Him and their stars

Chapter 1138 The wonderfulness of bears and insects

Charlie glanced at the bear girl, still not sure whether she was really stupid or really natural. There was a flash of mania in her eyes, but it soon turned into obvious helplessness.

If it had been three months since she first met this girl, it would have taken Miss Domination at least three to five minutes to completely calm down. However, after this period of training, at least the good news is that her ability to control her emotions and blood pressure has indeed become much stronger.

Although she technically has no blood pressure.

As for why the majestic insect swarm master tolerates this little bear, it can only be said to be fate, which is wonderful.

"So, how is your current status? How much have you mastered? How many levels of psyker are you equivalent to?" she asked patiently.

Sonia thought seriously: "Should we be able to beat seven or eight people, right? The little villain I beat up last time brought a few older children to take revenge yesterday, and I took care of them all. Also, I Now he is born with supernatural power! Last week, the naughtiest bull in the herd wanted to escape from prison again, but I held him down with one hand. Then he became honest. Dad and the others didn't know, they just thought This guy is obedient.”

Thinking of this, the girl immediately showed an expression that said, "I'm so awesome, I'm so awesome."

"What's there to be proud of?" Charlie said angrily: "If you can't defeat a group of gangsters, I'd rather kill you right now!"

As she spoke, more than a dozen tentacles wrapped with barbed blades were raised from the girl's back. The expression on her face instantly became ferocious, and her eyes changed from green to extremely terrifying apricot vertical pupils. In an instant, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees instantly, and a cold and chilling atmosphere suddenly formed in the air.

In an instant, Xia Li had transformed from a pretty girl serving as a customer to a ferocious beast that chose and devoured people. Even a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles would find it difficult to remain calm in the face of such evil aura. However, facing such a terrifying scene, the girl waved her hand without any concern: "I understand, I understand, do you want to eat the wine cake?"

For Sonia, this young lady with unknown origins and unknown ethnicity, who always calls herself a "goddess" when speaking in a very arrogant way, might really be a very powerful evil god. However, his first impression of her was still that of the scarred and dying girl in the underground palace of the royal tomb in this mountain, like a broken doll abandoned by the world.

No matter whether it is for people or things, once you have the emotion of pity, it is no longer possible to have awe.

Charlie wanted to jump after hearing this, but she still grabbed the alcohol sponge cake, stuffed it into her mouth, and said while eating: "So, what level of psychic are you now? How many techniques have you mastered? I'll teach you Those things, have you learned them?"

"I went to inquire, but I haven't heard of any psychics nearby! There is only one branch of the Administration on the entire planet Lotak, and there is not even a basic training class for the Guerrilla Association." Sonia said.

Charlie felt helpless for a moment, but she still said patiently: "Let me demonstrate it to you."

Sonia nodded, immediately put down her salute, and yelled "Hey!" at a stone in the distance. Her little face turned red, and even her long hair, which had a texture between beast hair and girlish hair, stood up. Immediately, the stone, which should have weighed two to three hundred kilograms by visual inspection, floated from the ground.

Sonia used her spiritual power to hold the stone for three minutes before letting out a sigh of relief. There was a tired look on her face, as if she had just run a marathon. However, this scene was still extremely magical to the girl, and a smile full of accomplishment suddenly appeared on her little face.

Sonia felt that even if she accepted the invitation from the school boxing team and entered the finals of the Galaxy Martial Arts Tournament, she would definitely not be happier than she is now.

"It's awesome." The bear girl applauded herself.

The corners of Xia Li's mouth closed, and even the tentacles behind her that were as fierce as swords and guns drooped limply.

"This level, this level... Even a knight apprentice who has only completed three years of basic training is better than this!"

"Then am I not very powerful?" Sonia said, "It has only been more than four months since I met you."

"I'm talking about basic training! Are you receiving basic training?" Charlie said loudly.

What you swallowed was my bones and blood... ah no, essence and blood! Oh no, it’s hard work! The most precious effort!

The little master really wanted to say this, but considering that it would hurt his image, he held it back before roaring loudly.

