Him and their stars

Chapter 1084 Uprising Leaders

At 16:15 in the afternoon, the Ten Thousand Year Eagle landed supplies on a dwarf planet called Black Manxing, and dropped Tan Jize and his party off the ship.

This dwarf planet is similar to the moon. It has solid water on the surface and has a relatively stable gravity and orbit. In this era, there are also conditions for living. After the end of the Third Galactic War, at the beginning of the common calendar, there were already lively people building semi-permanent supply depots and repair stations here, and later it gradually developed into an inconspicuous space town. Now, under the ugly but solid dome, self-built houses of various styles are scattered irregularly, and the permanent population is about 50,000 to 60,000.

In the universe, this kind of simple space town is inconspicuous compared to dust, but in the Feimo star field, and even in the underworld of the entire galaxy, the "jackass hanging the flag" town on the Black Man star is still very famous. of.

The core of this town is the earliest "Jack Donkey Hanging Flag" hotel. It is said to be a hotel, but it is actually a space rest stop for accommodation, maintenance and supplies. It is said that the boss has been a powerful figure in both black and white for generations. Whether it is pirates, gangsters, local warlords in the Feimo Star Territory, or even predators, they all have to sell him some thin noodles.

Therefore, even if pirates and rebels regard the entire Feygur galaxy as the "Sherwood Forest" of the Milky Way, and even if warlords from all over Feymor, who are rapidly rising and falling, are fighting nearby, this humble space town will still be safe. The land has spent eight vast centuries.

Therefore, the 404th "Phimo Star Territory Multi-Party Talks" will be held in this hotel. This is the meeting that Tan Jize wants to attend now.

However, when Tan Jize and Chunjun had just settled down the young people who were familiar with them, the boss of "Jackass Hanging the Flag" specially invited him to his room.

The thirty-sixth owner of the "Jackass Hanging Flag" hotel, who calls himself the 19th Star Sea Monster, is a human uncle in his fifties, bald, with dark and rough skin, extremely tall and wearing sunglasses. Even bigger than a Wookiee, he looks like a tough guy with a lot of stories and is not easy to mess with.

In a lawless place like the Feimo Star Territory, only this kind of people can possibly control the various underworld and earth warlords.

But at this time, this uncle in sunglasses who was very difficult to offend said to Tan Jize with a sullen expression: "Mr. Tan, you know that the reason why my hotel can exist until now is because neither the empire nor the alliance allows fees. There is no awesome existence in the Moxing Territory. The local warlords here are in trouble. In the final analysis, they are just a bunch of bastards fighting for dried fish in the quagmire. None of the bastards can do anything to anyone, so they always need a place where they can discuss with each other. .”

His words were equivalent to ridiculing all the big and small forces in Feimo Star Territory, but they were indeed true.

Although the Empire and the Alliance are facing each other across the entire Feimo Nebula, they hope that this star field can continue to be chaotic, but the chaos must be somewhat decent, and it must be a little decent, at least it will not disturb the two overlords here. Small investment.

Therefore, Turkish warlords and pirate leaders like to hold spoils-sharing meetings here. Even if he had fought in a shabby old fourth- or fifth-hand warship before, he could have skipped the scene with three drinks as a penalty at the conference. As long as everyone doesn't hurt the peace, they can continue to continuously drain the controlled settlements and passing merchant ships to regain blood.

"But now, with the addition of those people from the empire, it's a different story." The bald boss touched his shiny forehead and said helplessly: "Mr. Tan, do you know that there is a hotel next door to our hotel?" There is an intelligence station from the empire!”

This time I came to participate in the "multi-party talks". In addition to the local old warlords and underworld leaders in the Feimo Star Territory, there were also "Flanmore Free Army", "Sumi Liberation Organization", "Lazakai National Salvation Organization" Organizations such as "Army" and "Knights of Terraby Worship" make people want to break into cold sweats just by hearing their names.

The Star Sea Monster felt that if the empire really found out, the family's thousand-year-old "Donkey Flying the Flag" sign, which had been in business since the time of the home planet, would probably no longer be able to hang up. When he thought of this, the young man began to burst into tears. Fortunately, his sunglasses covered the scene.

"I only agreed to your participation because I looked at Master Tantai's golden face. But you can't harm me? Can't you just keep a low profile? Just send a few inconspicuous correspondents, and the results will be great. They are all leaders. That little brother Franmore who came here a few days ago, his name is Bei. I remember the reward in the empire is 10 million gold dragons, right?"

