Him and their stars

Chapter 1217 I gave him relief

Yu Lian really felt that he could start eating melon. After all, Judge Swift Wind is also a sixth-level saint. Once he recovers his physical strength, he can at least play the role of MT in team battles.

Yu Lian looked at the black figure completely surrounded by the vigorous figures of Long Yan and the female knights, and then saw Judge Swift Wind bravely leaping into the sky, turning the two spiral cannons into cannons, and kept tilting them toward the ground. A beam cannon made of psychic energy.

More importantly, even if he was forced into this field, "Past Master" did not dare to use all his abilities to fight back.

He must spare more energy to defend himself. Yu Lian quickly realized this. Obviously, the "soul burial ceremony" that he just performed really cast a huge shadow on the "past father-in-law".

I never imagined that one day, just by eating melon, I could cause such a huge psychological shadow to such a master as "in the past"!

Yu Lian suddenly felt extremely proud and angry. He can now clearly feel that the end of this battle is approaching, and the "past man" on the opposite side should also be able to feel it.

In the interweaving of psychic energy, the eredar elves finally could no longer maintain the state of "dark light", and perhaps they did not dare to do so. He used his hands to create lightning and thunder, just like a god who could summon wind and rain. However, this god has been forced to a small area and is about to fall into the hands of mortals.

The dragon flames spreading behind the Dragon of Dawn kept sweeping away the shield around him, like a heavy hammer hitting his towering body.

He is obviously still the same young man who seems to be a hundred years younger, but his spirit seems to be gradually showing its proper posture under the sacred attack of the female knights - aging and decadent, due to the invasion of time and time, and due to persistence. Beginning to twist due to thoughts and conspiracy calculations.

Yu Lian saw the ferocious look on the opponent's face, and slowly showed the light blade again, passed the chief of staff who was holding the starlight flag high, and slowly approached the battlefield.

For such a master, the more likely he is to show his current attitude, the more likely he is to explode. As the core and strongest combat power of our team in the team battle, I have now recovered some physical strength, so I still need to cheer up and give everyone a good fight.

However, before the eredar elf suddenly broke out, the opponent finally found a flaw under the continuous siege. Giaphiel's crystal spear containing volcanoes suddenly erupted, penetrated his armor under the cover of dragon flames, and indeed swept past his knees.

This was the first time they had directly attacked the snake leader's body. The latter's knees staggered, and he knelt down on the ground.

He roared, and the hot air compressed momentarily in the roar, and then exploded violently, as if a vacuum burst was directly called out in the air.

This is a destructive effect that can only be created with high-compression concussion bombs. It can easily turn the human body into particles, destroy the armor of battleships, neutralize energy shields, and even create isolation zones to prevent the occurrence of space bubbles.

However, the "past man" who was forced into a desperate situation was released by the spirit of words.

Yu Lian did not go to the rescue. On the one hand, he also had a certain understanding of the power of the "Dragon of Dawn". This is the world's top enlightened person's relic. In terms of mystery, it is definitely not as mysterious as the "Book of the Sun God" of the Rainbow Rose family. Down. In terms of the bonus to individual strength alone, it is even unmatched. On the one hand, he also had a certain understanding of Brynhilt. This queen-selecting lady returned bravely, but she was as brave as a famous general and her mind was still very clear. Never really put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Then, he saw with his own eyes that Brynhilt's dragon flames waved lightly and completely neutralized the spatial explosion released by the spirit of the past.

A top-notch psyker can open up a field that integrates offense and defense, and can speak whatever he wants within the range of his own mental power. However, the "Dragon of the Dawn" looks like a dead thing, but everyone thinks that "He" should be alive. He himself has his own system.

Whether or not "His" power can be exerted does not entirely depend on the user's own strength, but more on whether "His" recognition can be obtained.

Now, when any Tirello noble who values ​​tradition and superstition sees this scene, he will probably think that the country's foundation has been decided, so he will fall to the ground on the spot and offer his heart to the future queen, right?

At least in Yu Lian's perception, all the female knights present, and even the Kuolan judge who claimed to have only recovered half of his physical strength, were all in high spirits, as if they had been given several layers of buffs.

Even the calmest Chief of Staff, there was inevitably a flash of joy in her red eyes, as if the lava really started to erupt during that period. As a result, the starlight banner she held became even more brilliant.

