Him and their stars

Chapter 1299 Destroyed

A few seconds later, countless light spots flashed through the left side window of the bridge. The four County-class heavy cruisers and six Starlight-class light cruisers responsible for escorting the fleet were also using their small-caliber kinetic main guns to spit out shells at the Imperial warships.

...Well, that's the good thing about railguns. Theoretically, the range is unlimited, and even small ships can show their teeth at battleships. Even if it is not very powerful, even if it can only have the effect of standing on the street in friendship, it is still better than nothing.

Yu Lian visually observed that the cannonballs were like dense raindrops hitting the imperial warship over there. Until this time, these fleets still maintained their formation and were still trying to complete fleet movements. But for some reason, Yu Lian could feel that the current performance of the imperial fleet was not that they were calm and composed, but a subconscious reaction in panic.

This may be because his spiritual sense has grasped the panic.

By this time, Yu Lian no longer wanted to pay attention to the reaction of these imperial troops. The imperial fleet covered by the firepower of our own fleet only had two Flame Dragons. So, where are the other four Flame Dragons and the four Phoenixes now?

"Where's the Sky Surveying Eye?" Yu Lian asked.

"The search range is being expanded... The call is connected. At nine o'clock, Yanlong 4, Phoenix 4, distance 0.3, are the imperial fleet. They want to outflank us." Luo Zeshi quickly conveyed the message from the Sky Survey Eye. Latest search results.

Of course, as the adjutant reported the results, this was actually for a sense of ceremony. In fact, before he could answer, Yu Lian had already spotted the signal source popping up on a certain window with the corner of his eye.

Immediately afterwards, the active gravity source radar also gave the same feedback.

"After we formed a barrier with strong photon interference bombs, the imperial fleet immediately began to divide its forces. They wanted to use two Yanlong-class ships to penetrate us, disrupt our formation and fleet operations, and then use the main force to outflank us." The chief of staff analyzed: "They never expected to use artillery battles to keep us, and they still made preparations to jump into gangs."

Luo Zeshi also said: "Yes, the superior force is lurking here to attack us. Even if we are sunk, we will not be able to win. At least two or three Lord Gods must be captured to be considered a full success."

Yu Lian agreed, but then mused: "Maybe there are other reasons. Until now, we still don't know how the imperial fleet arrived in the high seas area. But I still think that all cruises that go beyond common sense are There will be a price to pay.”

The staff team fell into deep thought. Luo Zeshi seemed to have thought of something and motioned to the sergeant next to him to unfold the star map.

"It's not from the Grand Sea Star Region. I said it's from the entire Milky Way." He said loudly.

At this time, Captain Tovey's powerful roar sounded again: "Second salvo of rail gun! Fire!"

Nearly two minutes had passed since the Fuxi's first ripple salvo. The Lord God-class battleship once again fired its second salvo. In fact, given the performance of the Fuxi, the main gun's rate of fire can be much faster. However, the distance between the warships on both sides was not at the optimal shooting range, so there was no need to start saturation shooting in advance.

Anyway, up to this time, the two Yanlongs within the range had not yet adjusted their bodies, and could only use their side missiles and secondary guns to counterattack. They also tried to make counterclockwise movements to complete the tactical actions of the ship's bow against the enemy, but it always seemed a bit messy and slow, more like they were coyly avoiding artillery fire.

After another full half minute, Yu Lian saw the lights flashing on the bows of the two giant imperial ships.

Their main guns finally fired, but the timing was awkward. It's not so much a counterattack, but a symbolic fist pump to make myself look less ugly.

But in fact, the experienced non-commissioned officers on the earth's side calculated the ballistics before the shells came.

"No need to evade!" a sergeant shouted.

The Earth battleship does not need to evade, but the Imperial battleship over there has been forced to the point where it has almost lost all room for dodge.

As soon as the sergeant finished speaking, a series of energy ripples suddenly burst out around the Anguo General. However, before the waves formed by those ripples dissipated, the bows of the giant ship immediately erupted into huge flames.

Cheers suddenly sounded on the bridge of the Fuxi.

"The enemy ship's shields are disabled!"

"Hit the first round! Hit two!"

"Hit the front main gun turret and the broadside armor belt!"

All kinds of good news were circulating on the bridge, boosting everyone's morale.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of main gun shells also overwhelmingly hit the front of the Yanlong-class battleship. The results of this battle even exceeded those before. Two of the shells caused huge scratches and a series of explosions on the armored belt, but another shell entered the belly of the battleship, creating an even more violent explosion than before. of explosion.