"Peleliu Rivers, right? He is the current leader of the Flanmore Free Army."

"Yes, yes, it's this little brother. He has made a big name at a young age, but have you never thought about how much pressure he will put on others? You dare to come here with three or five followers? Just Don’t be afraid of being hacked!”

Tan Jize smiled and said: "I know that the one next door to you is the Imperial Intelligence Station. However, the one opposite the gate is the Alliance's Intelligence Station. Didn't they have a fight a few days ago and die together?"

"...Cha! It was obviously those boys named Peleliu River and a few Terrabi mercenaries who did it! I saw it with my own eyes!" The Star Sea Monster pointed at his eyes to express his opinion. Even though I was wearing sunglasses, I was not blind at all.

"But, didn't they also wipe out the intelligence station of the opposing alliance? Since both sides are gone, rounding up, wouldn't it be equivalent to the merger of the two intelligence stations?"

"How can you round it off like this?"

Tan Jize laughed: "Boss, you are also a veteran here. You should understand that as long as the empire and the alliance have not made up their mind to end the war personally, they must accept the result. In other words, even if they are to end, they must We need to rely on the eight hundred years of accumulation of your family's business in Feimo. As long as there is a justifiable reason, this loss can be ignored."

He analyzed seriously: "In other words, because the intelligence station on the opposite side has also been wiped out, they can even report their merits to the above. The pension plus bonus is a lot of money, let alone the subsequent achievements. The alliance is I can’t say what it is like, but I’m very familiar with the empire, after all, it’s also rice money and food for millions of tankers!”

The boss felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable. Of course, it was impossible for him, a veteran, to know nothing about the operations of foreign intelligence agencies such as the Empire and the Alliance, but as a veteran, he had the obligation to take this opportunity to show the other party his difficulties.

"Hmph, you put it simply. Even if it's just a formality, the empire and the alliance will definitely send people to investigate. Will I be the one to deal with those guys? Maybe there will be judges from the empire and inspectors from the alliance administration. Mr. Tan, it’s me who has to deal with these psychics! It’s me! It’s me who’s dancing on the two eggs! It’s me, the poor old sea monster, a harmless person who just wants to maintain the family business. Old bartender. Woo hoo hoo, if you treat a poor old man like this, the spirit of the universe will definitely punish you!"

Tan Jize looked at the bald man in sunglasses who was about to cry, and the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously:

"It's pointless even if you tell me this kind of thing. These dissident organizations are all upright Imperial citizens. As an Earthling, I have no command authority over them."

"For this kind of thing, you can only fool the local warlords and imperial bureaucrats." The bald boss waved his hand and said angrily: "In short, you have two choices now. Either, your people leave immediately, Meetings are not allowed here, and Ai in Heimanxing and Jackass Hanging Flag are not allowed to appear in the future. Or, this time you people’s room and board fees and conference room rent will be tripled! Don’t look at me like that, I’m not just raising prices! I have to clean up the ruins of your war, rebuild the house, and save enough funds for investigators from both countries! Do you think it’s easy to dance on two eggs?”

Tan Jize smiled and said: "No, I mean, if you want money, you should have said it earlier. My leader told me that things that can be solved with money are not problems."

The funds for his activities include more than 1 million Xinxing cash and more than 20,000 gold dragons in cash alone, and he can also use bearer checks to mobilize more than 10 billion in the hidden account of Libra Galaxy.

In this regard, Yu Lian trusted Tan Jize quite a bit, and the latter did fully reciprocate. Their food, clothing, housing and transportation were very simple along the way. The apartments they rented in Guye City were of high quality and low price, but the security in the outer city was not very good. They came to Feimo Star Territory by taking a smuggling boat transporting refugees, and even asked Miss Chunjun to come forward. An "effort of persuasion" was carried out.

However, if necessary, Tan Jize will not hesitate to throw money at people.

The star sea monster boss glanced at the other party with his triangular eyes hidden under his sunglasses, and said in a sinister manner: "That's great! I want to say this kind of thing openly and honestly once in my life, even just once. Also, your people , I have to send a few to work here!"

"Working?" Tan Jize frowned slightly.

"Yes! Part-time job! You can't just find a few shrimps. You have to be a young, smart and harmless-looking young man. More importantly, you can't be on the wanted list. I am particularly short of manpower here."