Of course, Yu Lian himself said that his mood is relatively stable. After all, this scene is not new in another timeline.

...Besides, again, there is no law in the empire that says that one who is recognized by the "Dragon of the Dawn" is the next owner of the Void Crown.

Don't worry about Yu Lian's psychological activities for now, just look at the battlefield over there. The curtain of the aurora suddenly tightened, and the starlight turned into thousands of arrows of light through the floating cannon, locking all the directions of "Mr. Past"'s actions. The sky spear in Brynhilt's hand drew out amid the roar of psychic energy, tearing open the chest of the eredar elf with a precise and mysterious arc.

This is exactly the place that Yu Lian hit with "Funeral Sacrifice" just now, and perhaps it is also the most vulnerable part of "Past Master"'s body.

Yu Lien said applauding. He had never thought that the Kryptonian was anything special, but Brunhilt's blow was enough to prove her fighting talent. In fact, even without royal status, she could probably become the Knight Commander of the Star Realm with her own genius. At least her achievements would not be lower than those of Knight Commander Tatier...

Speaking of which, the knight commander was sent away? Where was it sent?

Well, that's not too important a question.

Facts have proved that the "Past Man" who claims to use time as a weapon, after devouring his own clone, became a hundred years younger, but he is still a mortal body.

Now, his spirit has finally returned to the state that an aging eredar mercenary should have. He is just a snake, and he is not qualified to stand under the glory of the Dragon of Dawn.

"Even if your power is boundless, you are just a snake swallowing plague. You are not qualified to stand!" Brynhilt pointed the "Sky Spear Rui Yan" condensed in the sun at the bridge of the opponent's nose: "But, look, For the sake of the spirit of the universe and the name of the empire, I can give you a chance to surrender!"

"General Yu, young Dragon of Dawn, you are actually standing behind the supreme leader of the future empire. Do you already want to embrace the glory of the empire? But, is that really glory?" The eredar elf's voice was hoarse. Despair, like a dying beast.

It's not my business? Yu Lian shrugged, "I'm going to get cue if I just eat melon?"

"At this time, are poisonous snakes also releasing plagues?" Brynhild showed a sarcastic expression: "There are no corrupt politicians and profiteers here, and your tricks can't deceive anyone. However, at dawn It's a dragon, hehe..."

She glanced at Yu Lian, with a hint of pride in her smile: "The Dragon of Dawn is also a dragon. So I am very satisfied."

I think these two dragons are actually not the same thing. Yu Lian wanted to retort like this, but felt that he would lose as soon as he said this.

"Okay, surrender. I will bring you to His Majesty the Emperor to plead guilty! Whether you can survive or not depends on His Majesty's will. Maybe the old man will give you a chance to escape."

"Even if I am a dark poisonous snake, I am not a dog with a broken spine. Little Dragon Girl, who are you insulting? We are the ones maintaining the balance of the universe behind the scenes!" He raised his arms and clenched his fists.

Yu Lian sighed. You snakes around the world are obviously guilty of pleasure. With this understanding, you can jump left and right in the cracks of the nations. With such freedom, it will become the most dangerous terrorist organization. But if you insist on adding a sense of mission to yourself, wouldn’t it mean that you are missing the mark?

"And you, you real dragons, are the silverfish of the universe!" His roar was like a low roar from the abyss, and scarlet death light burst out from his fists.

However, this scarlet death light was locked by the surrounding starlight. Immediately afterwards, Giaphiel, who had been concentrating all the time, blocked the bloody energy group with a crystal spear that also glowed red.

It was a force of pure hatred and death. Even if Giafel was in a state of many layers of buffs at this time, she couldn't stop him for a few seconds.

However, this is enough.

Brunhilt's light blade slashed down and beheaded him. The eyes of the eredar elf flashed with confusion for a moment, and then froze into true panic. However, this was the last expression left to the world by the Time Lord of the World Snake generation.

Got it. Yu Lian thought that in the second half of the battle, he was actually eating melon the whole time. Wouldn't this turn into a personal grudge between the empire and the World Serpent?

But, then again, isn't the reason why World Snake was forced into this situation because of his personal grudge with the Empire? Hahaha, this seems to be my plan!

