Him and their stars

Chapter 1279 Everything has a price

Sempier is a senior guerrilla who has served in the association for more than 20 years. Although he had experienced hundreds of battles and made outstanding achievements in his youth, he had actually been transferred back to the Nephi headquarters a few years ago and was basically engaged in Management and command work. It’s been a while since I made a move in front of many people on the road.

Many people have forgotten that his nickname of "Howling Wind Fighter" does not refer to "fighter", but to "Howling Wind", which means that this guy's level of trash talk is very high, just like the biting cold wind. Rots the bones and corrodes the heart. Only by first destroying the opponent's mentality with various disguised trash talk, can there be any meaning for a "fighter" to move forward.

Now, this old guerrilla who is very good at manipulating mentality is almost certain that the other party's mentality has been completely affected, so he will naturally not let this opportunity go.

Of course, as a veteran guerrilla who has experienced hundreds of battles and a five-ring psyker, Essenpil cannot really fight by just talking trash.

The dozens of steel whip-like tentacles derived from his back look like special equipment made of very tough steel and precision machinery. But in fact, these are all spiritual weapons that he has condensed using his mental power. He can produce an effect similar to a force field jump within the range of his own mental power perception and erosion, and can always reach the enemy in unexpected directions. Attack. Once the posture is established, the offensive will continue like a storm until the enemy is completely torn into pieces.

Now, his posture has been relaxed. The moment Gongsun Qing paused for a brief moment, those steel arms and legs sank deeply into the surrounding ground, and then emerged from the void behind her. In an instant, every vital point on her side was completely shrouded in the shadow of the steel wrist.

Gongsun Qing still maintained his waist-horse bowing posture, as if he had completely given up resistance.

However, it was probably precisely because these dark shadows covered her movements that they also covered some changes on her body.

At this time, the muscles on her thighs had been completely tightened, sharp-edged lines appeared, and her calves also showed frog-shaped undulations. As a result, these pair of long, slender and graceful legs that should belong to an actress suddenly swelled with the muscle curves that soldiers have worked hard to develop, and were full of explosive power. .

In fact, as a psychic, Miss Gongsun Qing does not need to store her strength through exposed muscle groups. This is true for black owls, orange cats and white foxes. This is the case for all those female psykers who look weak and delicate but are murderous.

But similarly, when a graceful psychic appears like this, it is indeed a sign that the power in the body is about to burst out.

At the same moment, invisible light flowed out from the gaps in the clothes on her body that was covered by the loose sweatpants, turning into a spiritual flame that completely ignited her whole body.

Gongsun Qing's feet finally moved, and her body suddenly rotated obviously, almost centered on the dot on the ground. The right hand she held at her waist was thrown out like a slingshot, and the red spirit sword slashed through the void, as if it turned into a flaming whip that ignited the air.

But he didn't know whether it was his body that drove the sword dance, or whether the sword dance drove his body, but Gongsun Qing's body did bounce out in an instant, so fast that an afterimage appeared on the spot.

As a result, those steel tentacles only tore apart the air that made up this afterimage, but only tore apart a piece of loneliness.

Although she had taken a step back to attack, her sword was already much faster than Essenpil, and it had already struck the guerrilla's chest. The spiritual light of the flames burned through the power shield formed by the spiritual breath, but formed a series of crackling sounds like sonic booms.

But this time, Essenpil did not feel hurt. Instead, he shouted loudly: "I have seen this move before!"

At this time, Gongsun Qing could see that what was shattered by the flaming spiritual sword was actually Essenpil's body that had entered the "elemental cell" state. And the moment the Countess' sword swept into his body, his body quickly pushed back a step with the help of the force field's jumping and flickering.

As a result, the doll made of ice immediately replaced his body, and even formed a restraint on Zero Sword, which was why such continuous explosions occurred.

The guerrilla's body has retreated to a safe range with the help of elemental replacement.

At this time, it was Gongsun Qing himself who showed his flaws. Essenpil looked down at the countess who had grown tired of using her sword, and condensed an extremely sharp lightning blade with her hands.

"I know that you do master this kind of preemptive swordsmanship. I have seen it several times! But you don't think that the same trick will be useful to me... Wu Gu!"

