Him and their stars

Chapter 1137 It’s Goddess Charlie

Free Galaxy Alliance, the capital of the Lothar Sector, in the northern continent wilderness of the planet Lotak, the former guard sergeant Baka, riding a large power motorcycle, drove the last naughty little black cow to the livestock. In the column, he breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the instructions given by the robot next to him: "Healthy, no obvious wounds."

The thirty-odd Andean black cattle calves in the corral are his most valuable property, much more expensive than the other five to six hundred large and small livestock in the pasture combined. Of course you need to be careful.

You know, whether these black cattle can grow up safely and produce meat is related to whether he can double the size of the pasture in the next year; whether he can introduce the cubs of the Bean Grass Bear that he has longed for; In the city, he bought the small house with a garden that both he and his daughter liked.

This should be the last work for today. Uncle Bear Man calmly lit a pipe for himself to relieve his fatigue. He looked at the endless wilderness, lush pastures and orchards, neat corrals and warehouses in front of him, and his heart was suddenly filled with the feeling that a middle-aged man has a successful career. sense of accomplishment.

At this time, the two Lothar cowboys, with the help of the robot, had bundled the newly harvested forage and put it into the truck one by one.

These two were locals, and they were also long-term workers hired by Baca after he bought the ranch. They were provided with food and accommodation.

"Take the straw bag back to the warehouse and you can rest today. Let's have dinner later. Sonia agreed to roast beef for us today."

"Okay, okay! Long live the boss!"

"Are you going to kill a black calf? I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Baka said loudly: "Fart, it's the ox that broke its leg yesterday. We eat the beef shoulder, and the rest will be transported to the city to be sold tomorrow!"

"Tsk, stingy~~~Boss, if you continue like this, you will lose us."

"It is unreasonable for those who raise black cattle to be unable to afford black cattle!"

"Bullshit, there are so many unreasonable things. Can those who build cruise ships afford to drive cruise ships? Can those who build palaces afford to live in palaces? If you want to eat black beef, there is a royal tomb in the mountain next to us. You go dig it."

"Wow, boss, if you were a human, this would be enough for me to challenge you to a duel." A younger Lothar cowboy pretended to be angry.

"Bah! The last time the Sheriff came to check, who was the one wagging his tail behind?" His companion immediately made trouble.

"Stop talking nonsense and keep an eye on these black cattle. If they sell for a good price next year, everyone will get a bonus. You may also be able to settle down in the city." Baka waved his hand and then got "Long live the boss." "Cheers.

Bean Baca is not a stingy boss, and he gets along well with the Cowboys. Their relationship is good enough that they can discuss sensitive issues with each other.

His career is stable and improving, his daughter is healthy and lively, his colleagues are friendly and diligent, and his neighbors are friendly and enthusiastic. The bear man, who has gone through too many hardships in the first half of his life, actually enjoys his current state of life very much.

Now, it has been more than half a year since he left Nephi with his daughter and settled in this remote star region. Of course, he had no regrets at all about leaving the most prosperous metropolis in the galaxy.

After all, it’s not easy for Nephiju!

With the cultural level of a former sergeant in the police force, of course he couldn't think of such a line in his mind, but after living in Nephi for almost three years, he did think so deep in his heart.

Because luck and good people help each other, he successfully found a good and cheap house, a job close to home and a reasonable income. The Life Tree Medical College affiliated with Ocean University also agreed to admit his daughter.

Although the cost of treatment is expensive, it can still be collected, and there is also a bonus from Xinyumen in hand.

When the course of treatment reached the middle stage, the professor at the medical school also helped him apply for the latest gene repair therapy. Because it is an experimental treatment, the cost can be further reduced.

"Don't worry, although it is experimental in nature, there have been no problems in the previous batches. If nothing else, your daughter will not either."

If it's a more outrageous development, if there is no accident, there will definitely be an accident.

However, the omnipresent spirit of the universe does not seem ready to torture this father and daughter who have already suffered a lot. His daughter, Sonia, a hybrid human-werebear girl, achieved great success after three courses of new gene therapy treatments.

