Him and their stars

Chapter 1083 There are never too many courier boys

On January 12, 833 in the common calendar, at 06:15 standard time, a ray of light from the blazing white sun in the Fegur galaxy passed through the porthole and shone on Tan Jize's cheek.

The sunlight was slightly red-eyed, which made the latter feel briefly dazed. He stood up from the simple bed, walked slowly to the porthole, looked at the stars hanging in the night sky, and felt the warm light.

This is a very typical stable star in its young adulthood, representing the source of life and the cradle of civilization in the universe.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At least before the beginning of the Common Calendar, during the vast years of more than ten centuries, this place was once the gate of the Ero Empire, and it was also the half of the galaxy divided by the human overlords of the universe. One of the most important trade nodes.

Under the sun, named by the Eero people after their sun god "Fei", there is a naturally habitable planet and three earth-like planets that have been transformed into habitable places. In the most prosperous era, people once lived There are more than 100 billion people of all races. Interstellar arks from all corners of the galaxy are traveling among the planets, forming the most bustling, prosperous and vibrant scene in the universe.

But now, all of this, along with the completely torn planet, the battleships and interstellar fortresses that sunk here, have turned into the densest asteroid belt in the entire galaxy.

Just as this thought flashed through Tan Jize's outfit, an asteroid swayed swaggeringly and floated past the porthole. The visual distance should be no more than two or three kilometers from the interstellar passenger ship you are on.

Given the modulus of the universe, this is indeed very dense. If it were a larger warship, it would be hit all over the head if it turned around casually. No wonder the large fleets of the Empire and Alliance have never been able to eliminate the outlaws here.

However, to be honest, the asteroid floating in front of him looked a bit like a sprouting potato.

Thinking of this, Tan Jize immediately felt something. He sat down on the table, opened his terminal, turned out the second chapter of "Fei Mo Starfield Work Report", and projected the keyboard.

Tan Jize typed on the keyboard: "The food problem is the biggest problem! After the third galactic war and the complete destruction of the Erro Empire, the Feimo Star Territory changed from a food-producing area to a red zone. But even so, here There are still two worlds, and the transportation artery between the two camps is home to a large number of people who have lost their stable political governance. If we want the Feimo Nebula to have long-term peace and stability, the first thing that must be solved is the food problem of the people of Feimo."

Strictly speaking, this "Feimo Star Territory Work Report" is actually the sequel to the "Inspection Report on Lone Night City Issues". In Tan Jize's view, the uprising that broke out in Guye City was not only the community's own governance issues and systemic issues in the political structure, but also closely related to changes in the outside world.

The biggest impact on Guye City, apart from the three-year border war between the Cirque Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Khaiyar, was the Feimo Star Region, known as one of the sources of turmoil in the galaxy.

The two overlords in the galactic world faced each other across the land that was the original Ero Empire. Whoever controls this place will have some strategic initiative. However, neither of them could completely convince the other to take this place into their arms.

Of course, since they cannot overwhelm the other party, they are even less likely to accept that this strategically significant star field is controlled by a third party, let alone the emergence of a unified country.

This is actually the reason why the Feimo Nebula has fallen into this status quo.

In the universe, no matter what race you are, saying that we are "from Feimo" is almost equivalent to declaring yourself a terrorist.

However, in Tan Jize's view, even this star field, which has almost been regarded as a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, is not hopeless. Since neither the Empire nor the Alliance is willing to do it, why can't people on Earth do it? Isn’t this exactly what members of the Pioneer Party should do?

This "Feimo Star Territory Work Report" has been the focus of his work during this period. Unlike the previous one, "Gu Ye City Inspection Report", which has been distributed to the entire network, this one will only be an internal document of the Pioneer Party.

However, just after he finished drafting the summary text and all the outlines, Tan Jize couldn't help but laugh at himself: "I am really an ambitious and arrogant person! I don't even know what the next destiny of the community is." You know it, but you want to reach out to Feimo Nebula under the eyes of the Empire and the Alliance?"