Just halfway through these "heart-attacking" rubbish words, the guerrilla's body lost its balance. He just felt that the space between the trajectory of the opponent's sword and his own body seemed to form a vacuum, and all the airflow flowed violently and uncontrollably, pulling his entire body along.

Did Gongsun Qing's sword just annihilate all the air in this space?

But, even so, so what? Your sword power has been exhausted. I will definitely finish the fatal kill one step ahead of you. The guerrilla raised the thunder between his hands above his head, letting the thunder rub against each other and let out a high-pitched cry that sounded like the cries of thousands of swift birds.

However, before the cries of these thousands of birds turned into deadly lightning piercings, Gongsun Qing raised his left hand hidden behind his back at some point. Taking advantage of the high speed of the airflow rushing into the vacuum, he turned his body again with his backhand.

The cold light mist condensed into another blue spiritual sword in the female swordsman's hand. It was a tall, eight-sided sword, with the blade alone exceeding one meter. The sword energy that was automatically extended was invisible, yet extremely sharp.

The sword energy that contained the extreme chill accompanied Gongsun Qing's movement of the sword and lightly swept past Essenpil's raised wrist.

The latter just felt a coldness in his wrist, and the chirping of the thousand birds in his hand was completely silent. However, before the physical pain reached his mind, he had already felt more unimaginable trauma. He suddenly discovered that when the opponent's sword struck him, his perception, thinking, calculation, and even the protection in the spiritual field were all affected to varying degrees.

He even felt a long-lost trigeminal neuralgia.

"Did you hit my spiritual energy node?" Essenpil looked at the latter in disbelief, but at this time, Gongsun Qing had already changed his movement and placed two spiritual swords of fire and ice with different attributes. On his own neck.

Now, as long as this woman moves her elbow slightly, her head will look like a paper figure cut by scissors.

"The method of drawing a sword as a preemptive strike can be used for sneak attacks in secret rooms, competitive duels, and on the battlefield. However, who said you can only use one sword?" Gongsun Qing looked at the man who knelt down on one knee. His enemies inevitably showed a proud smile.

One thing to say is that as the eldest daughter of a noble martial arts family, she has never lacked opportunities to practice with masters before, and of course she has no shortage of successful records in leapfrog challenges.

However, even she had no idea that she could actually kill a veteran guerrilla, a five-ring master, with one move in actual combat.

Although the other party has been doing management work for too many years and has not really done it for a long time, although the other party focuses more on improving the mentality, although the other party is completely careless, he did not expect that his strength has improved qualitatively recently. But no matter what, a flash sale is a flash sale.

Gongsun Qing tried his best to hide his excitement with a straight face, and said in a solemn and even solemn tone: "You lost because I saw your weakness and cowardice. When you were in Ash Star City, you were... The citizens there regard them as guardians. But now, look at you now. Is it because the corruption of your soul has made your body dull, or is it because the indulgence of your body has caused the sea of ​​desire to rise wantonly? Hmm...this sentence Not bad, it should be used as some movie lines.

If she hadn't been holding a sword in both hands and resting it on the opponent's neck, she would have taken out her notebook and started jotting down jokes. After all, this is the basic quality of a qualified content creator.

However, Essenpil, whose neck was clamped between the two swords, spat out a heavy breath with blood foam: "Guardian? Hahahahaha, yes, I was the guardian of Ai Xing, and even the entire Ai Tuo." You joined the Guardian of the Republic. At that time, I was much more ruthless than you. Countess, what did I get in the end for protecting the people there? Two broken medals, but I was severely injured, and this is the end of my life. That's it. I entered the management of the association. But I will never get a top position on the board of directors in my life."

"What exactly do you want to say? Are you begging for mercy, or begging me to let you live? Don't you think that in this case, you should beg those behind you to give you a chance?" Gongsun Qing tilted his head and looked at it. The other person: "Also, I think what you just said is very rhythmic, and it should also be used as a line in a movie."

A clear stiffness flashed across Essenpil's face. He probably thinks that the most tragic thing in the world is for the trash talker to be trash-talked.

