Him and their stars

Chapter 1218 I am your humble trophy

The movements of the Heroic Spirit Divine Machine this time were more complex and faster than before, and even included bounces to the ground and collisions with walls. "Masaku" only felt that his head... ah no, his body was hit to the ground countless times. The blood and flesh on his cheeks seemed to be scraped off.

However, he could no longer feel the pain, and he only had one head left anyway. The simulated nervous system composed of nanomachines and photonic units has long been destroyed.

What's more, now before pain, there is first humiliation. Before humiliation, there is endless fear.

"I am a scientist, you can't do this to me." He wanted to accuse Princess Rainbow Rose.

"I'm a scientist, I, I don't want to die." However, this was his attitude at this time.

He didn't know how long he had been hit. Anyway, in his current state, he not only lacked balance, but also lacked the ability to perceive time. When there was no more spinning around him, he finally said in an almost wailing tone: "My mistress, I am just your humble slave now. I really, really just hope to get a little bit of you. Forgive me. Next time, if you have any questions, just ask me directly. There is no need to take action first."

"Then you have to learn to regret it now. I am a bad woman with a very unstable mental structure. Maybe I will use the trophies to vent my anger sometimes." Yamida looked at "General" with a glance at consumables. Broken head: "If you want to regret it now, it's too late."

The other party pondered for a moment: "I think that after being a researcher for such a long time, my road seems to have come to an end. If I can play other roles, maybe I can draw parallels."

He held up his head, which was still beating with unnatural electric arcs, and said proudly: "It will be an honor to be your toy in the next life."

Yani nodded and showed a pleased expression: "Doctor, the play has been performed."

Before the other party was ready to say anything, Yingling Shenji simply danced "Jiang Zuo's" head like a lasso, turning it into a big circle on his own head.

It's obviously a robot, but it actually uses electronic sound effects to simulate the sound of "Eula Ola Ola".

After it was done, Yani smiled and said: "Okay, I'm very satisfied with your service. Whether that old Eredar ghost is really dead or he's playing tricks again, it has nothing to do with you."

Shosaku was about to cry. Although he no longer had the ability to cry, he only said in a weak but urgent voice: "Yes, yes, he is the leader of the organization after all. We only know many things. Part of it. I'm just a prosthetic, and I don't know much about mysticism... However, I heard Ms. 'Present' mention that Master 'Past''s attainments in the soul realm even exceeded combat. He has indeed always been Improving the concept of the outer body.”

"The outer body is an illusion of mysticism, but the clone is down-to-earth technology." Yani said.

The broken head showed an moved expression: "I, I understand what you mean. In fact, I have really thought about whether the soul and memory can be completely simulated with data. 'Past Master' also seriously discussed this with me. But in the end, he still felt that my way was not the way he wanted to choose. In the final analysis, he still couldn’t let go of his identity as a psyker!"

Yani smiled: "There is no way for a prosthetic person to awaken psychic powers. This is an iron rule known to the public. I am also a psychic, and I understand the mood of the old Eredar mercenary."

"Yes...it's an iron rule. They say that because the prosthetic body is a machine, the machine is manufactured, which goes against the natural way of the soul given to me by the spirit of the universe. But, madam, what is the container of the Thorn Witch? It is regarded as natural cultivation. ? Then, what is the turning around created by Wanda's improvement of the Thorn Witch's container cultivation? The 'Past Man' has gone a step further on this basis, what is the outer body created? Even if it uses some kind of 'turning body', Mysterious mystical terms like 'external body' cannot change the fact that they are clones created in a petri dish."

"Perhaps it's because your clones have a long cycle, are too expensive, and use a lot of zero-element materials and psychic arrays, so you have bypassed some rules." Yani said with a smile.

Snake Head was moved and even felt a bit excited about meeting a confidant: "I also want to research in this direction, but I need the help of psychic experts. However, the organization protected me and funded my research. More advanced robots are needed, as well as more compatible prosthetic organs and prosthetic soldiers. The client said that no one agrees with my concept..."

"Indeed, I heard the uneasy thoughts of a pure researcher." Yani played with the ring on her left hand.