The boss of the Star Sea Monster had a stern face, like a human trafficker with no emotion.

Tan Jize seemed to understand something and smiled: "These students I have taught are all good kids. The bravest and most determined one is little Gavroche. But if I say he is the smartest and most talkative, it is actually little Gavroche. Water roots.”

"Oh, that skinny little boy, right? The one from the same race as you does have a very honest and hard-working look."

Obviously, as the boss here, he had read all of Tan Jize's information when they disembarked from the ship.

"He used to work as a busboy at the Tang Palace Hotel in Guye City." Tan Jize was not prepared to hide it.

"Very good. We need him." The Star Sea Monster pondered for a moment and then said: "And over there, no matter what kind of freedom army or liberation organization, there must be someone who can represent their will. Otherwise you will invite them tomorrow leave."

Tan Jize nodded noncommittally. So, before the formal meeting of the 404 Conference began, that night, he invited representatives from the major rebel organizations who had already stayed.

There are more than twenty of them, each from eleven resistance organizations, with an average head bonus of more than 1 million gold dragons. The most famous among them is Peleliu River. This Franmoor psyker was one of the core members of the chosen champion team of the 250th God of War Festival. He was also a member of the "Battle of the River Valley" that was downplayed or even erased by the mainstream media. He once personally Killed Sir Eldon, the third son of Duke Mergash.

Of course, killing people at the God of War Festival cannot be called murder, but an act of honor in honor of the God of War. According to tradition, even if you kill the emperor with your own hands, you don't have to bear any legal responsibility, let alone a mere Duke's son and a young astral knight.

At the end of the God of War Festival, the relevant departments of the empire even expressed their "magnanimity" in inviting him to join their ranks. Whether it was the bureaucracy under the Prime Minister's Office or the military under the Generalissimo's Office, they could choose at will. Even if they wanted to join the Star The Knights of the Realm are all debatable.

One emperor-elect even frankly invited him to become his retainer.

Peleliu's brother, who was already the mayor, even told him that the last option was the best choice. Although His Highness Brunhildt is the youngest among the elected emperors and the only woman, he really has the appearance of a great emperor. She would never have any prejudice against Peleliu because of his behavior at the God of War Festival, and would even appreciate him more.

"It's not a big deal if I offend Duke Mergash and the Astral Knights. I have worked under the Prime Minister for so many years, and I have offended a lot of senators and princes." The elder brother said: "If one day His Highness can wear it, Crown of the Void, you are the minister of Conglong, and I may still need your care when the time comes. Who says that our Hewen family cannot become hereditary princes?"

The Galactic Empire does have non-human hereditary lords. Although there are not many, and it has never been passed down to more than ten generations, it does exist, and it has become the object of the imperial dreams of many non-human races.

Peleliu was very moved by His Highness King Suliuka's attention and his brother's plan to help him, but he still rejected them.

Although he felt a little sorry for his brother who had a bright future, he still returned to his hometown, relying on his reputation in the God of War Festival to absorb the remnants of various rebel armies, and worked hard to rebuild the Franmore Free Army.

Of course, compared to most of his colleagues who directly confronted the empire and were immediately suppressed, he was very clear-headed and did not lead his army to attack the heavily defended big cities. Instead, he led the main force of the Free Army to hide in the dark swamp. He and Binghai were carefully dormant while building small workshops to produce arms and recruiting troops according to the methods given to them by their "mentors".

However, he didn't know what to do next.

Now, this uprising leader with both wisdom and courage urgently needs someone to give him guidance. This is why he came to attend this meeting in person.

As for taking away an empire's intelligence station before the meeting, I can only say that there are only five or six big cats and kittens in each intelligence station, but all of them are showing off like turkeys that have eaten too much moon candy. Peleliu said that he was already a third-level psyker after all. Such an enemy is as if his face has been sent to his feet. If he doesn't slap him twice, he will be really upset.

Of course, considering that the star sea monster boss of the "Jackass Hanging Flag" hotel is a decent gentleman who can be dealt with, in order not to cause trouble to others, he also knocked down the Alliance Intelligence Station opposite. This is actually very reasonable.

However, at the meeting, when he heard the boss's request conveyed by Tan Jize, Peleliu inevitably fell into deep thought and muttered: "This old profiteer will not be able to send our people to fight at the critical moment." Pot?"

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