Him and their stars

Chapter 1280 You are quite nice

Seeing that the other party's face turned even paler. Gongsun Qing explained seriously: "After all, there is a process of degeneration, and it basically starts from the disorder of the mind. If it affects the body, it most likely starts from the brain stem. However, as long as If you cut off this process in advance, you will most likely be able to prevent the degeneration."

Essenpil twitched the corner of his mouth. He felt that the girl in front of him was much scarier when she was explaining the principles to him with a natural look on her face than when she was killing people.

"Of course, if you start from another place, I can also see it. At such a close distance, all the spiritual energy flows in your body are within the scope of my observation." Gongsun Qing moved his left hand slightly, Han The cold edge of the Soul Sword moved from his neck to his shoulder: "Don't worry, if the transformation point changes, I can break it as soon as possible."

"Then, what's the point of that?" After Essenpil's cheek twitched with difficulty, he finally couldn't help but ask.

"At least you will die as a human being." Gongsun Qing said solemnly, as if this is what humans should do and you don't need to thank me.

"Oh, it sounds like you are kind-hearted. Do you mean I should thank you?" Essenpil said angrily.

"You're welcome, this is what a successor of the Spirit Sword should do. Of course, it's also possible that you're scaring yourself." The young Miss Sword Master patiently comforted her: "Actually, the discussion we just had in another direction is also valid. For example, you can tell me everything and I will let you go, so you can pretend that nothing happened."

Essenpil fell into thinking and seemed to be really considering the feasibility.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance." Gongsun Qing added another sentence.

The old guerrilla seemed to have finally made up his mind and nodded slightly: "Can you move the sword away first?"

"Of course not. Do you think I look like an idiot?" The countess shook her head: "Besides, you are right, it does sound scary to be able to command a mastermind like you. I must be ready for you at any time. Mentally prepare yourself for the degeneration of everyone.”

Essenpil admitted that the other party had a point. He was also a bachelor, so he just blinked helplessly and said: "Where should I start? Well, actually, as you just said, who is the biggest beneficiary of this matter... "

However, at this moment, the old guerrilla suddenly stopped talking, and the countess, who was holding a sword in both hands and twisting her neck, didn't care.

They both felt a sense of crisis at the same time. This is also a quality that almost all psykers who have experienced many battles have.

"Oops, here again?" Gongsun Qing couldn't help but said loudly. She may have experienced the same type of feeling recently, so she reacted faster than the other person.

Three seconds later, a shell fired from an unknown source passed through the Ice Valley City area and concentrated on the central tower standing in the center of the factory area at an almost 70-degree angle. The explosion occurred immediately, but it was not particularly violent and did not last long. What really caused another commotion in the city was the dull roar, as if it was an earthquake.

In fact, during the riots in Ice Valley City a month ago, the local police later used concussion bombs to demolish several buildings in the city and directly killed more than 500 revolting workers who took control of the buildings and tried to resist to the end. Buried in the ruins.

At that time, this was the sound the building collapsed.

But this time, the movement was even bigger and more frightening than before.

As a result, the dead memories began to attack the citizens in the city. At this time, they also lost the courage to resist. Apart from running away like a group of frightened birds and beasts, they really had nowhere to go. It took the guerrillas a month of hard work to finally get everyone to calm down and resume daily work, but their efforts were ruined in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, although mass panic will definitely cause mass disasters, at least it has not turned into mass crossfire and street fighting. Overall, it is much better than the last "riot".

...Anyway, by the time the city restored security again, it was already the next day. Afterwards, the statistics of ordinary people who died in the stampede and the vandalism and looting by some criminals in the chaos once again reached three digits, but these are completely acceptable numbers.

As for the central tower that was shelled, it was already five minutes after the explosion when the fire brigade arrived. However, these well-trained and well-equipped professional troops could only watch as the nearly 200-meter-tall building collapsed like building blocks with its main parts removed.

Although the shelling took place at night, there were still many workers and citizens nearby. At least tens of thousands of people saw with their own eyes the moment the building was hit by the shell. Therefore, even with the league's media control, some things cannot be hidden at all.