She narrowly escaped death along the way and fully mastered all the knowledge and power of the Leviathan's Nest that she had found so far, and finally understood the ability to create the spirit-like King Insect. As long as there are such insect species, the Little Master can create more powerful Lord Insects, Lord Insects that can simulate "psionic energy" exquisitely, and even "Level Up" Lord Insects.

Of course, such a top-level insect swarm unit naturally requires a lot of resources.

However, as a good girl who knows how to live a good life, Charlie is on the run... ah no, she still saved a lot of zero elements during the adventure, which is enough to build one.

Charlie plans to find a powerful mercenary and implant this bug into her body. Maybe she will get a better right-hand man than the puppet bug version of Dr. Warren.

However, what I never expected was that the spirit-like insect that I finally made would be eaten by this stupid little girl like a bear by chance.

"Don't be anxious. As long as there are effects, it means everything is getting better." The little girl gave a thumbs up to Charlie, showing her big white teeth: "We have an old saying in Bion, when you encounter When things are difficult, just eat something sweet. If you can still eat sweets, you can still live your life."

Charlie rolled her eyes and swallowed the sweet alcohol sponge cake in one bite. This time, her blood pressure didn't even change. She just sighed: "Little Bear Girl, Little Bear Girl, why did I meet you? Why is it you?"

"It's fate. Just like my father and mother. Who would have thought that my mother would fall in love with such a rough guy like my father? They are obviously of different races." The little bear girl said: "If you think so, If the little spirit insect met not me, but that sarcastic Habi Nana, it might have been beaten to death. There would be nothing left behind."

Charlie also had to admit that this was indeed an incredible fate.

"Besides, it was the little beetle that ate my pumpkin first. It's your own fault, Charlie, for not paying attention to it."

Charlie paused for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "We agreed not to mention the pumpkin. If you still mention it, I will kill you!"

"Okay Charlie, no problem Charlie."

After finally reaching the Alliance after going through all kinds of hardships, Charlie hitched a ride all the way to the Lotha Sector on the edge of the Alliance's border. However, more than a hundred years ago, this was actually the Alliance Kingdom of Lothar. Later, it became a base for Lothar separatists and Alliance rebels. Later, when the Lothar royal family was cut off and the rebel leaders gradually disappeared into the dust of history under long-term brutal suppression, this starry sky directly became the Lothar sector directly managed by Nephi. Even local autonomy and the right to vote were abolished.

However, this has nothing to do with Charlie. She just knew that her "father" had inspected the alliance's mountains and geography as a scientific expedition team during his lifetime, and that when Lothar joined the kingdom, it was his last stop.

"My last inheritance? Do you want it? Go find it, I put everything there! It's in the tombs of the previous kings of Lothar!"

This was the last message left by Count Salvin. This is the most subconscious message that he used some exquisite psychic means to travel through distant space and left directly in the depths of Charlie's mind. It is also a secret in this universe that only she can know.

Although she didn’t know why her father would leave his last inheritance in the royal tomb of the Lothar people, Charlie felt that it was necessary to go there since he had come here.

However, there are too many royal tombs in the mountains. Even with Xia Li's rich experience of drilling into the underground palace countless times, she spent more than three months hiding in the mountains before she gradually found her destination.

As the master of the insect swarm, she can certainly put millions of insects in the mountains to help her find them. However, although this is a remote galaxy, it is fertile ground for the Alliance after all. Charlie, who has been tortured by fate many times, always feels that if she does this, the Alliance's majestic giant ship will come to orbit within three to five days and use tens of thousands of neutron bombs to connect this mountain to herself. obliterate.

But no matter what, she finally found her destination. It was a royal mausoleum located on the outskirts of the mountains, only two hundred kilometers away from the town. Buried inside was the penultimate Lord Lothar who joined the kingdom. He was nicknamed "Mad King Treya" locally.

The reason why he was called the "Mad King" was that as the head of state of the alliance country, the first thing he did after taking the throne was to bomb the official headquarters stationed here by the alliance government. This was also the starting point of the subsequent Lothar rebellion.

Of course, the Mad King's life has long since ended, and his right and wrong in history are just historical concepts. The central government of the alliance does not have the habit of dragging out defeated enemies to open coffins and kill their corpses. The king who is regarded as a tyrant is still lying in his coffin without being disturbed.

