Him and their stars

Chapter 1060 We are really here to be friendly neighbors

Well, after all, this is a front line two million light years away from the mainland. Even if it is starting from the star gate left by the Enlightened One, if you want to maintain supplies for the tens of millions of troops and thousands of warships on the front line, of course it is necessary to rely on colonies alone. It's impossible, it can only be transferred from the mainland. In this case, even a rich empire can guarantee canned food and compressed biscuits for ordinary soldiers on the front line, which is already very good.

Yes, the current stormtroopers on the front line of "Dawn Star Territory" are guaranteed to get canned meat, nutritional paste and compressed biscuits every time they eat. Although I don’t know what ingredients are in the canned meat and nutritional paste, the calories are guaranteed and the nutrition is actually quite balanced. In addition, the grenadiers' food is higher than that of the above. In addition to the above, there are also dried meats, canned fruits, and candies, which are basically the same as the treatment of battleship crews.

However, officers and knights have access to fresh meat, fruits and vegetables, high-end snacks, and even fine tobacco and alcohol, and even the military paradise of Yingying Yanyan.

Of course, the above differential treatment has been going on for thousands of years. No matter whether it is an officer from a noble family or a cannon fodder from a lower race, there is no problem.

Although Brigadier General Takai was born as a third-class citizen of the empire, he was still a general after all, and he could guarantee the above treatment if he wanted to enjoy it. It's just that the men under his command are all "50 yuan" stormtrooper brothers. I am not a noble lord, nor am I a military genius. If I want to lead the troops well, I still need to create a person who shares the joys and sorrows with my brothers.

As a result, even he, a dignified imperial brigadier general and a big drinking giant, had not smelled the smell of alcohol for a month or two.

What's more, today is still New Year's Eve...

Brigadier General Takai suddenly felt that these earthling friendly forces were really capable, and they were really reliable in case of trouble! The previous statement that "Marshal Li will take down Golla in one day at most" was immediately thrown out of the window.

However, he at least remembered that he was a serious imperial brigadier general, not a pet raised by the army, so he regained his composure in an instant, lowered his voice and said: "Sir, do the people on earth have some conspiracy? We have to be careful."

Well, what a true piece of crap.

Although Major General Aduka thought so, he actually didn't mind the simple-mindedness of his subordinates. In other words, it is precisely because the other party is simple-minded that the two parties get along so happily.

Of course, as the person in charge of the Imperial Army in Yaochi, he still thought more about it.

Will the people on earth conduct a sneak attack without moral ethics? He said he came to the army with some condolences, but he suddenly got angry when he entered the barracks? Or do you want to get us drunk and then do it? Or is it that these food, sugar and wine are poisoned?

...It’s not like you’re making a big show. In this dirty real world, how could there be so many dramatic developments?

Apart from anything else, although the atmosphere between the two armies was a bit subtle, they did not break up after all, and they cooperated sincerely to win many battles on the front line. The overall atmosphere is still positive, positive, and friendly. How can a mere division headquarters have the consciousness to break up?

Not to mention that this is also one of the transit systems from the "Unity Fortress" to the front line. Supply fleets and patrol fleets pass through almost every day, nor does it mention that the next batch of our own reinforcements will arrive in ten hours. After all, he now has more than 6,000 well-trained and well-equipped stormtroopers under his command, and they are not just a ragtag group of people pulled out by strong men.

As long as basic military vigilance is ensured, how can we really be killed by these dramatic means?

Major General Aduka understands this, and he believes that the people on Earth on the other side will definitely understand this as well, as long as their brains are not bitten by the Meshandar Troll.

Well, after ruling out all the possibilities, of course there is only one possibility - the other party really came to express condolences.

"On behalf of the officers and soldiers of the empire, I would like to thank you for your gift!" Major General Aduka looked at the smile of the officer leading the other party that looked like a soy sauce shop owner, and politely returned the military salute and ordered to let them go.

I have to admit that although Brigadier General Takai is a simple-minded warrior, he leads troops pretty well. Even though these imperial soldiers were looking forward to the condolences, they always maintained complete alertness.

Then, amid the collective onlookers with gun posts and loaded gun ports, this convoy from Marshal Li Golla really put on a long snake formation full of flaws, drove into the imperial barracks one after another, and unloaded two More than 10,000 tons of various food supplies.

Then, the escort of the motorcade also got out of the car and calmly accepted the imperial hospitality out of courtesy. After resting for two hours, they were greeted by friendly forces and returned in empty vehicles.

From the beginning to the end, these community soldiers really showed no aggression at all, and even only carried light weapons for self-defense.