"Actually, it is still very common here for us to have various genetic diseases caused by hybrids of humans and demi-humans due to genetic sequences. Unfortunately, there are still countless unsolved mysteries in life. With our technology, She is just getting started. However, your daughter is very strong, and the treatment effect is the best I have ever seen." The professor at the medical school said: "In the future, it may still be difficult for her to have offspring, but if nothing else happens, she should You can live a healthy and healthy life for forty or fifty years."

Only forty or fifty years? Baka was somewhat disappointed.

You know, the average life span of human beings has already exceeded ninety years. This takes into account various wars, various dangerous space explorations and adventures, and various frequent accidents in the space shipping industry.

As a type of demi-human, the Beorn Ursine can be considered an immortal species for the time being, and their lifespan is twenty years longer than humans on average.

However, think about it from another perspective. Think about my daughter before. Serious illnesses often come with minor illnesses. She is bedridden for at least four months a year and unable to go out for four months. Now, I have had a healthy life for forty or fifty years. Isn’t this a gift?

If his daughter really only has another four to fifty years to live, there is a high probability that she will be ahead of her. Then the next thing is to live the rest of your life.

Baka then remembered that he was just a herdsman before. What my daughter and my wife who died young miss most are the days of horse racing and herding in their hometown.

Because the medical expenses have been reduced to some extent, and Baka has worked very hard, over the past two years, not only has his savings not been exhausted, but he has saved more. Just at this time, he also saw from the news that the new government of Luosa Star District would vigorously develop agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism and attract outside investment.

Not only are the pastures and farms there much cheaper than elsewhere, the government also has a lot of excellent policy support, and even buying a pasture will give you grain and cattle seeds.

In this way, Baka said goodbye to Youyou and came to Losa with his ten-year-old daughter Sonia.

They were lucky enough to buy a pasture in the wilderness of the northern continent of the planet Lotak. The climate here is humid, the land is fertile, and the air is fresh. Although it is more than a hundred kilometers away from the nearest town, the owners of several nearby farms are very friendly, and they occasionally get together to hold bonfires.

Although the pasture has been abandoned for a long time, it has been developed to a considerable extent after all, and many of the infrastructures are ready. It is not as hard as clearing land, and it does not make you feel like a savage.

Moreover, Planet Lotak was also the birthplace of the Lothar people, and it was actually a mature planet for habitation. Next to the ranch, there is a light rail expressway that is more than 100 meters above the ground. Whether you take the train or drive yourself, it only takes half an hour.

Sonia, who has recovered her health, even rushes to school early every morning and comes back to cook dinner for everyone in the afternoon.

More importantly, in the distance of the Great Plains are the mountains covered with white snow, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland. Not to mention in Nephi, even on Earth, if you want to buy a mountain view house with such a view, you will probably have to double or triple the money you spent on the ranch.

In this way, the happy middle-aged man Baka and his two Lothar men returned home with a sense of fatigue and satisfaction after a day's work.

They soon smelled the aroma of beef stew. Although the shoulder meat of old scalpers is used, as long as it is cooked for long enough, the taste will be almost the same. Anyway, it is impossible to tell the difference between these thick embryos.

When he entered the house, Baka saw his daughter Sonia putting a huge soup pot on the long table. She is a hybrid between a bear and a human. Although she is only ten years old, she is already the height of a young girl.

A short goblin servant brought out a large plate of freshly prepared fried rice from the back.

Just like a certain cooking god said, 90% of the intelligent races in the universe can eat egg fried rice and like to eat egg fried rice. No, the two Lothar cowboys were already drooling.

A bear man uncle, a bear-human hybrid girl, two young Lothar cowboys, and a goblin servant, this is the entire staff of this "Baka Family Ranch". Everyone was like a family, sitting at the same table and enjoying their meal. Everyone is just a fool, so no one cares about things like food and appearance.

A large pot of beef and beans stewed without too many seasonings, but with rice wine to remove the fishy smell, so that it would suit the taste of everyone present.

A plate of fried rice with eggs, a bowl of vegetables blanched in plain water, and a basket of bread, this is the dinner at this ranch.

The dishes are not rich, but they are filling and nutritionally balanced. The taste is not delicious, but it takes into account the needs of all races. So, everyone had a great dinner.

Halfway through the meal, Sonia said: "Tomorrow is Saturday. Dad, my classmates and I have made an appointment to attend a reading club. I will stay at Luna's house in the town for the past two days. I will come back the day after tomorrow."