After saving the file, he made a backup on an independent external hard drive. Then he put away the terminal and looked at the time. It was almost seven in the morning.

1, 2, 3…

He silently marked the time, and then, as expected, there was a knock on the door, plus Miss Chunjun's voice.

"Mr. Tan, it's time for early exercise."

Tan Jize sighed. He originally thought that the Spiritual Research Institute and Mr. Yu Lian had sent him a bodyguard and assistant, but now that he looked at it, it was clear that he was the dean of students. And he's the kind of person who can reason with you with a smile and hit people with a stick at the same time.

"Mr. Tan, my junior uncle said that if you don't get up at nine o'clock in the morning, you have given up on life. Then if you don't get up at seven o'clock in the morning to do morning exercise, you must have given up half of your life. The children are up now , you have to set an example for them."

Ten minutes later, Tan Jize, who was wearing sportswear, and four workers' uprising fighters who were still just teenagers, had gathered in the back cabin of the ship.

This was originally the second cargo hold of the smuggling ship, but with Tan Jize's persuasion and Miss Chunjun's "persuasion", the captain rented it to Tan Jize and his party at a low price and turned it into a classroom and activities for him and his children. room.

However, in addition to Tan Jize and the four teenagers, there were also all the passengers and crew members of the Ten Thousand Years Eagle gathered in this activity room today, a total of thirty or forty people.

Tan Jize and Chunjun didn't find it strange. In fact, a week after they boarded the ship, human-to-human transmission had already occurred during the morning exercise before breakfast. At first, it was just Tan Jize and his students, then other passengers were added, and finally the entire crew was included.

When everyone lined up, Miss Chunjun at the front clapped her hands: "For the revolution, keep fit! The second set of Lingyan gymnastics begins! The first section, snake movement. One, two, three, four!"

So, everyone followed the little girl's movements and moved their bodies in a precise manner.

Well, the first section is a snake shape rather than a stretching exercise, so this is not an ordinary broadcast gymnastics. In fact, Tantai Jing, the generation leader of the Spiritual Research Society, combined Wu Qin Xi with some basic spiritual practice techniques. fitness. It is said to be gymnastics, and the range of movements is not large, but if you really want to do it in one set, the intensity of exercise is still quite high.

It is said that sensitive people can use it to exercise their bodies, strengthen their spirits and perception, and enhance their probability of awakening. Of course, this is at least rumored, but it can at least be confirmed that ordinary people can indeed strengthen their bodies by practicing for a long time. The effect exceeds all current similar exercises, and it is low-carbon and environmentally friendly for all ages.

Tan Jize and his party are scheduled to disembark today, and this may be the last time they will do exercises with everyone on the ship.

Perhaps it was also because this last time, even Mr. Ford, the usually most rowing captain, a fat old Wookiee smuggling captain, did his job very seriously.

While he was doing this, he took the time to say to Tan Jize:

"Mr. Tan, you are indeed right. A strong spirit also requires a strong body. We smugglers are addicted to alcohol every day and live day by day. But, as you said, smugglers actually Maybe there is a future, and we really should change our way of living."

Tan Jize smiled and said: "You are different from most smuggling ships. In addition to not paying taxes, the people and goods you transport are a little special, but are you any different from all interstellar freighters?"

He wasn't being polite.

Mr. Ford, the captain of the Ten Thousand Year Eagle, and his crew are indeed different from most smugglers who are drunk now and now drunk. They will at least know how to set aside part of the money they earn, find a reliable financial broker to launder it, and organize it into a legal fund to send money to their relatives in China.

For example, the old Captain Ford even used his "legal status" to buy education insurance for his grandson. If the job he was engaged in was not a little special, he would be a down-to-earth and hard-working person.

"Hahaha, I just think that even if you become the captain of a large fleet, even if you run a business with your head in your belt, you will still have to have most of the profits taken away by the gentlemen on the board of directors, and then give it to the gentlemen in the government. Pay taxes. Obviously we are the ones who bought the boat ourselves, and we are the ones who risked their lives to travel around the universe. But 70% of the money earned is given to various bosses, and the last 30% depends on the person’s face. Isn’t this just kneeling? Are you asking for food?"