At this moment, even Yu Lian couldn't help but get excited.

"Well done! The gunners are all qualified to receive sweet potatoes." Yu Lian smiled and said: "Also, Chief of Staff, don't you think the shields and armor of the imperial warship today are too fragile?"

Brigadier General Mkawa mused. As calm as he was, a hint of excitement inevitably flashed in his eyes.

A minute later, before the electromagnetic energy on the orbital main guns of the four God-class dreadnoughts had time to calm down, the giant ships that had been moving in arcs spit out huge tongues of fire again.

This time, they activated the commander's favorite light spear main cannon. In Yu Lian's view, light spear weapons may not be the most powerful energy weapons, nor may they have the highest hit rate or the longest range, and certainly not the most effective. However, this kind of divine sword that points to the sky and cuts through the sky must be the most beautiful one.

Of course, the main guns of the four God-class ships fired in unison at this time, naturally not to respect Yu Lian's aesthetics. In fact, another advanced design of the God-class dreadnought is the use of separate conduction and capacitance systems between main guns of different properties. This may lead to redundant design of the main gun system, increase a lot of unnecessary ship mass, and increase the difficulty of supply and maintenance. However, the alliance has indeed made a lot of progress in energy control and materials recently, which led to this design attempt.

Facts have proved that this new design is not the product of whims. At least, during artillery battles, separate main gun fire can indeed produce faster, denser, and more rhythmic barrage strikes.

Yu Lian glanced at Brigadier General Mkawa, the chief of staff. Brigadier General Mkawa also stayed on the Fuxi for less than half a year. He had fully studied the performance of the ship, so he formulated such an intensive bombardment plan.

The rigid and prudent Chief of Staff Mkawa is not a quick-witted or decisive person, but he is a diligent, dedicated and meticulous type. Even if such a person cannot become the top military officer, as long as he has a reliable commander, he will definitely become the best chief of staff.

Of course, this reliable commander can only be a mere subordinate. Yu Lian held his head high and decided to play for a minute or two.

Then, countless light arrows were illuminated on the explosion zone of the General Anguo. In the violent explosion, the bow of this giant ship was ignited by countless fierce fires, and the ship's speed quickly increased.

"We maintain speed and continue standard fleet maneuvers!"

"Adjust the ballistics!" Yu Lian quickly ordered: "Concentrate the attack on the second Titanium City!"

At this time, the sailors on the ship could even see with the naked eye that the Anguo General, as the main ship, was like a scarred beast, and its physical strength was leaving the body along with bleeding. The giant beast was still majestic and terrifying in size, but it slowly lost the ability to move forward, looking staggering and miserable.

Immediately afterwards, another violent explosion occurred on the Anguo General, and the entire ship was completely surrounded by fire.

However, the amazing thing is that she is still alive and well.

"The warships built by the empire are really tough." Luo Zeshi said.

"As long as it is a dreadnought, it is so tough." Yu Lian sighed: "But it doesn't matter, they no longer pose a threat, and they can't escape for a while."

As he spoke, the Community fleet also readjusted the shooting elements during the fleet movement. At this time, the Empire's Titanium City dreadnought had passed over the injured friendly ships and was roaring like a crazy lion. The performance of the entire ship had reached an explosive stage.

Following closely beside her were the loyal and fearless Holy Shields and Apocalypse Eagles.

She finally made an effective counterattack, and the bow main gun finally fired a salvo within an effective range.

"The Nuwa was hit once. It did not break through the fluid armor belt."

"Nuwa's report has no impact!"

As a result, although the atmosphere on the bridge was tense, the high morale was still not affected at all.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth round of volleys from the main god level began. They were now closer to the lonely and brave Imperial Dreadnought, and the shells fired were of course easier to hit the target.

"Three hits!" "Long live!" There was another burst of cheers from the bridge.

"Enemy missiles are approaching!"

"Activate the close defense system! All crew members are prepared for impact!"

In the tenth minute of the battle, the Earth battleship finally began to perform standard evasive actions. The bright particle light emitted from the tail of the ship pulled out twisted light trails in the dark space of the galaxy, and then completely dissipated in the air after a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the imperial fleet of hundreds of missiles loaded with various warheads finally entered the sight range of the close-in defense guns, densely packed like a swarm of crazy wasps.