The imperial soldiers looked at the mountains of food supplies and were filled with surprise for a moment. If these things were placed in the mainland, they would probably not be sold even if they were sent to third- and fourth-tier towns. But if they were placed on the front line, they would be enough for the soldiers who had fought bloody battles for half a year to live a relatively comfortable new year.

Of course, it’s still the same sentence. After all, these people are professionally trained regular troops, not a disorganized rabble. Before the commander gave the order, the quarantine unit had already started searching, but no clues were found.

The soldiers could even smell the fragrance of earth from the fruits, vegetables and grains, which were clearly freshly harvested.

"It's a good harvest! I have never seen such big radishes and such tender cabbages. The land here is really too fertile." A soldier who was born as a farmer said to everyone.

"Are the people on Earth really helping these refugees grow vegetables?"

"That's what the reconnaissance team said. Haha, I believe it now. Otherwise, how could we harvest so quickly?"

"Are these people here to farm or to fight?"

"Ah haha, after all, less than half of that division is human, and most of them are lizard natives from New Yumen. Lizards, it sounds like they are good at farming."

This group of imperial troops has been here for some time, and naturally they have always maintained a considerable safe distance from Marshal Li Gel on the other side of the planet. However, after all, this is a wild planet that has not been developed on a large scale. No matter how you look at it, you feel that there are some giant beasts hiding somewhere. It is very reasonable to send some drones into the sky to keep vigilance. Similarly, it would naturally be more reasonable if an occasional reconnaissance drone slipped away 10,000 kilometers away and wandered around Marshal Li Grad.

I hope Earth's "friendly forces" won't overreact to this.

One thing to say is that the "friendly forces" were very calm and did not react at all. As a result, the empire's drones also photographed the vast hectares of fertile farmland cultivated along the river, the livestock herds living leisurely on the leveled pastures, and the automatic fishing nets and breeding grids built along the coast.

As for Marshal Li's city of Grad, most of it can't be seen clearly from underground, but the vibrant scene of everything on the ground seems to have represented a lot of meaning.

The people on earth are really ready to make great efforts to develop this planet. While Major General Eduk was making this calculation, he ordered Brigadier General Takai: "Three shifts of sentry duty, at least maintain level three combat readiness. All officers and soldiers should not drink more than 200 ml. In your case... well, 500."

Amid the cheers of the soldiers, the older generals kept staring at the towering mobile vehicle that looked like a fortress heading towards the horizon, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

At this moment, on the armored vehicle, Simon Vayali was also communicating with his comrades.

"How is it? Is everything going well?" Meng Jiao asked.

"It went very smoothly, and the Empire was very friendly. Major General Eduka and Brigadier General Takai even invited me to have dinner. There were even dragon-wing steaks and Holy Red Wine. It should be a special offer for the senior officers of the headquarters. I really didn’t expect that the first time I ate dragon meat in my life would be on the front line of the New World.” Simon looked like he had endless aftertaste: “The rest of the soldiers were also well entertained… There’s a story, the Empire canned food and The taste of field biscuits is not as good as ours, but the portion is really good.”

"The empire is trying to show that their supplies are abundant, right? However, if the supplies are really abundant, there is no need for the empire to go more than 200 kilometers away to suppress those bison herds, right? There is no need to risk attacking that giant beast." Meng Jiao touched his chin and calculated.

This is what happened last week. After the imperial army completed more than half of the barracks construction project, they allocated half of their manpower, and like crazy crows, they continued to sweep away all the wild animals that looked edible within a radius of hundreds of miles. In addition, they also mobilized almost all the airships and armor forces to attack a giant beast that looked like a wild boar, but was over a hundred meters long and over thirty meters tall.

But you must know that the giant phantom beast lives more than a thousand kilometers away from the imperial barracks.

"Most of the empire's supply forces are currently being sent to the main fleet ahead. These planetary strongholds that have been occupied will be somewhat stretched... In addition, it is also possible that their follow-up reinforcements are about to arrive." Meng Jiao Continuing his analysis, he immediately saw his friend's strange expression and asked in confusion: "What's your expression?"

"If others have only seen you fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, they probably won't notice such a delicate side of you." Simon Vayali smiled.

"Fortunately, the people who have only seen me fighting so far are not my own." Meng Jiao said seriously: "The Hanhai Sword is about a person who advances without retreating. It just so happens that I am also a 'guardian', and my vitality is still very tenacious. .The way of fighting is inevitably a bit wild."

Simon thought to himself, you are a guy who is pretending to be carrying two heavy swords, and in the first round when you meet the enemy, you will definitely use a Vulcan cannon and a grenade gun to make your face worse. Why are you talking about "progress or retreat" here?

