High Priest in Japan

Chapter 962: Birthplace

"Do I have any problem here?" Qin Heqing glanced at Ercun Sword Shop, then at Tugong Kagura, who was standing quietly beside him, with a light smile.

"No problem. No, there is a problem! This place should be temporarily blocked. Why are you in this area? Is it possible that you are also here to deal with the Kabukicho anomaly?" Nicun Jianpu first shook his head subconsciously. , But then he woke up, his expression changed, and his expression looked a little weird at Qin Heqing guessing.

Could it be that the bureau was afraid that they might not be able to deal with Kabukicho's affairs and invited foreign aid?

It’s just that it’s not good to invite this guy over?

Don't you know in the bureau, did you wait for someone to have hatred with this guy?

"You think too much, but I haven't received the related demon entrustment. It just happened to be here." Qin He smiled lightly.

"Is it really a coincidence?" When the words fell, Tu Gong Kagura, who had been silent on the side, took the conversation and said, "The situation of these gentlemen can't be a coincidence."

"Yeah, if you happen to show up here, what's the matter with them! Don't tell me, you just come here for a stop, these guys will naturally appear here." Ercun Jianpu echoed, "I don't believe it. The anomaly here is so easy to talk about."

"However, this is the case, what can I do? I can only say that I am too good." Qin Heqing spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Uh..." Ercun Jianpu said, he had never seen such a brazen person!

Even if the other person's temperament and appearance are indeed better...

"Okay, you continue to do your things, I have other things to deal with, so you won't delay your actions." Qin He said quietly. Then, without verbosity, they greeted Last Yue'er and Ayukawa to photograph several missing persons, including Kasumigaoka Shiwa's father, from the ground, and moved towards the outside of the blocked Kabucho intersection.

"Oh, yes, although we both dislike each other, because of the consideration of ordinary human life, let me remind you one thing: don’t expect Bai Rui to get everything done. There is no situation in there. It's as simple as you imagined, so do it yourself."

After speaking, Qin Heqing didn’t stay and disappeared within the blockade, leaving only Ercun Sword Shop and Tugong Kagura to look at each other in front of the torii in Kabuki Town. For a while, I didn’t know whether to believe Qin Heqing’s words or continue According to the plan made before, it is better to go directly to Kabuki Town.

"What should I do now?" Ercun Jianpu asked Tugong Kagura next to him.

"Continue to act according to the plan." Tuguong Kagura replied.

"But didn't that person say that the situation inside is very complicated? If that's the case, the two of us may not be able to solve the problem here." Ercun Jianpu said cautiously.

"Then what do you want to do?" Tugong Kagura asked back.

"Why don't we call for support. If there are other people, we can move more conveniently." Ercun Jianpu replied.

"Alright." Tugong Kagura was silent, and agreed after pondering for a while.


At the same time, outside the blockade.

"Hey, 120, I have a few unconscious people here who need help. Could you please send an ambulance? Four people. The address is at the southern end of XX Road in front of Shinjuku Kabuki Town, opposite a supermarket called XX. Okay, I'm waiting for you here." Qin Heqing said to the operator of the emergency center on the phone.

"By the way, Yue'er, can you see what the body of that lady Higurashi is?" Qin Heqing, who stood by and waited for the ambulance, asked the Yue'er next to him boredly.

"From the appearance alone, she should be the bone girl." Yue'er thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Bone Girl..."

The skeletal girl Qin Heqing knew that she was a monster transformed from a geisha who had suffered insults, bullies, jealousy, and ravages before she died. And its prototype image is just like the oiran that Qin Heqing saw in the ghost domain before, it is the appearance of a woman's bones, and because its deception method is to disguise the world by painting skin, it is also called a painted skin ghost.

Yes, that's the kind of ghost painter in Strange Tales from the Liao Zhai.

So from this aspect alone, Oiran Higurashi may indeed be a Bone Monster.

Regardless of whether it is from the perspective of identity, or from the image perspective.

"Then what's the matter with the huge skeleton law body sitting on her back?" Qin Heqing still asked in a puzzled manner.

"Two possibilities. One is that that is her body. The human equivalent of the skeletal body is only a substitute for her activities. The second is that the situation of Miss Higurashi we have seen is somewhat special, and she may not be a pure bone girl. , It’s a collection of resentment, just acting outside in the image of a bone girl. This can also explain why a single bone girl can expand the ghost domain, directly connecting the entire Kabuki Town and the many activities of Kabuki Town The reason why human practitioners evolved into beings in the ghost realm." Yue'er said in a deep voice.

You know, ordinary ghosts, or bone girls can't do this level!

This includes the former Sadako.

Have you ever seen her transforming living people into beings in the ghost realm?

It's all about forced control operations. But there is no way like she has seen before, as if she has directly awakened her memory, every move, there is no sense of disobedience.

"Then what do you think she is?" Qin Heqing asked.

"I don't know." Yue'er shook her head.

"What?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Remember the picture scroll displayed on the giant's bones when she released the people?" Yue'er asked rhetorically.

"Ukiyo drawing scroll?"

"Um~www.ltnovel.com~ If there is no such thing, I might be able to tell one or two things, but with that thing, the situation of Miss Higurashi is a bit confusing, so I don’t know if she is pure. The Bone Girl is still an aggregate formed by the resentment and obsession of the oiran geisha who have been betrayed, jealous and tragically killed in Kabuki Town in the past hundreds of years, or a mutation created by a certain Ukiyo painting rolled into a spirit. "Yue'er explained.

"That's it." Qin He Qing silently turned his head and glanced at it. There is still nothing unusual now, but he doesn't know what kind of song and dance town will become next. He exhales patiently and waits patiently for the arrival of the ambulance.

Fortunately, this time is not very long. After all, there are many hospitals around, so in less than 10 minutes, several ambulances rushed over, one by one, they drove the people into the ambulances and drove towards a nearby hospital.

Naturally, as a person related to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s father, Qin Heqing also rushed to the hospital along with the ambulance carrying Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s father, and called Xiazhiqiu Shiyu on the way to inform him of the situation. .

"I know, I will go with my mother." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said simply.

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