a patient with frequent urination, Mao had no effect...


Fortunately, this situation didn't last long. It was almost half an hour or so. I didn't know if the talk was over, but I couldn't help it. My friend Zonglin secretly left the crowd and came to Qin Heqing's side.

"Anada." Great friend Zong Lin cheered in a sweet voice.

"Why are you here?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Isn't it because you are unaccompanied? In addition, I have finished talking about things on my side, so I will come over to accompany you. Look, among these women, I still care about you the most." Otomo Zonglin said. , Picked up the flask and helped Qin Heqing pour the sake again.

"Well, hello to Yizhen." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to embrace his friend Zonglin's waist and clinked glasses with her.

Yizhen, the alias of Otomo Zonglin, is also her original name. It is a name that only people who are close to her are allowed to call.

Just like Niwa Nagahide's alias is called Wan Chiyo, most people call her like that, apart from arousing disgust, there is no possibility of getting a different look.

"Look, I'm so good to you, or else you don't stay in Kyoto at all. When the meeting is over, you can go back to Fenghuang directly with me. Then we can live together forever." Otomo Zonglin saw this and hurriedly Whispered the proposal.

"Do you want me to return to the Empress Dowager with you?" Qin Heqing looked at her in surprise and asked.

"Of course I do. Even I’m sure that not only I want you to return to my country with me, but the other women present also hope to bring you back to their country and live like a real husband and wife. Raising offspring." Otomo Zonglin blinked, his eyes full of longing replied.

"I believe it," Qin Heqing affirmed.

Otherwise, too despise the content of the black magic added in the contract ceremony invented by Yue'er, right?

You know, that is the key to changing the contractor’s consciousness and allowing the contractor to communicate deeply with the passage of time, increasing their yearning, desire, and attachment to him as the contractor all the time. If they have this kind of thought, that is the real problem.

"How is it? Do you want to go back with me?" Otomo Zonglin asked expectantly.

"Where are you going back? If it's Kyushu, I would also support Heqing to return to Kyushu with us." Said Yoshiyo Sagara, who had withdrawn from the talks with the island princes for some reason, came over with a wine glass.

"Is your business finished?" Qin Heqing didn't answer, but turned to Yiyang and asked.

"Yeah." Sagara Yoshiyo sat next to Qin Heqing and replied, "After all, Higo's location is too remote, and it happens to be caught between the forces of Bungo Otomo and Satsuma Shima, before they can break through their barriers. , No matter how much we talk about, it is basically impossible to achieve, so after reaching contact with Takeda, Imagawa, and Matsunaga, and discussing trade cooperation with Nagasong, my ministry, my business will be over."

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't stop you from communicating with the people on the island." At the same time, the great friend Zonglin said dissatisfied.

What is Sagara Yoshio doing, digging a hole for her?

"I know, but it's the same. I don't have a reason to lead the fat queen to continue to break through~ www.ltnovel.com~ After all, if we really want to talk about it, the relationship between us is far more intimate than outsiders imagine. "Xiangliang Yiyang glanced at his friend Zonglin, then looked at Qin Heqing beside him with a wry smile.

Yes, they have all become women of the same man. Are they really fighting for the so-called concubine relationship?

It would take them all to be pregnant with Qin Heqing's children.

Otomo Zonglin silently moved his mouth and apologized to Sagara Yoshiyo in a low voice.


Then, the other people also discovered the situation here, and looked at each other. Without the harmony they had before, they also walked towards Qin Heqing with their wine glasses.

"Hey, it's really a bunch of lamps that are not fuel efficient." Seeing this, Shingen Takeda couldn't help but patted his forehead with a helpless expression on his face.

Sure enough, none of them are so foolish.

Then Takeda Shingen did not hesitate and walked towards Qin Heqing.

The position of the regular wife, she said nothing would be given to other women!

Even if the agreement was broken for this, it would be no hesitate to directly wage war on the forces controlled by other women!

"Okay, okay, Yoshimoto, didn't you mean that there are a lot of shows arranged? It just so happens that now everyone is in high spirits, let your people come up to perform shows, and help everyone again." Seeing myself become a banquet again In the center, Qin Heqing, who was surrounded by the crowd, rushed to the side with a smile on his face before finally grabbing a close position, suggested Imagawa Yoshimoto.

"Okay. I dare say that these shows will definitely not disappoint everyone." After speaking, Imagawa Yoshimoto patted his palms, and signaled the people below to quickly prepare for the show.

Then a famous singer and musician walked into the venue, played and sang the harmony, which was very lively, but also the guests of the sword and sword presented their carefully prepared program content.

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