So, on the next day, against the background of the ruins of the building, the deputy chairwoman of the Alliance's largest opposition party, the Progressive Party, Senator Emeta Parmetin, directly launched a campaign against the ruling Xinghai United Party in Congress. offensive.

"What kind of world do we live in? Is this really the capital of the Alliance? Where do the taxes of the people of the Alliance go? What kind of security do we pay attention to buying?" She asked in a questioning tone The head of the security department.

The MPs from the opposition parties applauded as if they were watching a wonderful drama.

"Mr. Ding Sanshao, who lives in the 1 Yuan convenience store next door to our house, is an immigrant from the Earth. After exhausting half his life, he finally immigrated to the Alliance with his family, just to provide a better life for future generations. However, this morning, , he asked me why the alliance is different from what I imagined. Can this Nephi really stay? Gentlemen, I am ashamed."

As a result, a cheering member of the opposition party jumped up and expressed bitterly that this was really shameful. For the glory of the alliance, he was willing to commit suicide and splash his blood on the national flag.

"Even a dog bought for 50 yuan from the market can bite a thief if given enough bones. But what about you? Trillions of dollars in national taxes are deducted every year, but you can achieve this result? Ms. Pametin then pointed at the two ministers of the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Police, and said in an almost abusive tone: "We people are worse than a 50-yuan watchdog! You need to explain! Otherwise If so, it’s better to cut the funds and save money to buy dogs for the people!”

The Minister of Police said submissively: "Well, Madam Congressman... we are not dogs."

"We are, but we are the worst kind of dogs! The people of the Alliance hired us to look after their homes and homes, but we can't even do this well!"

The congresswoman directly interrupted the defense of the two ministers in a show of dominance.

This young congressman, who is regarded as a political star by the opposition alliance, is a person with outstanding appearance, elegant manners, very nice words and very contagious actions. She has been a gold medal lawyer and university lecturer. It is said that she was once a gold medal barrister on the university debate team. Naturally, she is very good at speeches and debates.

Moreover, once this kind of elegant and intellectual beauty gets hard and goes crazy, the feeling of oppression is more than an order of magnitude higher than usual. This is probably the so-called sense of contrast.

The Minister of Security and the Minister of Police were immediately speechless and embarrassed, as if they wished they could turn themselves into furniture.

Seeing that his younger brother was retreating steadily, the deputy commander of the alliance, Marshal Iacocca, who was acting as the commander-in-chief, naturally had to come forward in person.

Of course, in front of such a well-trained professional bully, the deputy commander who was born as a soldier is also unable to resist. At least, in terms of eloquence, the two are really far apart.

So, after several rounds of verbal exchanges, Marshal Iacocca had to apologize in front of everyone. He even said that if he could not produce an investigation result that satisfies everyone, he would resign.

Of course, I don't know if the deputy commander regretted it after saying this. Anyway, his face was still very dark.

Congressman Pametin asked again: "So, when will we come up with an investigation result?" She was aggressive and didn't care at all that the marshal opposite was actually more than 30 years older than herself.

"Under investigation." Marshal Iacocca said with an attitude in his voice. It looks very impressive, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is actually a show-off.

The congresswoman did not force the other party to give a timetable. She just smiled gracefully and said: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, if we don't get the result for a long time, we will just get angry at the worst."

"Go crazy?"

"Yes, I will apply to Congress to file a complete no-confidence motion against your acting government and demand an early election." The congresswoman showed a magnanimous and bright smile.

As a result, the livid expression of Marshal Iacocca, the deputy commander, was photographed and projected on the screens of thousands of households.

Of course, the congresswoman's domineering smile as if she had won a victory also appeared in the same frame.

Well, this scene is very montage-like. I can only say that the reporter of Nephi Star Network is still very good at playing.

Yu Lian pointed to the big head of Congresswoman Pametin on the screen and said to Feifei: "I have seen this lady before."

The two of them had just finished a hearty game of mahjong and were watching TV wrapped in a particularly warm quilt. It is said that during the Sage's Time, using political and financial news is helpful for reading the Sage's Time. Yu Lian has always wanted to try it.