"Anyway, the empire did accept our gift, and that's enough. We can only guess whether the empire is short of supplies, but we can prove to the other party that we are not short of supplies."

"And the big car you drove over. To the Empire, as long as it is equipped with weapons, it is a mobile fortress on the ground."

"It would be better for the Empire to misunderstand. So I even had the Blue Label logo engraved on the outer armor plate."

This mobile fortress was actually captured by the 38th Division from the looter's warehouse. It was originally a green-skinned thing. Its mobility and protection capabilities are hard to describe, but its firepower is really powerful. However, Mengjiao and Simon, who have read the "On Surface Defense" "jointly written" by Yu Lian and Hachiman, now believe that this kind of mobile vehicle with a frontal projection that is often more than ten meters high is indeed a target. Might as well be used for delivery.

However, the empire doesn’t know!

We all know that the civilization of this generation has been ripened by the legacy of the Enlightened Ones. Just because we entered the interstellar era early, Army doctrine did not develop much.

In the decisive battle of the space fleet, the core is always the majestic giant ship. So who said that in land warfare, the core is not this kind of mobile steel city filled with various weapons?

With the help of General Longba, the soldiers dismantled all the weapons on the mobile city, and then covered it with a layer of iron. The appearance finally changed from a green leather style to a serious sci-fi industrial style. . And because of the weight loss, endurance and speed have increased.

If the Empire suspected this and the 38th Division deployed a steel city with strong firepower in Marshal Li Grad, that would be better.

After all, everyone needs time now.

Meng Jiao pondered for a moment and then said: "The transport fleet coming from Unity is expected to arrive here tomorrow. I have asked everyone to take down the power armor in advance and pack it in the packaging box."

"...There wasn't any commotion, right?"

"Some soldiers really didn't understand, but everyone and I tried our best to convince them, and told them that new guys would be sent soon, and everyone reluctantly accepted it." Meng Jiao shook his head and said, "That guy with glasses, If you always think about it, it will come out, and it will really cause trouble for us."

"Interpreted from a positive perspective, it is better to think about something every time than to think about nothing or do nothing." Simon said.

The soldiers of the 38th Division finally managed to transform from a militia group into a regular army. It was the stage of high morale when they were gearing up for a big fight. Now, they were suddenly told that they had to transfer the mechas, and it immediately felt like they had been downgraded from elite warriors to cloth-armored cannon fodder units. Of course, many people would find it difficult to accept it.

Fortunately, these soldiers are all from families of workers and peasants in the Xinyumen Industrial Zone and state-owned farms, and have obtained the citizenship rights of the community. They had just been liberated from the control of the various sand people lords, and were at the stage of highest loyalty to the community government. They also trusted Meng Jiao and them, so they did not cause trouble.

In addition, most of the work of the soldiers now is actually being a Scoia'tael. Relying on the amazingly fertile land of the Yaochi planet and the almost inexhaustible seafood resources in the deep sea next to it, the refugees from Golla with Marshal Li tried every means to hoard food and supplies.

In addition, a group of bunkers were built along the mountains and trenches were dug.

Of course, in the eyes of the Imperial Army, which did not light up the "Advanced Army Doctrine", these actions were just a group of masons doing civil construction and farmers digging in the fields.

As a result, even the professionally trained Imperial Stormtroopers did put down a lot of vigilance towards Marshal Li Gole and the 38th Division.

"I hope the new equipment promised will arrive on time. By February, the planned defense line project will be built, and we will still have to do combat training by then."

"Indeed, training with armor and training without armor are two different things after all." Meng Jiao said: "For the time being, I can only take everyone to do long-distance running with weights."

Well, no matter what era or equipment, there is always nothing wrong with training for physical fitness.

Neither of the two friends doubted the performance of the new equipment. After all, Akinayama Hachiman has already said that that batch of equipment was obtained by Yu Lian, and the latter also had high hopes for it, which could increase everyone's combat effectiveness by at least 33.3%.

If it were the sullen-looking guy with glasses who said this, they might still have some doubts, but if it was the beloved boss Yu Lian, then of course there would be no problem.

Of course, besides this, there is other good news.

Not long after Simon took the entire convoy on the road, the Thirteenth Fleet sent a signal to Marshal Li Golla, asking them to find a shallow sea where the ship could park in the open sea near the city. Then, on December 29, a destroyer landed with a ship more than three times larger than itself.

It was a Predator work ship captured by the Thirteenth Fleet.

Because the predators on that ship surrendered quickly, the overall hull was relatively well preserved, and the equipment on it was even more completely preserved. Eleanor Bonaparte thought that it was not too far from Yaochi Star, so she sent the entire ship, including the prisoners on board, directly over.

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