Him and their stars

Chapter 1061 Red Sand Star

"General Lomba said that the work ship is actually a small arsenal. We have already started to bring the equipment to the city, and it is now placed on the sixteenth floor. As long as the debugging is completed, we can produce hive missiles and small phaser cannons. . In addition, there are two magnetic rolling mills on the ship, which can produce replaceable composite armor for small battleships. With a little polishing, it can replace the armor plates of mechas and combat vehicles."

After hearing this, Simon was immediately overjoyed.

"There is also a gravity restraint machine. Working with the mining robot originally left behind by the predators, the flame rock in Mine No. 4 can be purified, and the Lithosaurus mines can be mass-produced."

What a double happiness! Simon sighed.

The so-called Gravel Dragon Mine is a reaction mine designed by an ingenious Sand Civilian sergeant who was born in the New Yumen Militia and accidentally burst into inspiration. The advantage is that it is small in size, powerful in quality, low in price, can be mass-produced, and is difficult to detect.

The reason for this is that its main warhead is a crystal bomb designed by the omnipotent boss Yu Lian. Yes, it was the crystal bomb he taught everyone how to make during the live broadcast to the entire universe during the God of War Festival.

Later, this young man from Sha Min, who is quite talented in designing indigenous weapons, also discovered that this unstable crystal bomb structure can actually be wrapped in a biological battery, so that it can form a structure that can last at least before it is induced to detonate. Stable state for more than 72 hours.

This can only be said that once the working people have subjective initiative, the world they can open up is even greater and broader than their inspirers.

As we all know, Marshal Li Gele was originally the first strategic stronghold left by the predators on Yaochi Planet. It was estimated that it was planned as an industrial city focusing on mining, smelting, manufacturing and military industry.

After all, the main body of the city is located underground, and the buildings left on the surface are only the size of a small town. Moreover, it is surrounded on three sides by rolling mountains rich in huge mineral resources. The side facing the sea is a thousand-year-old wilderness, leaving room for urban expansion. .

Such an almost unnatural chosen place is almost impossible to achieve on an ordinary naturally habitable planet.

In short, in addition to the "slave labor camps" and mining tunnels built underground, the looters have also built some factories for rough processing of ores, but they were occupied by the people of the earth before they were put into production.

By slightly modifying the equipment inside and using the tools brought by the 38th Division, we can create a production line capable of producing AKs and 107s.

However, again, these weapons are so-called guerrilla warfare weapons after all. They are simple, durable, easy to operate, can be mass-produced, and can even be equipped to the citizens of Marshal Li Grad. However, if something unbearable happens to the "unbreakable" friendly force on the opposite side, more channels for weapons replenishment are still needed.

Whether it is advanced weapons such as hive missiles and phase wave cannons, it also includes special attack weapons such as the Gravel Dragon Thunder.

Before Simon grinned, the young Highlander opposite said again: "The destroyer Feiyan 7 of the Thirteenth Fleet also brought us forty robots. We were the ones who attacked and settled the predator on the DL40-3 planet. At the same time, those armed robots are defending."

"The ones that use bags that can run, have laser cutters, fire hive missiles, and roll?"

Meng Jiao nodded.

Simon quickly recalled the battle. In the DL40 galaxy with three habitable planets, after the Earth's army defeated the Predator fleet, it also began the first battle for planetary strongholds in the Great Crusade. Although the 200,000 people in the predator city had no fighting spirit and no fighting spirit, Yu Lian still invested all three divisions of marines in it.

Later, it turned out that it was not the Marauder soldiers and civilians who had lost their fighting spirit, but those ancient robots that caused the greatest damage to everyone.

Of course, under our own superior firepower, those robots that looked like giant yo-yos were also destroyed one by one. The Marauders' defenses were about to collapse.

Later, in a moment of desperation, a bearded demon officer of the Marauder defenders blew himself up at the command post. The remaining robots seemed to have lost power in an instant and crashed on the spot.

Later I learned that the long-bearded demon warlord also tried his best to destroy the robot's control terminal when he blew himself up.

If it were a robot from this civilization's generation, after the control terminal was destroyed, it would most likely go berserk on the spot. However, those who were enlightened fell into silence on the spot. It was really low-carbon, environmentally friendly and worry-free.

