High Priest in Japan

Chapter 973: Commission from the school

"... Yesterday at 1:23 a.m., a fire broke out at the Honnoji Temple in Kawamotocho Street, Nakagyo District, Kyoto. It lasted for nearly an hour and was extinguished by firefighters who arrived after hearing the news. However, the fire still burned down the entire temple and caused it. All the 18 monks in the temple were killed, and no one survived...." The familiar morning news was reported from the female anchor Qin Heqing followed, spreading this seemingly ordinary news to thousands of households.

"Inneng Temple?!" Qin Heqing was stunned, turned to look at Yue'er and confirmed.

"Inneng Temple." Yue'er nodded affirmatively.

"Hi...Do you think this is a coincidence or that person's action?" Qin Heqing said solemnly.

"If I want to say it's a coincidence, do you believe it?" Yue'er asked instead with an angry glance.

"If I didn't know that Oda Nobunaga had returned, I would definitely not think of it there, but now..." Qin Heqing couldn't help but smile.

It's Honnoji, and Oda Nobunaga's. How could it be possible without thinking about them together.

"That's not enough."

"Should I say that it's the sixth day demon king? The revenge heart is really strong."

"It's not too strong, right." Yue'er tilted her head and thought, "Instead, you saw that the temple where you died was still in this world, do you have other ideas?"

"I don't know. But it might be a little uncomfortable to think about it."

"So it is understandable that Oda Nobunaga would have such actions."

"That's true." After a pause, Qin Heqing continued to ask, "Then what do you think he will do next?"

"I will probably start to implement his plan." Yue'er thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Are you contending for supremacy again..."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to be an unsung hero by yourself, or just as Guanbingwei said, revealing the news to the Countermeasures Bureau, and then maximizing your own interests?" Yue'er asked qualitatively.

"Do nothing." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Oh?" Yue'er looked at him curiously, waiting for Qin Heqing to follow.

"If you were a member of the Countermeasures Bureau and suddenly heard about Oda Nobunaga, would you doubt the authenticity of the news and then ask me for the source of the news?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at Yue'er.

"Yes." Yue'er said affirmatively after thinking.

"How can I explain? Say, I heard it from ghosts when I was catching ghosts... Let's not panic about this kind of thing, just that I will accept the news of a ghost full of ghosts and take it seriously. It is important to report it to the Countermeasures Bureau for investigation, and the relevant people of the Countermeasures Bureau are likely to suspect that I am crazy. After all, this kind of nonsense has never been said. Then it will be because of me. I accepted my reminder and sent someone to investigate. It may not be too serious, but it may put the investigators in danger. Instead of doing this, it is better to do nothing and let things go as they go. , When the critical moment comes, there may not be no time for us to perform on the court." Qin Heqing explained calmly.

"...Should it be said that there was no fuss in the 13 years of the Warring States period? Your mind has indeed evolved a lot. If you are replaced by you before the Warring States period, you may not be able to see things so thoroughly, so from this perspective , The Warring States round tour is not without any gain." Yue'er looked at Qin Heqing in surprise for a while, and responded with a sigh.

"..." Qin Heqing was speechless, looking at Yue'er completely speechless.


After breakfast and staying at home for a while, Qin and Qingcai left the apartment with people almost 10 o'clock in the morning, and took public transportation to Fengzhiqi High School.

However, it was not to meet Kato Megumi--

That can only be said by the way. The real reason was that he was invited by the principal to discuss some affairs of the school.

So it didn't take long for Qin Heqing to arrive at the school smoothly without avoiding others. He went straight into the teaching building under the surprised gaze of some students on campus, and went directly to the front of the principal's office.

"Boom boom boom."

"Enter." The principal's voice came out.

"Ka." Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, opened the door and walked into the office.

"Student Qin is here, sit down and have something to drink?" The principal was very polite, even standing up enthusiastically.

"The principal is polite. I am not an outsider. There is no need to be so polite. The principal just sit and pour the water by myself." Then, Qin Heqing also walked to the drinking fountain on the side and found a disposable paper cup for it. I got a glass of water and took it back to the chair beside him to sit down.

"Yes, classmate Heqing is not an outsider, if that's the case, then I won't be outside." The principal laughed when he saw this, and said sincerely between his smiles.

"By the way, I don't know if the principal did you call me over..." Qin Heqing smiled, drank the water from his sip, looked at the principal and entered the topic.

"I want to discuss with you about cleaning up the whole school." The principal sighed.

"Zhuhui? How many things are in the school?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Anyway, when he was in school, he didn't see any evil spirits that evolved from incidents such as bullying and suicide.

Of course, this may also be related to the short time since Toyonosaki High School was established and the school rules are still strict, so there are not many similar things or campus incidents that have caused serious consequences. It is just a matter of replacing it with another old school of more than 30 years. The campus of Toyonosaki High School may not be so clean.

“I didn’t know exactly what was happening, but recently...under the influence of the environment, some unprovoked things started to appear on the campus without knowing why. This has an impact on the school’s learning environment and on-campus The teaching and learning status of the teachers and students has caused a great impact, and I, the principal, don't pay attention to it." The principal smiled bitterly.

It's not an outsider anyway, so there is really no need to hide it.

Of course, there is no way to hide it.

"So after discussion, the school finally decided to put out a sum of money to hire qualified practitioners to take care of the dirt on the campus, clean up the learning environment on the campus, and create for all teachers and students on campus. An excellent learning environment ~www.ltnovel.com~ and it just so happens that you are a student of the school and a well-known related practitioner, so in line with the idea of ​​fertile water will not flow to outsiders' fields, I thought of you, and I want to invite you You come to help the school solve the problems in the school, and give the teachers and students peace." The principal said with a serious face.

Even if there are a lot of imaginary things in the words, but I have to admit that the principal really wants to solve the school's problems and make the campus environment clean.

On this point alone, even if there is no money, Qin Heqing is willing to help the school solve the problems here.

"Yes, as a student of this school, I am obliged to deal with the school!" Qin Heqing also followed the response from Shang Gang.

"Heqing is good! I know that Heqing will never sit back and watch school problems and let those things affect the teachers and students of the school. So you can rest assured, after this time, the school I will never treat you badly in terms of remuneration, and you can even meet the small requirements of some Heqing classmates in addition to remuneration." The principal immediately patted his chest and promised.

"For example?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

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