High Priest in Japan

Chapter 942: 4 start with soul jade

When the words fell, the powerful thought power suddenly acted on the abnormal land that Ayukawa felt, as if a pair of invisible big hands forcibly opened the land, revealing the centipede hidden underneath.

"Damn! Are you here to grab the jade of the four souls with me too!?" The hundred-legged woman, like a real centipede, swept with one hundred feet and escaped from the attack of Ayukawa. Ayukawa, who was standing next to Ling Nu and unconscious Kagome, looked fiercely at Ayumi, and asked with hate.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Ayukawa said coldly.

So far, he showed no desire for the jade of the four souls.

But it’s not because she doesn’t know the nature of the jade of the four souls-as a person close to Qin Heqing, even closer to the body than Yue’er, she has long understood the jade of the four souls from the dialogue between Qin Heqing and Yue’er What it is, I also understand what role that play has to deal with these monsters and monsters.

But if you really want to say how coveted it is, Ayu Chuan feels that Qin Heqing's divine power instilled in her is not as helpful.

Even after the divine power is used, he needs to find Qin Heqing to supplement it again.

But there is no sequelae!

Moreover, after using the divine power more times, she can also improve her essence invisibly, let herself suppress Sadako’s erosion of herself, and make her consciousness stronger. She will only think about getting that four soul when she is stupid. jade.

Not to mention, the jade of the four souls is also about whether they can return to the future.

Even if it had no other effect, Ayukawa would not allow Kagome, the key to returning to the future, to have problems with the jade of the four souls.

So after speaking, he didn't hesitate at all. As soon as the invisible power of thought fell, it was once again suppressed on the hundred-legged monster who was slightly distracted by the words, and forced her to the ground.


"Ahhhhh! The jade of the four souls is mine!" the hundred-footed monster roared. The smelly monster air leaped out of its body like poison, but before it could disperse, the head of the Hundred-legged monster violently twisted, then shattered, and separated from its body...

Needless to say, I knew that this was the dead hand of Ayukawa.

"Wow, it's terrible." Ling female exclaimed with a surprised look on her face.

It was just that Ayukawa ignored her, thinking about moving again, tore the remaining body of the Hundred-legged monster to pieces, but it was not a whole body left by Hundred-legged.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to use fire spells, and I can't put it away with something like Heqing. Otherwise, I can take the corpse back and hand it over to Heqing for processing." All this Ayukawa said regretfully.

As a person close to Qin Heqing, she knew how much Qin Heqing coveted monsters. It could be said that she would catch them when she saw them. Therefore, in the past ten years, in addition to the normal life of men and women, what Qin Heqing mainly did was to cruise around the island, go deep into the mountains and rivers to find the trouble of monsters, and for this reason, he did not kill the monsters. It can even be said that the reason why the people of the island country are able to live so well is not only the peace and stability brought about by the establishment of the Imagawa shogunate, but also Qin Heqing's arrest of monsters everywhere!

Otherwise, even if society is stable, ordinary people who are attacked by monsters at night will not be able to live happily and securely.

"Then where are we going now, just go back?" Ling Nu did not surprise Aykawa's performance, and asked Kagome, who was sleeping again.

"Let's go back."

After all, this time they brought a hot potato with them. If you don't hurry back, what level and scale of monster attack will the ghost know afterwards?

Then Ayukawa didn't talk nonsense, and directly read the motivation, wrapped it around Lingnu and Kagome, and took them to the sky and galloped towards the city of Jiushan.


After an hour or so, Ayukawa and his team returned to the city smoothly.

"Thank you." Qin Heqing said as he looked at Ayukawa, Lingnv and Kagome who descended from the sky.

"Now, give you the person you want." Ling Nu smiled, stepped forward and handed Kagome to Qin Heqing.

"Well. Do you go to rest or deal with Kagome with me?" Qin Heqing took Kagome and hugged him, and asked back when he looked up at the two.

"I'm quite curious about how you plan to deal with her." Ling Nui responded without hesitation.

"Is there a place where I need to get started?" Ayukawa asked.

"Well, it's true. Come on, let's go there together." After saying that, Qin Heqing was not talking nonsense, and directly thought of it, and put the Kagome in his arms, Ayukawa and Linggirl into the pot. The world appeared in Huzhong Town, which had been transformed into a daughter village and daughter town after ten years of construction, and stood in his own room.

Then Qin Heqing put the Kagome in his arms on the ground, squatted down and held her belly with his hand to sense for a moment, then his eyes condensed, and he pointed the fingers of his dominant hand to the left side of Kagome's belly. That is, with a stroke on the side of her stomach, bright red blood poured out of her skin and flesh, and then expanded, a round, transparent crystal like a baseball suddenly slipped out of Kagome’s wound and fell. It entered the palm of Qin Heqing, who had been prepared.

"Ayukawa, help her heal." Qin Heqing stood up holding the crystal ball-like jade of four souls.

"Okay." Ayukawa responded, and then activated his mind power to repair Kagome's wound.

By the way, Kagome was awakened from the coma...

It really has a full range of repair effects.

"Hmm..." Kagome whispered in pain, clutching his neck, and sat up on the tatami. "You are..."

"My name is Qin Heqing, and they are my companions, Ayukawa and Lingnu." Qin Heqing introduced Kagome, who was full of doubts.

"Then where is it?" Kagome blinked, did not say whether he believed it or not, but he asked without introducing himself.

"My house." Qin Heqing smiled.

"...Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I am Kagome, I'm sorry to trouble you, do you have a phone at home? I want to call home so that they won’t worry." Kagome was silent for a while. With a kind smile on his face, he looked at Qin Heqing cautiously and asked.

"Sorry, we don't have a phone at home." After a meal, he added with a smile, "not only our home, but everyone around us doesn't have any. Because there is no such thing as a phone in this era."

"Huh? There are no phones in the whole village, how is this possible?" Kagome said in disbelief.

Now it is not more than ten years ago. Installing a phone requires various conditions, and also has to pay an expensive installation fee. How remote is it to be so that the entire village does not have a phone available?

Is it all for nothing?

It's strange that the officials of the city imperial palace didn't get rid of the village head.

"However, this is the case. As for the reason... just because it is 1506, the Warring States Period." Qin Heqing said again, smiling at Kagome, who was full of suspicion.

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