The fog on Navy Day was like this, so maybe these "yo-yos" are also like this.

However, the gray mist omnics from the Navy Day are still lying in the laboratory on Earth and are being studied as dead specimens. These robots should have the same fate, right?

Simon originally thought it would be like this, but he never expected that there would be other changes.

"There are only a few complete units of those things left, right? And what about the destroyed control terminals?"

"I heard that the Tulong Machinery Factory in Xinyumen repaired the terminals, used the parts that were still intact, and assembled another batch. In addition to the ones sent to China for reference research, a batch was sent to the Independence One batch was sent to Tuanjie Fortress, and the remaining batch was handed over to us."

I, Simon Wayali, have been the acting commander of the New Yumen Guards for a period of time. I watched the Tulong Machinery Factory being built with my own eyes. I have never heard that they are of this level?

Yes, when Boss Yu Lian was the Liaison Director of the Logistics Department, he adjusted the personnel and construction plans of Tulong Machinery Factory, but it didn't evolve to this level, right?

Or does he actually have some unheard of super psychic skills that he can use to upgrade his subordinates?

Of course Simon was extremely shocked, but he was also extremely happy. For a moment, he no longer knew what expression to use to express his feelings.

So, is this what Boss Yu Lian said: "Each time comes, heaven and earth all work together"?

After a while, he said: "In short, tell General Longba and the citizens that Marshal Li Gelu can be developed into an industrial complex city according to the predator's original plan. In the future development process of the Dawn Star Territory , there will be a market for it. Everyone’s life will be better.”

Meng Jiao said: "I don't need to say it, General Longba has already said this to the citizens."


"Do you feel that your subjective initiative is too strong?"

Simon nodded.

"General Longba said that everyone has lost their homeland. Except for Marshal Li Gele, he doesn't know where he has gone."

"...I understand, I will come back as soon as possible."

"Come back quickly. The citizens, soldiers, and everyone from the Thirteenth Fleet are preparing for the New Year's Eve party. You can come back just in time to have a hot meal, and maybe you can see the fireworks."

"This place is 10,000 kilometers away from Marshal Li Grad! It took more than a week to get here. How could we rush back today?"

"Yeah, so I just want to tell you how happy we are now."


Although he said this, in fact, the one who really wanted to "roll" over as quickly as possible was Simon himself. When we first attacked the stronghold, the trouble caused by those robots was even greater than that of the trapped predator soldiers. If these ancient robots became friendly forces, he would still like to experience that feeling as soon as possible.

However, he still had some doubts. The tough battle in DL40-3 was fought by our own side alone, and the biggest spoils were the robots that had lost their power.

But at that time, the imperial army also launched an attack on another stronghold on the same planet, and also captured a considerable number of ancient robots.

So, since the people on earth can repair it, what about the empire, which is said to be the best in the world in playing barrels?

Could it be that there is really something hidden in Tulong Machinery Factory and there are no peerless experts in the empire? The kind that can become an immortal by relying on its expertise in "repairing machinery"?

I always feel it’s not very scientific!

At this moment, on the surface of New Yumen, surrounded by the Kililuo Mountains, the ruins of the No. 1 Enlightenment of New Yumen are also ushering in their first New Year's Eve when they are exposed to the world.

A gentle old gentleman, accompanied by his ordinary-looking disciple, walked step by step towards the deepest part of the ruins along the newly built freight channel.

This is the entire New Jade Gate, from the largest enlightened relics discovered so far in the entire New World. Until now, the heritage of ancient civilizations within it has not been fully excavated. In order to complete the archaeological work safely and smoothly, the New Yumen government even planned a nearly 100-kilometer passage that connected one end to the entrance of the ruins hidden under the foothills of Mount Kililuo, and the other end to the Tulung Plain. In the headquarters of the 1st Guard Brigade.

And before the New Year came, this passage was finally completed.

This passage is very spacious, with a height of more than five meters and a width of more than 30 meters, which is enough to accommodate the largest load-bearing vehicles.

The old man and the young man walked in a passage that seemed to be able to accommodate a giant dragon walking safely, and it was inevitable that they would make footsteps.

Even though it's nighttime and it's the New Year's holiday, there are still sentries with guns and ammunition on duty and wearing power armor. Of course, the security device is also running 24 hours a day.

