High Priest in Japan

Chapter 972: Oda's Trend

"Uh...Thank you for the importance of Oda-sama, but it is difficult for a small person to serve such a confidential and important task as an attendant, adult, do you think it again?" The high school boy's expression was stagnant at first, and his tone was difficult and embarrassed. Responded.

"Huh? Is my little surname a very confidential position? Why am I not sure." Oda Nobunaga raised his eyebrows and asked in a surprised voice.

But the boy did not answer.

How else? Tell Oda Nobunaga directly that you simply don't want to get involved with him and do dangerous things?

I am afraid that my head will move as soon as I say it!

Not to mention, the little surname itself is not a good position. It sounds good to be a monarch’s close minister, which is equivalent to a position like a modern confidential secretary, but it is not a problem to say that it is a toy.

As for the reason?

Who is the little surname in history is indeed regarded as the initial placement of male pets by some big names.

So it's hard not to let the bad-minded people have other ideas.

"Oh, I see, you are worried that after becoming my little surname, you will be involved in danger with my affairs, and you will encounter danger." Oda Nobunaga said suddenly.

It's not a shame that he is a well-known name who can do a great job in history. In terms of knowing people, he is still very keen.

The boy did not answer, which is equivalent to affirming Oda Nobunaga's judgment by default.

"It's simple." Nobunaga Oda waved his hand indifferently. "Becoming my surname means that you are my close minister. As long as there is no direct order from me, even my subordinates will not give arbitrary orders. You do the things you don't want to do, so in terms of safety, you and I are at the same level, so there is no need to worry about any danger. So, do you have to refuse my invitation?"

After speaking, Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes and waited for the boy's answer.

The boy was helpless, his heart became more and more bitter——

Yes, I have the same security level as yours, but that depends on the specific situation! In this era of modern technology where there are missiles for long-range strikes and warplanes cruise in the air, even if I and I stay in our line and are guarded by others, I may not be able to escape the bombing of missile cruises!

Not to mention, you are very brave as recorded in history. You always love to come out handsomely. When the time comes, will I follow you?

But let’s just refuse...

Perceiving the sudden rise in his heart, the young man who didn’t want to see Amaterasu so early had no choice but to agree. "Since Oda-sama, you are so important to the young, wouldn’t it be very difficult to refuse? Don’t know how to promote? I am very grateful to Oda-sama for his importance, and I would like to repay the adult with this wisdom."

With that said, the young man learned the appearance in the game where his servants saw him as the player monarch, posing as a formal taxi sitting down, and bowing first.

"Okay! Then I look forward to your performance." Oda Nobunaga laughed.

Then the two talked in the room again, and Oda Nobunaga temporarily left the boy's home for some reason, leaving him alone at home.

"Huh...finally left. What should I do now? Do you want to escape?" The young man slumped in his chair as if he had just finished a full marathon, looking at him as if he hadn’t been there before Oda Nobunaga came. Any changes in the room said anxiously.

"No. Let’s not say whether the Oda-sama really left now, or if it’s true, I can’t guarantee if he left any dark hands on my body when he slapped me on the shoulder just now, so escape was You will definitely not be able to escape, so let's first think about any other ways to get out of the current situation."

"Call the police? Will the police believe it?"

"Help? Who do you look for? Maybe you can ask the sand sculpture netizens in the jar?"

Thinking of this, the boy didn’t hesitate anymore, immediately turned his chair back in front of the computer, opened the browser and entered the game forum he used most often, and posted what he had just experienced--

"Playing the glorious Ambition series at home, suddenly came across a Sengoku ghost who claimed to be Nobunaga Oda came to the door and asked me to go out with the army as his surname. How do I get rid of the entanglement of the opponent and regain my freedom? Wait online, Very urgent."


At the same time, in the special vision that the boy can't see, Oda Nobunaga nodded with satisfaction watching the boy's actions. This figure flashed, and he really left the boy's apartment and went to be with him in the city. Converge.

"Motora." Oda Nobunaga stood still and shouted into the void.

"My lord." At the next moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air that was so slight that ordinary people could not hear, and a person was covered in black mist, as if the figure of a pure resentful spirit suddenly appeared in Oda Nobunaga's line of sight, one knee Kneeling, Gongsheng responded.

"How is the investigation of the situation at Honnoji Temple." Oda Nobunaga asked with a face.

"All investigations have been completed." The ninja named Mohuluo replied immediately.

"Then tell me about the situation of Honnoji Temple, so that the general can know how different is the Honnoji Temple five hundred years later and the Honnoji Temple that besieged the general at the time." Oda Nobunaga sneered looking over the area where Honnoji was located. .

Why is he in Kyoto? In addition to looking at the Beijing of this era, I just want to find the trouble of the inneng temple to repay the cause and effect of my death in the inneng temple!

"Yes." Mohuluo didn't hesitate after that, and quickly told Oda Nobunaga about the information he had investigated in Honnoji Temple, and several other companions who came to Kyoto to check the information with Oda Nobunaga this time. come out.

"According to my investigation, there are a total of eighteen monks in the inneng temple, including one abbot, three sutra monks, two sutra monks, three co-head monks, four saint-sweep monks, and two known guest monks. There are three ordinary novice monks. However, there are only six masters, namely the abbot, the scripture monk, and the two scripture monks. The rest are mortals."

"Six mages, the background is pretty good, but it is a famous temple that can be passed down from our time." Next to Oda Nobunaga, holding an onmyoji doll, dressed like a postmodern craftsman The young man pushed down the round frame on his face with his hands and said in a low voice.

"How threatening is it?" Next to him, a young man dressed like the Western aristocrats on the theater stage asked slowly ~www.ltnovel.com~ not to worry. "Mohuluo said simply.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just kill it!" The square-faced man dressed up in an antique or natural color took over the conversation wildly.

"Well, you still have to listen to the adults?" The youngest of the few, who looked like an ordinary middle school student, said timidly.

"Miyapira, what do you mean?" Oda Nobunaga asked at the young man with eyes holding the puppet.

"Since the opponent's strength is not a threat to us, naturally there is no need to worry any more. The adults just order according to their own wishes." The latter said with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, target Inno-ji Temple, burn it for me!" Oda Nobunaga laughed, and then violently waved his hand forward and shouted at the location of Inno-ji Temple.


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