Shosaku immediately understood that the princess of the Rainbow Rose family was impatient. Of course, those who can understand such micro-expressions must not be pure researchers.

He said solemnly: "Dear Madam, I just feel that if anyone in the leadership of the organization really has the spirit of self-sacrifice, it must be the 'past father-in-law' himself. However, although he is brave, he is not He has no self-destructive tendencies and is very ambitious. In a sense, his obsession with life is actually heavier than mine."

Yani said: "Now you finally told some truth that is understandable. Then, open the door. Doctor, I hope you can always remember your current mood."

At this time, Yingling Shenji let go of his hand and let "General"'s head hang on the ground. However, after the broken human head, which looked like mechanical garbage, rolled around on the ground twice, a bit of joy appeared on the face that was still half human, and he said clearly: "As you wish."

The head slowly floated up, dragging the metal spine hanging from the lower end of the broken neck.

There is only one head left, and it is actually equipped with anti-gravity components, but from the overall engineering point of view, it can be regarded as an art. Yani watched the other party's expression, and appreciation flashed in her eyes.

Then, he saw that the head had floated to the middle of the wall on one side of the passage. The electronic eye on half of the mechanical head was already broken, but it still flashed a cold light, as if the battery inside had been stepped on. The cold light slid across the wall, and clear glass suddenly appeared on the solid alloy wall, and then a large row of beating characters was reflected.

This string of characters moved very quickly, completely exceeding the limits of human dynamic vision and memory, but "General"'s head was still concentrating on recording it.

Three minutes later, when these characters disappeared, "Jiang Zuo" turned his head while floating, and said to Yani: "This is a set of dynamic passwords, which are different every time. I..."

"I see, thank you for your hard work." Princess Rainbow Rose still maintained a reserved smile.

Wouldn't she also remember it? This, this is not scientific!

However, although it is not scientific, it must be very psychic. Although "Jiang Zuo" didn't know much about mysticism, he also knew that looking at the other party's condescending smile made his heart feel cold for a moment. Although he actually has no heart now.

However, now it didn't dare to have any second thoughts anymore. It could only squeeze out a sad apology, lift up the metal hose that was still hanging under its neck, and point it at the wall. A password disk will automatically appear there.

"Jiang Zuo" quickly entered the password with a hose, and his luck was flying. With this hand speed, even if this guy really only has one head left, three or five big men still can't get close to him.

He spent three minutes silently reading the long list of dynamic passwords, and it took the same amount of time to enter them.

"Those dynamic passwords are actually 1,000 sets of recursive numbers, right? Very good, no tricks." Princess Rainbow Rose said with a half-smile.

She, did she really remember it? And it’s calculated? There is a saying that "Jiang Zuo" is still very confident in his memory and computing power (obtained through chip implantation). But now, this little sense of superiority is completely shattered in front of the eldest lady of the Bei family.

"Jiangzuo" trembled and finished entering the final password tremblingly. Of course, theoretically he has no nerves now, but at this time it is necessary to shake to show sincerity.

Soon, there was a smooth friction sound on the front wall, and a new passage opened.

"This is the terminal room of the fortress." The general said to Yani, and then he fell to the ground again. He released the anti-gravity state and rolled all the way to the feet of the heroic spirit machine, letting the other party treat him like a pig's head. Lifted up like meat.

Although this set of movements is not as smooth as a dog trained with Pavlov's reaction, at least in terms of attitude, it still has great potential for development.

"However, dear lady, this is not the only terminal room in the fortress. It is almost impossible to take over the entire fortress through here." Shosaku added.

"I understand. However, since it is a terminal room, it can always be connected to the final information database. I have some things I want to confirm." Miss Bei said.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Shosaku's face: "...But, dear madam, when my father-in-law decided to lead us to fight, he had already decided to destroy the information in the information database."

"Really?" A dangerous smile flashed across Princess Rainbow Rose's face.

"However, it is impossible to completely destroy so much information, and final physical destruction is required. We have also made backups in other places." He hurriedly said: "My research data has also been saved. The Fourteenth Work There are also information on the workshop and some of its subordinate prosthetic mercenary organizations. I am willing to dedicate all of these, just because I want to..."