However, no matter the cameras, sentry guns, patrolling robots, or even the guards wearing mechas, they seemed not to see these two people at all, let alone hear any movement, and allowed them to walk as briskly as if they were walking. Step by step, walk past yourself.

As they walked, they were still talking as if no one was watching, as if they were really taking a walk.

The old gentleman said: "Summers, those robots captured from the looters..."

"The workers have unanimously decided to name them red sand stars. The red represents the Red Maple Factory and the sand represents the New Jade Gate." Summers said.

"Okay, Red Sand Star. It is actually the same type as the gray fog omnic that fell into the hands of the community government, and it cannot be regarded as a complete nanostructure. Compared with the latest of the Iron Army Alliance and the Toss Merchant Group Combat robots can only be said to be of limited advance. In the era of enlightened people, they should only be security equipment for civilian ships and ordinary residential areas. Even if something unspeakable happens in the New World, if your classmates hope to gain an advantage through them, It’s absolutely impossible.”

Summers nodded slightly: "The important thing is that everyone at Tulong Machinery Factory can explore some new process ideas in the process of repairing and splicing robots, and they can also be used in our own mechanical design. If we didn't have this Firstly, an intelligent rapid-fire artillery group with Turon gear as its core is not so easy to develop."

The old man couldn't help but burst into laughter: "This is what you like most about me. You can always see the positive side, and no matter how incredible the ancient extraordinary technology is, you are always thinking about the possibility of using it in our era. Sex, this is the true genius of a master. But in our time, most scientists and scholars do not understand this."

Summers smiled shyly, lowered his head to express his gratitude to the teacher for the compliment, and then said: "And, no matter what, since we have the Red Sand Star but the enemy does not, we will definitely be able to give them one." Big surprise. My classmates are all very smart and will definitely take advantage of this information gap."

The old gentleman glanced at his student and said with a smile: "I have always felt that if you had not dropped out, you would have been no worse than your classmates. The stage of the fraternity may be too small for you. "

"I am now pursuing the smooth road to the sky, which is made of flesh and blood. The past years have faded into smoke." Summers said proudly.

"Blood, flesh and blood?" The old man carefully observed his disciple and made sure that the other disciple had no signs of cyberpsychosis. This time he said helplessly:

"Summers, everyone in the Brotherhood installed prosthetics on themselves just to survive, discover and develop. There is no particularly long-term goal or great reason."

Summers said: "What I said is not a great reason, just some truths that I have realized. At that time, I was too weak. I didn't understand suffering and pain, and it was difficult for people to grow. Moreover, if it hadn't been for my sudden Even if he disappears, he will not lose his mind and conflict with the school, nor will he be sent to Xinyumen, where he almost loses his life. This is all due to my weakness..."

The old man said: "But, this is fate. If there had not been that trip to the New Jade Gate, maybe your friend would not have awakened so quickly, and there would be no need to talk about his current achievements."


"What's your expression?"

"Teacher Trend, I have always felt that cyborgs like us are most pragmatic, and the last thing they want to pay attention to is metaphysics, destiny, destiny, and the like. People like him are either fighting Either he dies in the cradle, or he rises in struggle, there is no other possibility. Fate cannot control such people!"

"We are not robots, we are prosthetics! There is a big difference!" Mr. Trend, the elder of the Omnic Brotherhood and the president of the Engineers Guild, said angrily: "Of course I can't do it at my age. But when I replaced your prosthetic body, I still preserved your vital organs, and it didn’t even affect your ability to marry a wife and have children!”

Summers raised the corner of his mouth slightly, tentatively expressing a ceremonial response to the joke, and then directly changed the topic: "I checked the terminal of the Red Sand Star brought back by the military, and the core was destroyed. It's serious. Obviously, those predators still know these ancient robots very well. It is not difficult to restore the robot body by splicing parts, but it is actually impossible to repair the control core with our existing technology. So, you How on earth is it done?”

Trend said proudly: "Little Summers, who do you think I am? I am the most powerful prosthetic in the universe. I am really different from that half-hearted person who took refuge in the snake."

He paused, then suppressed his smile, showed a mysterious expression to his disciple, and lowered his voice: "Moreover, some time ago, I felt a kind of apocalypse."

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