High Priest in Japan

Chapter 963: Hexagram 8

"Hey, it seems that the hospital is no better than Kawu Town." Outside the ambulance, Qin Heqing muttered speechlessly as he looked at the hospital that was shrouded in coldness and gloom.

Doesn't it mean that the medical system in island countries is very developed, and under normal circumstances, the number of people who die due to insufficient medical resources or common diseases is very low? Why doesn't the situation in front of you seem like that!

Or is it similar to Kabuki Town, it is the accumulation of past deaths and resentments, and then sudden changes in this environmental change?

If this is the case, wouldn't the situation in the cemetery-like place be even worse?

"Let's go back to the new market tomorrow." Qin Heqing said abruptly.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Yue'er looked at him incomprehensibly, "Check the construction progress?"

That is, the construction of the shrine.

After coming back to settle all the trivial matters, Qin Heqing decisively took up the original plan and contacted Mr. Nishijo, the engineering practitioner that Kamimachi Tian Yuanzi helped him find, and hired him as the construction party to complete the construction of the shrine and its surrounding properties. Processing and reconstruction work.

And it's been half a month since now, and I don't know how the surrounding houses have been treated.

I think it should have been processed.

After all, the troublesome tenants were solved by Tachibana Mari who grew up--

Well, in a way that suits the characteristics of the island country...

Therefore, except for the Kurosaki resident who still kept his own real estate, anyone who wanted to seduce Qin and Qing was threatened and warned by the local activist group in Niiza City, Tachibana, and then took reasonable The compensation has moved to another place to live.

Therefore, the shrine has already become an almost uninhabited area, which can be transformed by Mr. Xicheng's graffiti at will to complete Qin Heqing's own intention to expand the shrine.

"No, go check all the spiritual gardens of the shrine. I am very worried that it will become a new ghost territory due to the current environmental changes." Qin Heqing replied casually as he followed the medical staff toward the hospital.

"It is indeed necessary to check it carefully. Judging from the current environment, the enchantment previously added to the spirit garden may not be able to prevent the monsters and ghosts that are becoming more and more rampant." Yue'er said sternly.

"This is exactly what I am worried about." Qin Heqing sighed.

The world full of demons and monsters is really a headache...


Soon after, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and her mother also drove to the hospital in a rough car.

"Heqing, how is my father." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu first glanced at his father on the hospital bed, and then turned to ask Qin Heqing, who was sitting by his side.

I was asking about the diagnosis of normal doctors and Qin Heqing's judgment.

After all, her father had just walked in the ghost realm. Who knows, besides normal physiological problems, is there any other problems in her father that cannot be detected by modern medicine?

Hearing this, although Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mother did not speak, she also looked at her concerned.

Even if she still doesn't know what the relationship between the teenager in front of her and her daughter is, and where it has developed.

"The doctor said that the problem is not serious and that more rest is needed. You will be able to fully recover in two days and go home for training." Qin Heqing replied.

"What about your judgment?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned, and asked without any concealment.

"Some kidney deficiency, physical deficiency, and blood deficiency need to be treated with Chinese medicine, and they cannot be carried out in that area within a short period of time, otherwise it will further aggravate the damage to the body, so..." Qin Heqing spread his hands and said embarrassingly .

It was nothing to talk about this kind of thing privately, but directly in front of the patient's wife, whether it was Qin Heqing or Xia Zhiqiu's mother, both felt embarrassed and wanted to go out.

"It's just like this?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't care so much, staring at Qin Heqing and asked.

"The one who speaks better, plus your father's luck is better, when I went there didn't seem to have time to do with your father, so that's all." Qin Heqing shrugged.

"Thank you." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who got the answer looked at Qin Heqing for a while, and his eyes were slightly red with thanks.

"You're welcome." Qin Heqing, who knew why she said this, smiled slightly, and accepted without politeness.

"Shiyu, don't you introduce me to your mother?" At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mother, who finally got rid of the embarrassment and let go of her husband's worries, regained her appearance as a gossip woman, looked at Qin Heqing with interest and asked. .

"Uh..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, blinked, and for a moment she really didn't know how to introduce Qin Heqing's identity.

Do you want to tell your mother that you are Qin Heqing's lover?

How crazy she would do it.

Fortunately, Qin Heqing took over and solved her problem: "Hello auntie, I am Shiyu’s boyfriend, Qin Heqing, I would like to see you for the first time, please take care of me."

"Where, my Shiyu wants you to take care of me." Xia Zhiqiu's mother smiled.

It's not like Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who behaves very politely, giving people such a fresh feeling that a normal island wife should be, making Qin Heqing feel very comfortable.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mother looks a lot like Shiyu, which makes Qin and Qing Tianran have an extraordinary affection for her.

Otherwise, these messy ideas will definitely not appear.

"Auntie is polite. Shiyu is very good. She usually takes care of me. I rarely have the opportunity to take care of her." Qin Heqing said very much to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"Is that so? I thought she would be very strong outside, making it difficult to approach. I didn't expect that Shi Yu would have such a maternal side. It seems that the power of love is really strong."

"Mom, am I a non-feminine person in your eyes?" I didn't expect my mother to complain so dissatisfied with her Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"As far as looks and figure are concerned~www.ltnovel.com~ Mom is still very confident of Shiyu, but in terms of temper... You don't know what you usually look like?" Xia Zhiqiu's mother squinted. Shiyu said, "So my father and I often worry about Shiyu, whether you can find a boyfriend in the future. But now, our worry is unnecessary."

"By the way, Heqing, I can call you that."

"of course."

"How did you meet in the first place?" Xia Zhiqiu's mother asked curiously.

"Well, I met through my aunt..." Qin Heqing didn't hide it either, and simply told the story of his acquaintance with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and talked about it with Xia Zhiqiu's mother. Chatting in the hospital ward.


It was not until a long time later that he was interrupted by Qin Heqing's mobile phone text messages.

"When do you still want to talk to my mother!!" The content on the mobile phone text message showed.

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