Tan Jize laughed and said: "People who kneel down to beg for food don't have to pay taxes."

The old captain smiled even more heartily: "Yes! My legs and feet were weak and I couldn't kneel down, so I took everyone together and started smuggling. Although it was inevitable that I would be stabbed by the bad guys on the road, and occasionally a real sword. Let’s start shooting with real guns. But these bad guys who should be stuffed into a black hole are not the master after all!”

The old captain pondered for a moment and then said: "However, even if this is the case, I hope that my descendants and family members will live an upright life, but they still have to kneel down. Mr. Tan, the world you described will appear. ?"

"Who knows? After all, none of us have ever seen such a world." Tan Jize did not give a definite answer. For this kind of old man who has traveled all over the universe, no matter how emotional the slogan is, it is just a slogan and cannot impress this kind of person.

But he also knew that when he was teaching the children, the old captain and the crew would come to listen from time to time. If he didn't listen, why ask such a question.

"But..." He pointed to a few young people at the front of the team who were doing exercises most seriously: "These children are the children of workers in Guye City, but they became orphans early. When they were twelve years old, Entering the factory, doing the same heavy work as an adult. By the time he is thirteen or fourteen years old, he has already taken up arms like a warrior."

He then looked at the Pegel family who were doing exercises together in the team. There were seven or eight children, old and young, and they were also stowaways on the Ten Thousand Years Eagle.

"There is also Mr. Oink and his family, who hope that the factory should at least ensure basic production safety for workers. Is this an unreasonable request? Why were they framed as terrorists and forced to take their whole family into exile?"

"This is how the world is." The captain sighed. In addition to smuggling, he also engages in the smuggling business, but who of his passengers doesn't have a sad past?

Tan Jize said: "But this is the case, is it correct? We always have to do something to see if we can bring about some changes."

The old captain pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Mr. Tan, are you attending this meeting to give orders to the heroes in the name of the community?"

Tan Jize couldn't help but feel happy: "It sounds like he's holding a martial arts conference. I'm a weak scholar."

The captain was also happy. He looked at Miss Chunjun who was leading the boat in front and thought to himself that this little girl, who seemed more powerless than me, kindly persuaded me to discount the ticket. The two people who had obviously agreed to it suddenly showed up with six people. This is not over yet, they kindly asked me to convert the cargo room into a sports room and classroom. Who knows if you, a scholar, may have some unknown potential ability.

"I don't have the ability to command the heroes, let alone such a request. However, if the people who came to the meeting today are really heroes, my duty is to help them find a direction where they can seek common ground while reserving differences, and an opportunity to exchange ideas. That’s all.”

Old Captain Ford pondered again and then said: "To be honest, Mr. Tan, I have been traveling across the galaxy for so many years, and I have also done shady jobs for some big shots under the sun. Whether it is weapons, contraband or political prisoners, I have been transporting them all." Yes, but if you need it, I can charge half of the contraband."

Tan Jize glanced at the other party in surprise.

The old captain laughed, with a bit of arrogance: "It's not the old man's mouth. Even if the Ten Thousand Years Eagle is not the fastest smuggling ship in the universe, it is definitely the best. There are some star maps that only us smugglers know. , just in my mind, I spent a month transporting half a division's equipment to the Sumi people under the eyes of the empire. No matter what you want to do, you always need a delivery boy."

Tan Jize said: "I heard that you like to travel the route of the distant nebula?"

"I have also traveled the route of the Abyss Nebula." The old captain continued proudly.

"Indeed, there is always no shortage of express delivery." Tan Jize smiled: "However, it is not easy to get a discount from an old captain like you who is also well-known on the road."

"Just think of it as doing something for the changes you talk about. I'm old and I don't dare to shoot at the old men, but I am very good at making trouble for the old men." The old captain showed a thumbs up and was covered by the long hair. A lively smile appeared on the covered fat face, like a young man who had finished playing a prank.

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