Of course, it is said that only the top carnivores can perform this operation. Similarly, people will be more excited after talking about work in bed.

However, this is not the point.

"The last dinner at the Convention and Exhibition Building? Ms. Pametin was indeed present. I even chatted with her for a few words. The congressman said she liked "Cold Hill" very much." Feifei nodded.

What Yu Lian actually wanted to say was that he had met Ms. Pametin, who became the leader of the alliance. As a female politician born into a well-known family, she has been holding high the banner of the left-wing civil rights faction since entering politics and directly joined the Progressive Party.

In another timeline, this congressman sister who looks dignified and elegant, but can also put down her face and curse, led the opposition alliance, broke the Xinghai United Party's monopoly on the alliance politics for more than half a century, and successfully moved into the blue palace.

Based on this alone, he is definitely an amazing person.

...Of course, Ms. Pametin's political performance as the commander-in-chief is another topic entirely. As for her own results, it cannot be said in too much detail.

As Yu Lian was thinking, the scene on the screen had switched back to the studio, and the host and guests began to interpret it in a similar manner.

"This is not the way to go. I agree to pass the emergency bill." A guest said.

"Oh, do you support putting two tanks and a dozen Scorpion robots on the intersection of your neighborhood?" another guest retorted.

"The Scorpion robot is from the Punisher series! It is used on the battlefield. The mainstream security robot is the Security Sentinel series, which all look like ostriches."

"What difference does that make?"

"She looks cute!"

"...Anyway, we can't continue like this. Nephi's public security has indeed declined in the past two years!"

"No decline! No decline! It has been steadily improving! I have the data here."

"Ice Valley City has been excluded, right?"

"Why can't it be ruled out? This kind of terrorist attack is a small probability event, but it just happened to happen in Ice Valley City!"

"Terrorism is on the rise again. Isn't it time to restore the state of emergency? You are an insect that cares about human life!"

"To restore the state of emergency is to stop the general election, and it is to destroy citizens' right to vote and be elected, you are a national coward who is tarnishing the Constitution!"

They argued really fiercely and even started to do it despite the host's dissuasion. However, I don’t know if it was an illusion. Even if the guests smashed each other’s heads, they seemed to have ignored Congressman Pametin’s suggestion of an early election.

One thing to say is that the Free Galaxy Alliance always claims to be a model of freedom and democracy in the universe and a beacon of civilization and hope. It is quite like a beacon in doing some things.

For example, scenes of debates (si) (bi) in parliament are always recorded and edited for news, and occasionally they are even broadcast live. After the live broadcast, it will be analyzed by various media people who are good at interpretation.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, these high-ranking politicians have a lot more humanity.

...Of course, most people have no idea what these congressmen are arguing about, and they often become even more confused after listening to the analysis of the host and guests. However, it is enough that the common people can at least listen to the excitement.

However, everything that happened in the parliament, especially Ms. Parmetin’s last words, in the eyes of discerning people, is actually a sign that the political situation of the alliance is slightly unstable. At least, while Commander Tatos can still perform his duties, the opposition alliance will not be so active.

"As a result, even the Lords of Earth can start laughing at the Alliance." Yu Liandao said, with a look of hatred on his face.

"Yes, President Nikita is very satisfied with his multi-party coalition government. In the recent parliamentary meetings photographed by GNN, everyone is very elegant and speaks nicely. At first glance, they are humble and polite, and full of a sense of responsibility. And a gentleman of noble moral character." Feifei giggled.

"Yes, although that scene cannot be called a happy one, it can certainly be regarded as a positive one."

Of course, the state of the Gongun princes at the cabinet meeting is of course not the point. The common people don't care anyway.

At this time, Feifei stretched out her finger to draw a circle on Yu Lian's chest, and said in a voice full of resentment: "I just received news from the National Defense Commission, saying that "Skull Squadron" still needs to be completed, no It can’t be completed.”

Yu Lian didn't feel too surprised.

"Indeed, after all, it is the co-production with the largest investment in the history of the two countries. It is on the list of 50 key cultural exchange projects next year. If it cannot be completed, this is not a kick for Feifei, but a slap for the masters of the two countries. His face...cough cough cough!"

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