The imperial warship may have blasted out all the missiles on its side. When the fighting situation was completely unfavorable, this was the only effective counterattack they could make.

The escort warships responsible for the outer protection weaved a dense network of fire in the starry sky, sweeping through the starry sky like a long whip made of flames, completely destroying the roaring missiles one after another.

Occasionally, fish that slipped through the net passed through the protective net, but they were still shattered into pieces on the force field barrier formed by the active deflection shield.

After this round of attack and cracking, less than one percent of the five hundred missiles actually caused effective damage. Among them, the Zeus received two rounds, causing a secondary battery on the side to be destroyed and two gunners killed.

This is also the total casualties suffered by the Earth side so far.

As for Yu Lian's flagship Fuxi, it was also hit by one shot, but it was only deflected by the fluid armor belt on the hull.

But in the process, our own warship, which had an absolute advantage, continued to pour out cannonballs, until the poor Titanium City seemed to have an entire row of bows cut off by the fire.

Then, the bow of this majestic giant ship suddenly exploded, and the tapered bow suddenly opened like a blooming flower, forming a suddenly bright but shocking black hole.

Obviously, it was some energy cluster under the main turret on the bow of the ship that was detonated.

This majestic giant ship turned an awkward corner. Not only did its speed begin to drop sharply, the hull also obviously lost control.

Immediately afterwards, the destroyer Xizhao No. 6 at the forefront of the fleet advanced a certain distance without sacrificing martial ethics, and fired four proton torpedoes towards the large hole that suddenly opened up.

Under normal circumstances, such a powerful weapon whose attack trajectory is easily predictable would not be able to cause fatal damage to an imperial warship.

But now, one of the torpedoes actually penetrated the Titanium City's hole very accurately. Immediately afterwards, an even more violent shock wave, accompanied by blazing flames, rose from the black hole.

Yu Lian's eyelids jumped as he watched, always feeling that this scene had a sense of déjà vu.

Luo Zeshi said: "We just captured the signal from the Titanium Dragon. Their bridge was destroyed by the proton torpedo."

Yu Lian was immediately amazed. If we look solely at the damage done to high-ranking imperial officers, this proton torpedo is probably more powerful than all the previous ones.

"Who is the captain of Xizhao 6?"

"You also want to give them sweet potato fever?" Rozez smiled, and then answered directly without looking at the terminal: "It's Captain Luke Urswalk."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief: "This is worth a ton of medals!"

In short, this flame dragon, which was riddled with holes and lost its command, stood in front of the community's artillery fire like a salted fish on the beach.

"Tsk tsk! What a good target! If it were in the past, we probably should have invited the rookies to come over and test the cannon." Yu Liandao: "Such a big ship is enough to feed the rookies into qualified gunners."

"Unfortunately, there are no rookies on our ship." Luo Zeshi gritted his teeth and said: "Besides, again, the empire's warships are really strong!"

Yes, the current Anguo General has lost more than half of its power and firepower, and even the bridge and half of the ship's capital have been knocked off. But even in such a state of missing arms and legs, these two dreadnoughts are still alive.

Moreover, even after losing the main ship, the Holy Shield and Apocalypse Eagle fearlessly launched a charge towards their own side, obviously hoping to close the distance for a lightning strike.

Of course, such behavior is destined to be heroic but meaningless.

"Persistent noble nobles of the empire. Brave noble nobles of the empire. Being brave makes you brave, but unfortunately, you are not very smart. I hope we will face this kind of noble nobles every time." Yu Lian looked at it without sadness or joy. Watching the other party's actions, there is no wave in his heart.

Subsequently, two Aegis and an Apocalypse Eagle were ignited by the interception fire of the secondary battery. The remaining boats seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and turned back to rescue the still burning battleship.

"The two Flame Dragons have lost their combat effectiveness. However, to completely destroy them, it may take several rounds of bombardment. Or people may land and blast them."

"Then let's wait until the battle is completely finished and then brew slowly. Now, the entire fleet is full of left rudders, and another group of guys is here!"

Yu Lian looked at the situation map fed back by the gravity source radar. The other four Flame Dragons and four Phoenixes were outflanking their side at the fastest speed.

Based on the speed they showed, if they were three to five minutes faster, they might be able to bring the community's warships within the effective range.

In fact, they had already started firing volleys. The firepower was as fierce as a star exploding.

However, Yu Lian felt that if it was used as a firework, it would be perfect.

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