However, since this guy's mausoleum is almost in the best location, now that the Alliance is preparing to vigorously develop tourism in the Losa star region, the supporting buildings around the mausoleum and the tomb chamber on the upper floor have all been converted into museums. Even roads and light rails were built.

Charlie always felt as if she was being played by her father. You know, this majestic mountain stretches for thousands of kilometers from north to south. Since it is such a private relic, shouldn't it be hidden in every cave thousands of meters above the ground in the deepest parts of the mountains?

But it doesn't matter, she has even drilled through those desert planets with extremely high metal content in the New World, so she doesn't mind drilling into the mountains again. She first sneaked directly into the depths of the ground, and then dug a hole to get there. Think of yourself as a conscientious millipede.

However, when she reached the deepest part of the tomb and deciphered the mechanism, she was dumbfounded.

"I can't solve it by myself? Do I need a companion who can also use psychic powers? Are you kidding me about history? I am a swarm of insects. What companion do I need?"

She once again felt that she was really being played by her father.

The so-called fate is wonderful. Just when the little queen was at a loss for the last mechanism, she happened to catch up with primary and middle school students from several nearby towns organizing spring outings and camping nearby. A group of naughty children were laughing and joking for a long time, and then the teacher took them to the museum here for some patriotic education.

Of course Sonia, the little bear girl, is also among them.

Then, Xia Li's attempt to use violence to crack the mechanism failed, but instead caused a backlash from the powerful psychic defense facilities, and also triggered a small earthquake throughout the cemetery.

While Xia Li on the lower floor of the mausoleum was seriously injured, she also received a rather ferocious mental shock from the agency. She really didn't expect that the spirit-like king insect made with her own bones, blood, hard work, cells, and all the zero-element savings would actually be a kid. There was only a momentary gap in my mental control, and the thing fluttered its wings and fled on the spot.

In this way, Charlie, who thought she was still a young girl, experienced the pain and sadness of a middle-aged uncle and aunt being stabbed in the back by a rebellious child.

On the other side, Sonia and her classmates who were visiting the upper chamber of the mausoleum also quickly escaped from the chamber. Fortunately, this sudden earthquake was not too strong and did not even damage the overall structure of the tomb. Overall, it was a near miss.

When the spring outing ended, most of the children got on the bus and returned to school, while a small number of nearby children left together. Sonia said goodbye to her friends. There is a temperature-controlled greenhouse nearby on the wetland near the foothills, where some relatively high value-added cash crops are grown. Among them are medicinal materials, seasonings, alfalfa with high nutritional value, and some high-yielding grains that Dad got from special channels and are said to be able to be grown in subarctic and cold zones.

The little girl is going to check the growth. If the growth is normal, she will make some records and collect some samples before going home.

She is such a diligent and enthusiastic girl. When she was still a sick child, she would try her best to do housework well. Now once the body is healthy again, it has more energy and mobility than those children who were born healthy.

Then, in her greenhouse, she saw a large beetle with purple luster lying on the frost pumpkin that had just grown in the shed, munching on it.

Sonia found an insect trap and fought with the beautiful purple beetle for three hundred rounds. The final result was that the big beetle hit the little girl's belly and disappeared immediately.

When the insect swarm master, who was unable to move after being seriously injured, managed to reach the scene with great difficulty, the "beetle" was actually a spirit-like king insect she had made by herself, and it had already merged with the little bear-man girl.

At this time, Xia Li no longer had the resources to create another Spirit-like King Insect. She considered cutting the little girl into pieces, but the king insect was not jelly, and she couldn't find it even if she cut her belly open.

However, luckily among misfortunes, this little bear seems to have good talents. It has just been fused and has the power to use psychic powers.

...Hmm, psyker? An idea suddenly flashed through Charlie's mind.

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live?" she asked the ignorant little girl.

"Call me goddess, call me master, and I will let you understand everything." Xia Li said.

Sonia blinked her eyes, but said: "Really living? You can sleep soundly every day, you can eat sweets and meat when you want, you can go to school and make friends, you can run horses and herd with your father, I’m living a real life now!”

Well, this seems different than expected.

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