He paused and quickly changed his words: "No, no, no, I am your trophy, and I am also your humble servant. These information will be sent over."

Princess Rainbow Rose finally stopped letting the Heroic Spirit Machine play with the yo-yo, and her smile finally had a touch of humanity: "Dr. Toren Jumoke, if I remember correctly, you are actually a doctorate in mechanical cybernetics from Ocean University. Right? The 747th class of the Community. Then, he worked as a researcher at the Future Laboratory for 5 years, and later accepted the invitation of the Comina people and became the director of their joint venture with the Empire, the Biomechanical Research Institute?"

"Jianzuo" didn't feel too surprised. With Rainbow Rose's ability, if she really wanted to take action, she must have found out all eight generations of his ancestors.

"...The Biomechanical Research Institute was actually arranged by the organization." Dr. Zhu Mok smiled bitterly: "However, this was more than seventy years ago. The research institute has been regarded as an illegal department that studies taboo technology. Outlawed by the Galactic Civilization Council.”

And the one responsible for taking action is the Guerrilla Association! Although you weren't born yet, don't say you didn't know. Dr. Jumoke thought.

Yani shrugged: "However, does this mean that the Kingdom of Comina has been controlled by the World Serpent? And the Galaxy Empire has actually been colluding with the World Serpent for a long time?"

Tsk, it’s really a collusion. Your alliance has always gone out of its way to deal with us before, right? Although he really wanted to say this, he analyzed it carefully and decently: "As for the empire... the cooperation is a private chamber of commerce, and the legal person is a small noble family that has died out. There is no evidence left. On the contrary, the Kingdom of Comina , Ma'am, I can't say that the organization has taken control of that country. Their prime minister is indeed the executive officer of the organization."

Miss Bei nodded happily: "The waiting here is over, you can officially return to the future laboratory. I can provide you with an undisturbed but promising research department, with excellent assistants, and smart and studious people." As for the diligent student. You will have enough research resources, but you won’t need too many worldly constraints. You only need to be responsible to me and the supervisor I sent.”

"Jiang Zuo" knew that this might be the best result, and this result was much better than he expected, and his heart was immediately filled with gratitude. Although he has no heart now.

"I, I will try my best to repay your kindness."

Princess Red Rose just waved her hand calmly: "You don't have to be so pretentious. I don't expect your loyalty, but on the contrary, you should have some expectations for your own abilities. This kind of cooperation will be more stable."

"You, you are right...but I do thank you very much. This is sincere."

When he said these words, Yingling Shenji was still holding him in his hand like a pig's head, and he suddenly seemed very sincere.

At this time, a group of people - although theoretically there were only two and a half living people - had already passed through this passage. When they came to an open cabin, the entrance to the passage was automatically closed.

In front of her, a large row of unremarkable terminal equipment had been unfolded, which looked not much different from the control room of a cargo ship.

"This is the place where the villain is responsible. It is one of the terminal control rooms with the highest authority in the fortress. There are still some assistants at ordinary times, which is equivalent to my laboratory and office." Dr. Zhu Mok said.

"Don't worry, there will be a better laboratory waiting for you." Yani glanced at the terminals and asked: "So, the senior leaders of Snake, the leader and the thirteen of you, each have a terminal room. ?”

"No, there are only three mentors like me who are responsible for technology, and then there are the spell breaker and the magician."

"I thought the Thirteen Sides were equal."

"Well, we're on the same level."

Yani smiled and was too lazy to bother with this aspect. She just waved her hand, and a robot the size of a hummingbird slid over, stretched out a probe-like part, and randomly inserted it into a hole in the terminal. middle.

"Indeed, the database is empty. At least on the surface."

The doctor smiled sarcastically, and just as he was about to say something, his remaining eye straightened.

He saw with his own eyes that windows kept popping up on the array cabinet, with dense text flashing on them, as if all the software and files in the terminal were opened at the same time.

Then, he saw the smile on Princess Rainbow Rose's face again.

"I see, this is what you call the 'Zerg Project'! So, who is it aimed at?"

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