High Priest in Japan

Chapter 943: Accept the truth

"War, Warring States? How is this possible!?" Kagome couldn't believe it.

Is she really a fool? Doesn't even know the age of my life?

Not to mention, if this is really the Warring States Period, how do you know it is the Warring States Period? Can’t you, Qin and Qing, be foresight, and you can know 500 years later, right? If that were the case, would you still live in such a humble place?

It is estimated that the emperor should have been invited by the emperor or something to be an enshrined priest.

"I see, you're joking, right?"

"Don't believe me? Then I will take you out to confirm it in person."

After speaking, Qin Heqing moved his mind and brought Kagome, Lingnv, and Ayukawa back to the real world outside, and appeared in the castle tower of Niuyama Castle.

"Let's go and see if I'm lying to you."

"Go and go!" Kagome looked at Qin Heqing, although she was surprised and a little scared at the ability he had mastered without knowing whether it was teleportation or what ability, but because of the girl's self-esteem, she was still unwilling. Believing that what Qin Heqing said was true, he couldn't help but continue to support it.

Without hesitation, he calmly stepped out and walked out.

Qin Heqing followed, lest the guards at the Tianshou Pavilion would treat Kagome as an intruder because they didn't know Kagome, and then click again.

That would be really bad.

After all, the ghost knows that the ability of the bone-eating well to travel through the past and the future is because of Kagome, the jade of the four souls, or because of the soul of the bellflower remaining in Kagome?

Therefore, Kagome can't make any trouble until the specific situation is determined.

Then a group of people left the castle tower and came to the street outside.

"This...how is it possible?! Did I really go back to the Warring States period?" Kagome murmured unwillingly and unbelievably, looking at the poor, traditionally dressed pedestrians and residents.

"Isn't this a movie city? Dahe drama is being filmed?" After a while, Kagome asked Qin Heqing who was following her with the last fluke.

"You can walk around and see if there are cameras around, or if there are so-called staff coming out to stop you, telling you not to disturb their shooting." Qin Heqing smiled noncommitantly.

Kagome was silent for a moment, but still rushed out without giving up, destroying the'shooting scene' according to her own thoughts.

How to do it

Quite simply, running wildly all over the street, yelling indiscriminately, or inserting suspected characters in the plot, in fact are ordinary urban residents in the dialogue to destroy their ‘deduction’...

To put it bluntly, it means to mess around.

The result that can be exchanged is to make her disappointed. Not to mention finding the so-called hidden camera, even the suspected staff did not see it, let alone who came out to stop her.

No, it’s not right, there are people who stop her, but they are ordinary residents in the market, and the way to stop them is simple and rude. They are either noisy, or they are ready to start pumping her, which shocked her and then saw that the situation was bad Run away.

Otherwise, she may now know what it will become.

"This is really the Warring States?" After a long while, Kagome, who was finally hit by the facts before him, returned to Qin Heqing's face, and confirmed in a low voice with downcast head.

"Such as fake replacement, here is indeed the Warring States Period." Qin Heqing confirmed the table.

"But if I remember correctly, this statement should have been proposed in the middle and late Tokugawa shogunate? How did you know?" Kagome, who suddenly found a loophole, brightened his eyes. Quickly raised his head and asked Qin Heqing.

"That... naturally because I am from later generations just like you." Qin Heqing calmly said.

"Huh?" Kagome was stunned, and the expression on his face became more and more incredible.

"And it's not just you and me. In another place, there is another future generation who also lives in this era." Qin Heqing said with a thicker smile.

"..." Kagome was speechless, feeling that his three views had been strongly impacted——

What happened to this world, how to travel through time and space, even later scientists who only dared to imagine, but never actually experimented, or actually conducted human experiments, how could she, Qin Heqing and that person so easily? Did someone who didn't know who met it?

Are they the protagonist of destiny, with the so-called destiny?

"Do you still want to go back?" Qin Heqing asked again when he saw Kagome's silence.

"Go back? You mean...return to the era we lived in?" Kagome, who had been silent and lost, immediately lifted his spirits when he heard the words and asked Qin Heqing with shining eyes.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Do you have a way to let us go back?" Kagome continued to ask.

"Then it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate with me." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"What do you want me to do?" Kagome warned.

"An Xin, I don’t plan to let you do anything, so you don’t need to be nervous. But I don’t want you to run around during this time of my preparation, which will affect my plan. So I hope you will be in the next I can stay on the side of the Tianshou Pavilion for a short time until I finish handling the trivial matters in my hands." Qin Heqing looked at Kagome, who was only a little taller than his chest, said sternly.

"Then there must be some time? How long?" Kagome thought for a while, feeling that there should be no problem, and then agreed.

"No more than one month at the latest." Qin Heqing replied after thinking about his own affairs.

"Well, I will wait for you here for a month."

"Thank you." Then after a pause, I suddenly remembered something and said again, "Oh, yes, there is one more thing that might trouble you."

"What?" Kagome questioned.

"Can you please sleep for a while first?"

After speaking, without waiting for Kagome, who was full of doubts, Ling Nu appeared next to Kagome again, reached out her hand and cut her in the neck, knocking Kagome out.


"Ayu Chuan!" Qin and Ayu Chuan who had been preparing for a long time beside the Qing Dynasty shouted ~www.ltnovel.com~ Give it to me. "Then Ayukawa's aura changed, from a human posture to Sadako's image suddenly, and then raised the deadly dark eyes, looking at the soul body of Kagome who was taking pictures in Qin Heqing's hands——

Yes, the soul body.

Because what Qin Heqing wanted to do was nothing else, it was to separate out the remains of Kagome, the soul fragments, information, resentment and other impurities related to Platycodon grandiflorum in Kagome's soul, so as to prepare for the rebirth of Platycodon grandiflorum.

Then the Sadako Ayukawa moved, an illusory spirit body was like a phantom, gradually emerged from the sleeping Kagome's soul body, was caught, pulled out, and separated until it became one. The independent individual was sealed, taken away by Qin Heqing and sent into the demon refining pot...

"Good job!"

After that, Qin Heqing was not tossing Kagome, and put her soul body back into her body.

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