High Priest in Japan

Chapter 915: Child problem

The whole performance is summed up in one sentence: cross talk, sketches, magic acrobatics, storytelling, jokes, rap art...

Even if things like cross talk and sketches are placed in this era, they are not called cross talks in island countries, but are called rakugo and ramblings. But the meaning is still the same, and if you appreciate it patiently, it is not impossible to enjoy it.

But what attracted Qin Heqing’s attention more was the two dance columns-Shiranui Ari's fisherman's song, and Izumo Akuni's geisha performances. They were so distinctive and unique that everyone present could not help but look at them. Stop talking, and focus on admiring.

Yes, Shiranui Ari and Izumo Akuni.

The reason why they appeared here is naturally related to Qin Heqing.

The former is because she has a relationship with Qin and Qing, so after receiving the invitation (reported by Niwa Nagahide), she was sent to Kyoto by the arranger of Niwa Nagahide. The latter was Qin Heqing who contacted other people around, such as when Takeda Shingen casually mentioned it, and then Izumo's A country was found and invited to Kyoto to perform.

As for other people, the white-painting is really affecting people's visual experience.

In addition to the fact that the island national song and dance itself has something unspeakable, Qin Heqing, who has long been accustomed to the later generations of modern and dynamic dances, can’t accept it. After a simple glance, he rejoined him. Of women in a fun and laughing activity.

The crowd was noisy, and they drank more and more without knowing it, and the more they drank, the more drunk they got...

Gradually, everyone was not scrupulous about occasions, or disguised, liberating their nature and starting a drunkenness.

Compared to today, Yoshimoto Chuan was drunk and he wanted to let people watch her perform singing and dancing.


"Ha, do you still want to fight with me? What a dream?" At the end of the drink, the member of the Nagazong I, who will reluctantly persist until the end, also slapped Takeda Shingen's thighs on the ground, smugly. Haha laughed.

"Now, let me see who will fight with me."

"Okay, no one else can hear it." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to **** the wine saucer from Takeda Shingen's hand, and said angrily.

"That's not necessarily." Takeda Shingen took advantage of the situation and hooked Qin Heqing's neck with his hand, and pulled his head into his arms. He looked at the banquet hall in the banquet hall. There was no image at all, and he didn't care whether he would go out or not. The people who have already gone, don't say anything meaningful.

"Who knows if any of them is pretending to be drunk?"

"Can't it?" Qin Heqing turned his head, and hesitated while looking at the girls on the tatami. "It makes no sense."

"Ha, it really doesn't make much sense. But it also shows that they only dare to use tricks in secret, not blatantly competing with me for your ownership. So even if it is pretending, I am very happy, at least I am the last winner. So after this banquet is over, come back to Kai with me. Help me govern Kai and develop Kai, so that our children in the future can have a stronger Kai to inherit." Shingen Takeda looked down into Qin Heqing’s eyes.

"Have you thought so far?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Could it be that you are going to give birth to your heirs with others? Who is it?" Shingen Takeda asked with a grimace when his expression changed.

"Uh...that's not enough. But you don't think it's too early to talk about heirs?" Qin Heqing said with a dry smile.

Even if he was already over thirty when he was counted in his previous life, he never thought he would be a father one day!

Especially after my physical fitness has been strengthened one after another, and I feel that it is difficult for an ordinary woman to conceive anymore, I have no idea of ​​having a baby anymore.

At the same time, this is also the reason why he dared to implement Yue'er's proposal and spread all kinds of seeds...

Because I am not afraid of leaving offspring.

Otherwise, he would not dare to be so waved in this era without Durex.

"It's getting late. When other men were like you, their children would have been running around, or did you never think about the offspring, and were going to continue to wander around like this?" After a meal, Shingen Takeda again As if to find something, he was surprised and said, "Huh? Speaking of it, you have been with us for so long, it seems that no woman is pregnant because of your relationship. Did you do it?"

"No. But it does have something to do with me." Qin Heqing grabbed Takeda Shingen's precious jade and smiled bitterly.

"How do you say?" Takeda Shingen asked curiously.

"Because I am too strong. It is not my cultivation level, but my physical fitness and life level. Compared with you, my life level is quite a bit higher! So as long as it's not a female with the same life level as me , Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to be pregnant with my child... Even if you are pregnant because of some accident, it is not a good thing for you."

"Isn't it a good thing? What can I say?" Takeda Shingen frowned.

"Because of the influence of congenital factors, if you are really pregnant with my child, then our children will try their best to absorb energy and various nutrients. Then you will not only need special maintenance methods to supplement consumption, but the price of tonic is too high. It may drag down the treasure of the Takeda family, and it may also affect your physical fitness and even endanger your life." Qin Heqing sighed.

"After all, compared with external nutrition, you as the fetus's mother is his first supply channel, and it is the foundation of his life."

"Now you understand why I said being pregnant with my child is not a good thing for you."

"Your life level is very high?" Takeda Shinxuan was silent for a moment, and looked at Qin Heqing again to confirm.


"How did you do it? It's impossible to be innately superior, right? Even if you are the so-called goddess, it seems impossible to justify it?" Takeda Shingendao.

It's not that she has never been in contact with the goddess~www.ltnovel.com~ and even the so-called goddess of Katsuyori Takeda next to her is the last descendant of the Suwabo clan. If all the gods are like Qin Heqing, with a superior life level, and even unable to conceive an ordinary woman, how did they pass down the Qin family and the Suwa family?

Do you rely on adopting other people's children?

No way.

"Various reasons. Although there are some ways to strengthen your physical fitness, it is somewhat difficult to strengthen to my level." Qin Heqing thought about it and explained.

"Don’t be afraid of difficulties, the solution is. This is not my business alone. I can’t have the Takeda family, and the Takeda family can’t have Kai country, and even Imagawa Yoshimoto and their forces. As long as there is a way, I don’t believe in bringing us together. Human power can't figure out what you need." Takeda Shingen said in a very proud voice.

"Don't you think?" Takeda Shingen cried the women on the tatami.

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