Yu Lian suddenly wanted to put his hands on his hips and laugh three times. However, he now really wants to figure out the location and status of the other planner.

The "Past Master" has fallen, and the psykers in the fortress may feel it, and Miss Berenkeist should be no exception.

...In fact, at the same moment, in a cabin deep in the snake lair, Princess Rainbow Rose riding a mechanical unicorn twitched her brows slightly, closed her eyes subconsciously, and then opened them again. Colorless mist flashed through the blue eyes again.

"A high-ranking psyker has died. Which Time Lord is it, or is it the Spell Breaker?" she said quietly.

"Yes, really?" The reply was as frightening as it was popular.

"It seems that you have different opinions!" Yani looked at the other party condescendingly: "But is there anything else you haven't told me?"

"You, your words really make me feel ashamed. I am your humble prisoner of war, no, your humble trophy. My respected mistress, I dare not have any secrets in front of you."

The speaker was a huge, bald head. Half of it is steel and mechanical structure, and half of it is flesh and blood. It is full of a disharmonious and evil feeling. That half of the human figure can still be recognized as somewhat human, but the entire head is twice the size of an average adult man.

Under the head is a neck made of alloy, but it has obvious deformations and tears, and it was clearly torn off by a huge force. There is a half-stretched biological tube ridge under the neck, and it is even dripping with unknown liquid.

This unsightly head was held in the hand by a heroic machine, as if it were holding a pig's head.

If any of the middle-level cadres of World Serpent or the cyborg mercenaries under the Fourteenth Workshop saw this scene, they would definitely feel that their world view had been subverted.

This half-baked head who is still lingering is not one of the thirteen faces of the organization's chief tech lord and supreme leader. The organization's code name is "Jiang Zuo", but who else could it be?

Of course, we have to admit that although only half of his head is left, he is not really alive. At least judging from the sound, his energy is still very sufficient, and he should be able to last for a long time.

"It seems that you still have enough physical strength. At least enough to be able to speak eloquently." Looking at the other party's head that still seemed to be energetic, Princess Rainbow Rose immediately responded with an emotionless smile. The heroic spirit skill behind her immediately raised the head of "General" and began to dance like a yo-yo.

The appearance of Yingling Shenji is just that of a kind and mighty battle robot, but its movements at this time are agile enough to participate in the master's exhibition match of fancy yo-yo.

Yani kept her expression neither happy nor angry, and after watching Yingling Shenji's yo-yo dance with the screams of "Jiang Zuo", she said unhurriedly: "Now you know where your problem is. Bar?"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, no, it's the little one who doesn't know how to live or die." Shosaku hurriedly said: "Yes, it should be the death of 'Past Master'. If anyone really wants to live and die with this fortress , he should really be the only one."

Yani glanced at the other party with interest and said with a smile: "Tell me more? As far as I know, they are still in this snake den. I won't list the middle-level executive officers. Anyway, they are at least dead. There are more than twenty. As for the higher-level ones, besides you, there should be Mother Tree and Black General. Then there are the 'Spell Breaker' and the 'Past Master'. So, why does it have to be the latter?"

Shosaku's only remaining biological eye flashed with horror, and he quickly explained: Although 'Past Master' is one of the leaders of the organization, he is more like the leader of an old-fashioned warrior group, and he attaches great importance to order and the base. Yes, there will also be a warrior-like side. To be honest, he doesn't really look like a typical organizational leader. However, when it comes to the Law Breaker, he is actually the most powerful of our Thirteen Faces, and the most fundamental. He is a mystic in nature, and a secret law enforcer. "

"Law enforcer? In the context of your organization, isn't it even more atypical?" Yani said with a smile.

"...Well, even our untouchable associations occasionally need a certain amount of discipline. So he is very tough and knows how to hide himself. I never believe that he will coexist and die with this fortress."

Princess Rainbow Rose looked down at "General" with a cold, arrogant and merciless gaze, which made the latter want to subconsciously hold his head and squat on the defensive. Then he said slowly: "No, Dr. Zhu Mok, you don't do it either." I believe that the 'Past Guild' will coexist with this fortress. Otherwise, you will not stay."

A trace of confusion flashed through "Jiang Zuo's" still functioning mind, which soon turned into panic, but before he could open his mouth to defend himself. The heroic spirit machine that was pulling him started to dance again.

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