He finally showed a bleak and sad smile: "Countess, you are still young, and it is right to have ideals. You may never know the hardships of people like me who come from ordinary families. But when you reach my age, You will know that there are not so many black and white things in this world. Everything in this world has a price. So does ideals, so does blood, and so does justice. No... By then, you should know this better than me. Gaotai The big shots in the world can always put these things on the scale."

Gongsun Qing thoughtfully said: "You are trying to tell me that the workers' connection and organization, the strike in Binggu City, the attack on the commander-in-chief, and the subsequent series of out-of-control chaos and uprisings were all put on the scale by someone. It’s for measurement, right? From the beginning, everyone’s actions were predicted by some big shots. Is that right?”

"I didn't say that. How on earth did you spread so much content?" Essenpil couldn't help shouting, but unfortunately his voice didn't sound too confident.

"Countess, you are so good at editing, do you also want to change your career to become a director?"

Gongsun Qing just pursed his lips and smiled, nodding his head gently: "Well, why not?"


"Also, please don't call me Countess." Gongsun Qing put away his smile and kept the sword in both hands on the opponent's neck without relaxing at all.

"In other words, whoever benefits the most from this matter is most likely to be our enemy. Is that what you mean?"

"It's useless. Countess, you won't have any evidence." The old guerrilla advised seriously: "Give me a chance. You can't change anything, and I will promise you that there will be no third party." I personally know what happened here. I will write a report and say that it was struck by high-voltage electricity while checking fire equipment."

Gongsun Qing said to himself: "At the beginning, those terrorists disguised as striking workers got off the bus at the intersection of South Arsenal Road and Hantie Street. The surveillance camera had already captured them. It was 9 o'clock at that time. At 27 minutes.”

Surveillance footage... Bah, weren't all those things destroyed? Essenpil was about to curse secretly, but suddenly realized something, and his heart suddenly went cold.

Gongsun Qing seemed not to notice the change in the other party's mentality at all, and continued to talk: "But the shells they fired... No, the small assault landing module arrived at the Yarel Plateau on September 46. Our crew Above. Excluding the flight time, it means that those people must arrive at Thor's cannon casting workshop within five minutes and seize the gravity tractor. It is almost like being in no one's land. Thor is also the top company in the alliance. The military-industrial complex is a giant, and the director who manages their security department even came to the Guerrilla Association to exchange security experience a year ago. I never knew that the gun-making factory of the mighty Raytheon Company could be so empty."

As if meeting each other for the first time, Essenpil said with some surprise: "I have been your instructor, and I really didn't expect you to have such reasoning ability. You should not have been positioned as a watch girl and a swordsmanship instructor." , you can clearly become a front-line guerrilla in your own right."

Gongsun Qing tilted his head slightly embarrassed. Fortunately, the old guerrilla, who was obsessed with his own world, didn't notice any problems.

"However, it should be the billboard girl. After all, these days, there are often front-line guerrillas who can do investigations, but billboard girls are rare."

"Don't evade the important and take the easy!" Gongsun Qing shouted: "You have clearly manipulated this central tower. When the terrorists sneak in, you can directly tear off the protection of the Thor Arsenal. Is that right?"

Essenpil's expression was still sad, and his eyes were full of pleading: "Please, there is no need to pursue it, nothing happened."

"Give me the terminal you just operated." Gongsun Qing said in a deep voice.

The old guerrilla sighed: "Countess, you should think carefully about what kind of mastermind behind the scenes can let a senior guerrilla with five rings act as a glove for him. Such a big shot really won't leave any behind." ? Maybe I have been implanted with a method that prevents me from telling the truth."

Gongsun Qing showed no fear and said solemnly: "I understand. My friend told me about a similar situation. It was nothing more than losing control of his mind and suddenly turning into a virtual beast or something."

"Void, virtual beast? Fall, fall?" The other party showed a panicked look: "Is it such a terrifying way to play?"

Gongsun Qing nodded.

"But I am the fifth ring, can I also be corrupted?"

Gongsun Qing continued to nod: "The one who was transformed last time was also a five-ringed one."

The opponent's face suddenly turned pale, and he was even more panicked than when he was killed by Gongsun Qing's move just now.

So, Gongsun Qing comforted him: "It doesn't matter. I have already made a reservation. The moment you really become corrupted, I will chop off your head."

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