"I don't agree." Baka just said this, and then he found that his little princess had put away her smile and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Ah hahaha, of course I'm joking."

Only then did the little girl smile again.

"But you must pay attention to safety."

"Well, don't worry, I will bring self-defense weapons." She smiled.

"No, I mean, don't hurt others. Our small ranch can't afford much medical expenses!"

So, amidst everyone's roar of laughter, the little girl blushed and left angrily.

After completing all the gene repair treatments, Sonia has never had an illness again. She is so energetic that she does not look like a congenitally ill patient, and she has fully exerted the natural power of the bear-human hybrid.

Only half a year after moving here, the little girl has already established herself as the "Bear Queen" in the town. Generally speaking, it should be the gangster who should avoid her, not the other way around.

Facts have proven that outsiders are indeed easily excluded and easily bullied. However, if the fist is strong enough, it is an excellent opportunity to quickly integrate into local life.

In addition, there is an alliance garrison camp nearby, and the security is very good. Even during the military control period, no serious cases occurred, so Baka really doesn't worry about his daughter's safety.

The little girl always catches the bus to elementary school by herself, and often stays at friends' houses in the town. After half a year, Baka can now deal with it calmly even if he feels sorry for his daughter.

As long as his daughter can be happy, Baka will be happy too. If he is too strict, his daughter will definitely not be happy.

However, the old bear man didn't know that after his cute and well-behaved daughter changed into light clothes, carried a basket of handmade snacks, a schoolbag, and left the ranch on his power skateboard, she didn't Instead of following the road to the light rail station three kilometers away, we spared a road and walked directly to the mountains further away.

The power skateboard under her feet has obviously exceeded the speed of normal transportation tools for minors, but the girl's posture is quite stable when she steps on it.

However, the livestock area on the outskirts of the city has always been sparsely populated, and security surveillance would not pay special attention to an ordinary girl. No one noticed this scene.

By the time night fell, she had already crossed a distance of nearly a hundred kilometers and arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The mountains are covered with white snow, reflecting the setting sun's afterglow into a colorful halo. Below the temperature difference line, there are lush and dense mountain forests, and no traces of civilization can be seen. Even the most experienced hunter would probably get lost in the moist forest and become food for wild beasts.

However, Sonia held the skateboard in her hand and stepped into the jungle without hesitation. Her movements and posture were very relaxed, as if she were walking in her own garden.

However, when she just stepped into the forest, a little mottled light appeared. It was clearly countless small creatures that looked like fireflies, emerging from the gaps in the grass and trees. They hovered in the dense forest, and their shimmering light spread to the deepest forest, just like the street lights on both sides of the road, forming a smooth road.

Sonia looked at the route pointed out by the fireflies, showing distress and even helplessness: "Charlie, have you changed places again?"

"It's Goddess Charlie!" The firefly rubbed its wings, but a frustrated girl's voice came out.

"Okay Charlie. No problem Charlie. I brought you your favorite wine cake, wait for me."

The little girl continued to move forward in the direction guided by the fireflies. There was actually no road beneath her feet, just slippery, cold gravel and undulating terrain.

However, she was clearly carrying a one-meter-long power skateboard and carrying a schoolbag, but her steps were as light as walking on the ground.

When the moon hung over the branches, Sonia finally came to the natural stone platform halfway up the mountain, out of breath. At this time, the temperature was already very low, and even the bear-human mixed-race girl who was naturally cold-resistant but wore thermal underwear felt a little bit chilly at this time.

However, on the stone platform, that slender, delicate and pitiful figure was just wrapped in a thin white dress. Standing under the snowy moonlit night, her delicate face full of sculptural beauty was full of love. The alienation and disgust of this world.

Looking at Sonia who was panting, the girl in white shook her head: "No, it took you three minutes longer this time than last time."

"But it's harder to leave this time! And I brought you a cake." Sonia muttered.

"This is no reason, mortal." The girl in white squatted down: "If you want to provide for your father in old age, let him have grandchildren and enjoy a family, etc., you must adapt to the power I have given you as soon as possible. I don't have much time, either. My transaction needs to begin as soon as possible. Do you understand, mortal?"

"Okay, Charlie, I'll try my best."

"It's Goddess Charlie!"

"Okay Charlie, no problem Charlie."

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